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Feminism and a world designed for men

Following on from JudithB 's thread again. Thanks to Poot for bringing up the subject of how the world is designed for men and and Winot for linking to this book Invisible Women Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez – Invisible Women

Females are 51% of the population but the world its systems, technology, medicine and so much more are not designed with us in mind. Why?

This issue makes me livid.
Female & male are a representation of the same thing, which is a unity of spirit that will channel the ever flowing energy of the cosmos 💖
i hope you didn't read what i said that way, that wasn't my intention at all
Think about it. Quietly to yourself please.

Please dont bother to post here off topic. This isn't k&s. This isn't chitter chat.
Female & male are a representation of the same thing, which is a unity of spirit that will channel the ever flowing energy of the cosmos 💖
Unity of spirit won't stop women being 47% more seriously injured in a car accident, because car safety isn't tested with female bodies in mind.
If you want to chat about cosmic energy start your own thread and fuck off this one
Inappropriate Content
Think about it. Quietly to yourself please.

Please dont bother to post here off topic. This isn't k&s. This isn't chitter chat.

Unity of spirit won't stop women being 47% more seriously injured in a car accident, because car safety isn't tested with female bodies in mind.
If you want to chat about cosmic energy start your own thread and fuck off this one
I am mostly talking about spiritual energy, but I'll entertain your physical needs if must be ...
Inappropriate Content
Have a word with yourself.
And maybe go and lie down under an oak tree and vow never to post such misogynistic tripe ever again.
Don't blame me for the tone of my reply when I have imbeciles asking me questions
In one of my day jobs I just found an article suggesting one (of many) reasons why women entrepreneurs are less successful than 'entrepreneurs' in general (i.e. men). It's called We Ask Men to Win and Women Not to Lose: Closing the Gender Gap in Startup Funding. You may not have full access but I'm putting it here because the title alone made me cross, let alone the details.
I recall hearing some time ago about women being less likely to get funding or backing from vc. I wonder if that's true of financial support in general? I wonder if banks collect gendered data? When you are dealing with a bank it's hard to know is it just you they reject.
So much business language is used in a positive way for a man and negative way about a woman.

Oh cripes another rabbit hole. You watch Prof Pragya Agarwal talk about her forthcoming book Hysterical: Exploding the Myth of Gendered Emotions livestreamed on Youtube at lunchtime on 15th September via this site.
Really want to read that book. Thanks
I've been speaking to Christine, who was involved with publishing Hackney Women's Paper in 1972.

The interview is up here and includes a link to a scan of the paper itself:

There's a lot of content in there about how hospitals were geared up for the needs of male Doctors rather than patients.

But also some really interesting insights into daily life for women at that time:


I don't generally post on these threads, but thought that might be of interest...
I recall hearing some time ago about women being less likely to get funding or backing from vc. I wonder if that's true of financial support in general? I wonder if banks collect gendered data? When you are dealing with a bank it's hard to know is it just you they reject.
So much business language is used in a positive way for a man and negative way about a woman.
"Bossy" (female) v "like a boss" (male).
interesting article here. When the doctor doesn’t listen
Medicine has a long and sorry history of bias and discrimination on the basis of sex. Given that ME and other functional and medically unexplained disorders are known to be much more prevalent among women, it is not surprising that patients with these conditions routinely report receiving poor treatment and even abuse at the hands of the healthcare system. Physicians frequently prescribe psychotherapy and exercise programs based on their presumption that emotional or mental distress, negative or unhelpful thoughts and/or unhealthy behavior patterns are causing the persistent problems.

I think stats support that when a woman says she is in pain or feels unwell - its much more likely to be attributed to a psychological reason than a man presenting with similar symptons. What was the stat about women with endrometriosis being typically undiagnosed for over a decade

I have personally seen doctors say 'we dont know whats wrong with you so you can go home' to a dangerously ill woman in hospital, approx 6 hours before doing an emergency life saving operation.

I'd be interested to see the research on long covid.
interesting article here. When the doctor doesn’t listen

I think stats support that when a woman says she is in pain or feels unwell - its much more likely to be attributed to a psychological reason than a man presenting with similar symptons. What was the stat about women with endrometriosis being typically undiagnosed for over a decade

I have personally seen doctors say 'we dont know whats wrong with you so you can go home' to a dangerously ill woman in hospital, approx 6 hours before doing an emergency life saving operation.

I'd be interested to see the research on long covid.
There was a good Welsh Parliament debate last year covering a lot of the issues you've mentioned. They also made the point about Erectile Dysfunction recieving huge amounts of research funding compared to women health issues even though it affects a much smaller amount of people.

Most services both physical and mental health services still know very little about these conditions. My partner has ME and so many people in Mental Health that I've known still don't understand it thinking it is to do with motivation.
interesting article here. When the doctor doesn’t listen

I think stats support that when a woman says she is in pain or feels unwell - its much more likely to be attributed to a psychological reason than a man presenting with similar symptons. What was the stat about women with endrometriosis being typically undiagnosed for over a decade

I have personally seen doctors say 'we dont know whats wrong with you so you can go home' to a dangerously ill woman in hospital, approx 6 hours before doing an emergency life saving operation.

I'd be interested to see the research on long covid.
My work colleague was blatantly told "It's in your imagination" when her kidneys were hurting her so bad she couldn't stand up. She'd collapsed at the A&E entrance and was luckily caught by a security guard, but that doctor really needs to fuck off back to Victorian times with his patronising "hysterical wimminz" attitude. :mad:
My work colleague was blatantly told "It's in your imagination" when her kidneys were hurting her so bad she couldn't stand up. She'd collapsed at the A&E entrance and was luckily caught by a security guard, but that doctor really needs to fuck off back to Victorian times with his patronising "hysterical wimminz" attitude. :mad:
isn't it odd that when I doesn't know what the matter is , they think women are making it up :snarl:
The backdrop is that there are longstanding, broad and systemic problems with the medical system, the limitations of medical knowledge, the training of people who will work in the profession, priorities and the allocation of resources, etc. And in this country the favouring of the 'guesswork, pick the most likely and convenient explanation first then only reconsider if the situation is not resolved, moving on to the next most likely diagnosis and repeat this cycle until you finally get to the bottom of it or the patient goes away' approach, instead of favouring proper diagnostics testing at all times. The first months of the pandemic showed up very sharply the shit attitudes towards formal diagnostics testing and actually bothering to properly resource that part of the system, but this was just a dramatic example of a much wider phenomenon.

And of course the grotesque failures of this sort of approach then get combined with all the ways that our society and its systems treat women, brush aside their concerns etc, etc. We have at least reached a point where people are not willing to put up with this in silence any more, where individual/per institution examples of failure will be highlighted and deemed unacceptable on a fairly regular basis. We might hope that the current awareness and unrest about these things may force great change upon the system and attitudes, but its sadly far from clear how much lasting success there will be on this front, whether things can be brought to a head, how to take this struggle to the next level. Various specific medical scandals and then the pandemic brought some stuff into sharp focus for a time, but the 'return to normality' pandemic agenda has since been used as a suppressive force, a chance to look away from issues that require much effort to solve. A chance to return to the old 'comfort zone' that was actually anything but comfortable for all the people who have been ignored, dismissed and marginalised, and invited to believe that it has always been that way, will always be that way, and that its their problem and not the manifestation of crap systems, attitudes and priorities.

There are plenty of examples of the disproportionate burden women have been forced to deal with in the pandemic, and the absolutely pathetic approach to proper diagnostics in regards long Covid looks like it will be a vivid and long lasting example of this in this country. One that our media is generally disinterested in shouting about as a top priority.
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There are plenty of examples of the disproportionate burden women have been forced to deal with in the pandemic, and the absolutely pathetic approach to proper diagnostics in regards long Covid looks like it will be a vivid and long lasting example of this in this country. One that our media is generally disinterested in shouting about as a top priority.
Men have been dying from covid at twice the rate of women. It’s disproportionate alright.
Men have been dying from covid at twice the rate of women. It’s disproportionate alright.
what's your source? a quick google brought up this 2020 article which says that of the covid deaths between march and may that year 57% were men and 43% were women. obviously that's a long time ago and there've been many bodies under the bridge since then but i would be astonished if two thirds of deaths were men and only a third women.

in addition, there's much more to the disproportionate effects of covid on women eg caring for people suffering from it, long covid, being in jobs where you're exposed to it and so on. i don't think that reducing this to men are much more likely to die from covid than women really works.
in addition, there's much more to the disproportionate effects of covid on women eg caring for people suffering from it, long covid, being in jobs where you're exposed to it and so on. i don't think that reducing this to men are much more likely to die from covid than women really works.

Yes, thats the sort of thing I was referring to, along with often being expected to handle childcare during the lockdowns where the schools were shut. They were also more likely to be furloughed rather than work from home, although obviously plenty were expected to juggle both work and childcare duties. And the long covid stuff especially, given that so far some of the data about that seems to mirror other fatigue-related conditions where women have long been considered to be disproportionately affected. I believe there were also some articles ages ago about the mental health impacts that the lockdowns had on school children in certain age groups, and there were lots of girls who had been left suffering in specific ways.

In terms of the risk of severe illness and death from covid, it is true that various numbers show greater risk and greater number of deaths for men. Men have not been dying at twice the rate of women, and here for example are number of deaths that the ONS came up with for the first few waves. Also the proportions did not remain the same for the second wave compared to the first. Although it has to be said that there would have been more undercounting of covid deaths in the first wave compared to the second due to a lack of testing, and so to do the subject full justice I'd need to study figures for deaths from all causes over these periods too.

Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 16.07.23.png

(from Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the different effects on men and women in the UK, March 2020 to February 2021 - Office for National Statistics )

There are other sorts of numbers that can be come up with when estimating risk, so perhaps TopCat was thinking of one of those. And the numbers you end up with depends if you adjust for other risk factors, eg men are more likely to suffer from the health conditions that confer additional risk, although of course there are a lot more women in the very oldest age groups and there remains a very strong correlation between age and risk of death from Covid.
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