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Glastonbury 2011

Yer first WEATHER post!!! :p

Good luck tonight Octagon, and other ticket seekers :)

Stuart Rampling, an expert w**th*r forecaster with a near spot on record from his winter and spring forecasts just gone, has just today issued his Summer Forecast 2011 on Netweather

Stuart Rampling said:
Overall our forecast for summer 2011 (June, July and August) calls for much above average temperatures with sustained periods of dry or hot, warm and settled weather, particularly during June and July which would contrast markedly with the summers over the last three years which have been characterised by long unbroken periods of cool and unsettled weather.


Well he might get it wrong, devil's all in the detail and so on, but he is good (saddoes like me know this :oops: ) so let's get cautiously optimistic folks! :D

Never mind the technicalities, feel the sun ....... or near offer .....
my ticket was delivered at 8.15 this morning. so thats ticket, tent, coach all sorted with over a month to go. i havent been this well prepared since i was in the cubs
i'm still waiting on a working place. i'm on the back-up list apparently, so can only keep my fingers crossed.
my ticket was delivered at 8.15 this morning. so thats ticket, tent, coach all sorted with over a month to go. i havent been this well prepared since i was in the cubs

Me too, except mine was delivered at 12.50pm. I booked my transport in October and my digs for my overnight stop in Brizzle back in February. The final piece of the puzzle is sorted. :)
Course xx

The others aren't doing disabled camping, and after last year in Cockmills & paulo's feedback regarding Wickets it looks like we're all heading for Wickets this year - LMHF & her crew, me & the terrorist (he's not that bad really ;)) and the couple from Newcastle with their two kids. So we'll see you there :) :) maybe we'll be neighbours if you're really unlucky.. :D ;) X
Yep, midday! I would say 'midday sharp', but, well, we're broadcasting from a field in the middle of somerset innit...
I've put a new version of the GlastoEarth map up.

Main changes:
- Unfairgound layout (includes some attractions that haven't previously been announced, including Crusty Towers and The Crack Heads Sideshow :D )
- The Common layout
- Late area access route and where the control point will be (thanks to some urb / festy pals. Cheers!)

Will likely be at least one or two more versions before I head to Pilton.
We get tickets without photos for a DJ slot - it'll have a sticker with our name and venue on is all. I've walked in the pedestrian gate with that before. I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that most stewards have the same - considering how many people work on the festival in some capacity they aren't that rare

Ours were the same when we were working on the Leftfield. Small proportion but they're legit nonetheless. Also means you can get in on Monday or Tuesday usually :cool:
The Guardian have been heavily advertising that they'll have forty pairs of Glastonbury tickets to hand out in this coming Saturday's edition -- May 28th.

Can't yet find details of these on the Graun website, not sure whether it'll be a competition or just a prize draw....

Odds for any one or two people will be individually pretty poor, but you never know.
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

I'm not referring to acts as such but side adventures.
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

I'm not referring to acts as such but side adventures.

Walk to the top of "Flagtopia" but don't turn around until you get all the way to the top! :D
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

I'm not referring to acts as such but side adventures.

At least one night, skip the headliners and go to the Late Area before the masses arrive.

Arcadia show, usually around midnight, is immense. And there's shedloads of other insanity down that way.
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

Both of what Paolo & Tort Said. Especially give up a headliner and do Arcadia - or see if you can blag a ride with Paolo in the cherry picker and watch the show from above [/JEALOUS] :D
Spend time at the Tiny Tea tent watching the world go by. Camera Obscura in green kids field. Stone circle at night watching the lanterns launch
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

I'm not referring to acts as such but side adventures.

Dont waste your time watching any of the headliners.
So Glasto pros are there any experiences that you consider should be on a Glasto virgin's to do list?

I'm not referring to acts as such but side adventures.

Cider bus, Thursday afternoon, around 3/4ish. :D
Don't go chasing balloons. If you're having a good time where you are, stay there. If not, move on. If you chase your tail all week because you're 'supposed to be *there*' you'll miss the entire festival.
Havnt gotten anything since the order confirmation...

I've had endless emails, telling me its due to be sent, been sent, unable to be delivered... etc etc
I read somewhere (Emily Eavis on Twitter maybe?) everyone should have their ticket by 11 June, so mild concern might be OK but maybe not outright panic, not just yet.
can you call See and ask them? They probably won't say anything helpful but at least you'll feel like you're doing something.
I've had endless emails, telling me its due to be sent, been sent, unable to be delivered... etc etc
I read somewhere (Emily Eavis on Twitter maybe?) everyone should have their ticket by 11 June, so mild concern might be OK but maybe not outright panic, not just yet.
can you call See and ask them? They probably won't say anything helpful but at least you'll feel like you're doing something.

Thanks for that, the 11 June date has calmed me :)

I'll give it til the end of the week and then give them a shout.

Edit to add: I ended up having to buy a coach ticket, the actual festival ticket is handed out on the coach :rolleyes:
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