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Fate of EU citizens in the UK post Brexit

My partner is Spanish.

I am British. I don't earn a lot of money.

My partner came here pre Brexit vote.

I don't earn enough to justify her status here.

You don’t have to justify her status! She has rights!!

She needs to register and she will get something equivalent to ILR. I’m sure she will be fine. If you’re lucky she might take you to Spain when the UK becomes unbearable
What is about to happen to the 3.5 million EU citizens living in the UK? For a start everyone needs to 'register' on this government app thing.

This article looks at people experiencing signing up
Britain’s E.U. Exit App Is About to Downgrade the Lives of 3.7 Million People
The key thing is how many people wont sign up, due to a range of barriers

This looks at who are most vulnerable and what the barriers are

This is an unprecedented attempt to sign up 'undocumented' poeple.
Simliar US schemes resulted in an average 60% sign up rate. UK government expect 100%.
Those who do not sign up will become illegal and ready for hostile environment deportation

Said better here

This is the key line:
EVEN If ninety per cent of Britain’s E.U. nationals register before June 30, 2021, when the program ends, more than three hundred and fifty thousand people will still be undocumented, at the mercy of the U.K.’s so-called “hostile environment” toward irregular migrants. “They are going to be illegal on the day after the deadline,”

Fuck That.

Bear in mind people without British ciitzenship are already being denied housing and jobs at this time by employers and landlords.
UK landlords are turning away EU citizens
Europeans need not apply: evidence mounts of discrimination in UK
This is a crisis waiting to happen - and for some already happening

This may be a bit of a slow burning thread as the process will be drawn out - I think registartion officially kicks in in March.

Do we have any UK resident EU citiznes who post on the boards? Or friends and partners? Those closest to me have already left.

Yes friends and partner.

Its shit.

As hundred percent Brit I feel ashamed of this country.

Brexit has been insult to my friends ( and partner) who came here to work. These immigrant from other EU countries are my friends.
You don’t have to justify her status! She has rights!!

She needs to register and she will get something equivalent to ILR. I’m sure she will be fine. If you’re lucky she might take you to Spain when the UK becomes unbearable

Perhaps she is quite happy here. In job where she has prospects and further training.

Now with Brexit half the fucking country don't want here her here. Which is how she shes it. Along with my Polish friends .

As 100 % British I'm livid. Half the people I know are immigrants.
And will the reverse process happen to UK citizens over the ditch, somewhere in Europe ?

I as listening to radio. Legal firm were saying that other EU countries had not been clear on British people in their countries.

Makes sense to me. If I was Spanish government I would wait to see how my nationals were treated in UK post Brexit before making any guarantee on British nationals in Spain.
You don’t have to justify her status! She has rights!!

She needs to register and she will get something equivalent to ILR. I’m sure she will be fine. If you’re lucky she might take you to Spain when the UK becomes unbearable
You're telling someone they can always fuck off elsewhere? Really. Why try to justify this shite, or try to minimise it as you have done here? Just call it out for what it is. It is the single most disgusting thing about brexit. And we all knew this was going to happen, or something similar. This is what a tory brexit has always meant. It's not wisdom after the event. Anyone who supports this, or even just tries to excuse or downplay it, is no political friend of mine. You place yourself on the other side from me if you support this fucking shit.
You're telling someone they can always fuck off elsewhere?
Really. Why try to justify this shite, or try to minimise it as you have done here? Just call it out for what it is. It is the single most disgusting thing about brexit. And we all knew this was going to happen, or something similar. This is what a tory brexit has always meant. It's not wisdom after the event. Anyone who supports this, or even just tries to excuse or downplay it, is no political friend of mine. You place yourself on the other side from me if you support this fucking shit.
Luckily most europeans are fully aquainted with residence registation processes, seeing as most of them are legally requiired to do it in their home countries.
Luckily most europeans are fully aquainted with residence registation processes, seeing as most of them are legally requiired to do it in their home countries.

yes but those are long established and simple routines like an ID card you go to the town hall give them a photo they give you an ID Card.
rather than the "innovative" and economical capita "improved" system UK will impose that will make Khaka weep tears of Joy and Look to Orwell considering a turbo for his grave:eek:
You're telling someone they can always fuck off elsewhere? Really. Why try to justify this shite, or try to minimise it as you have done here? Just call it out for what it is. It is the single most disgusting thing about brexit. And we all knew this was going to happen, or something similar. This is what a tory brexit has always meant. It's not wisdom after the event. Anyone who supports this, or even just tries to excuse or downplay it, is no political friend of mine. You place yourself on the other side from me if you support this fucking shit.

Are you stupid or are you deliberately misinterpreting as a justification for self-indulgent grandstanding?

Pocket science's faith in "Rights" may be a tad naïve, but the comments about the advantages of having an EU national partner if things go bad here are similar to those made all over these boards.
Are you stupid or are you deliberately misinterpreting as a justification for self-indulgent grandstanding?

Pocket science's faith in "Rights" may be a tad naïve, but the comments about the advantages of having an EU national partner if things go bad here are similar to those made all over these boards.
Why does it always have to be this or that? Why can't lbj be both?
Are you stupid or are you deliberately misinterpreting as a justification for self-indulgent grandstanding?

Pocket science's faith in "Rights" may be a tad naïve, but the comments about the advantages of having an EU national partner if things go bad here are similar to those made all over these boards.
It was pseudonarcissus ;) but your succinctly made point stands never the less
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What is about to happen to the 3.5 million EU citizens living in the UK? For a start everyone needs to 'register' on this government app thing.

This article looks at people experiencing signing up
Britain’s E.U. Exit App Is About to Downgrade the Lives of 3.7 Million People
The key thing is how many people wont sign up, due to a range of barriers

This looks at who are most vulnerable and what the barriers are

This is an unprecedented attempt to sign up 'undocumented' poeple.
Simliar US schemes resulted in an average 60% sign up rate. UK government expect 100%.
Those who do not sign up will become illegal and ready for hostile environment deportation

Said better here

This is the key line:
EVEN If ninety per cent of Britain’s E.U. nationals register before June 30, 2021, when the program ends, more than three hundred and fifty thousand people will still be undocumented, at the mercy of the U.K.’s so-called “hostile environment” toward irregular migrants. “They are going to be illegal on the day after the deadline,”

Fuck That.

Bear in mind people without British ciitzenship are already being denied housing and jobs at this time by employers and landlords.
UK landlords are turning away EU citizens
Europeans need not apply: evidence mounts of discrimination in UK
This is a crisis waiting to happen - and for some already happening

This may be a bit of a slow burning thread as the process will be drawn out - I think registartion officially kicks in in March.

Do we have any UK resident EU citiznes who post on the boards? Or friends and partners? Those closest to me have already left.
Housemate is Polish. Her wages at Pret have gone up.
Luckily most europeans are fully aquainted with residence registation processes, seeing as most of them are legally requiired to do it in their home countries.

If just 1% don't register that's 35000 people made illegal overnight. Migration Observation link in the OP carefully guess through the barriers that will mean some don't register.

Care to have a predictive guess how many will fall through the gaps? What's an acceptable number for you that makes Mays Deal worth it?

For me now it's zero. This time last week I was resigned to Mays deal passing, thinking at least EU citizens here will have the right to remain. But that's only in theory it turns out. In practice somewhere between tens and hundreds of thousands will be made illegal.
Anything beyond Norway at this stage will be shitting on those people and greatly inflating the already sick deportation culture in the uk
yes but those are long established and simple routines like an ID card you go to the town hall give them a photo they give you an ID Card.
rather than the "innovative" and economical capita "improved" system UK will impose that will make Khaka weep tears of Joy and Look to Orwell considering a turbo for his grave:eek:
Established or not, anyone who's had the displeasure of dealing with the convoluted intricacies of German beurocracy, won't be calling it simple.
I've told the story here before about a spanish aquaintance of mine that was deported from Germany for not having health insurance (private is mandatory) after being registered for 3 months. The thing is, she'd worked the whole time but her german employer hadn't paid her wages or HI contributions. She had to take the case to the civil courts as a pay dispute but couldn't contest it because 'the system' saw her as an illeagal (all this despite EU freedom of movement).
Some german friends helping her out did some research and found this isn't an uncommon story.
The conspiratorially minded could almost be forgiven for thinking the state is in cohorts with unscrupulous employers.
Housemate is Polish. Her wages at Pret have gone up.
And why is that?
Net immigration to the UK is still up from 2016 by several hundred thousand people.
Are you taking credit for a no doubt massive pay increase because you voted for a Tory Brexit, and they're doing such a great job on increasing workers conditions ever since?

If just 1% don't register that's 35000 people made illegal overnight. Migration Observation link in the OP carefully guess through the barriers that will mean some don't register.

Care to have a predictive guess how many will fall through the gaps? What's an acceptable number for you that makes Mays Deal worth it?

For me now it's zero. This time last week I was resigned to Mays deal passing, thinking at least EU citizens here will have the right to remain. But that's only in theory it turns out. In practice somewhere between tens and hundreds of thousands will be made illegal.
Anything beyond Norway at this stage will be shitting on those people and greatly inflating the already sick deportation culture in the uk
Admittedly, I was being sarcy saying "Lucky".
I hate the idea of registation etc, but the point remains, the UK is implementing a system that was born in, and is widly practised across the EU.
And why is that?
Net immigration to the UK is still up from 2016 by several hundred thousand people.
Are you taking credit for a no doubt massive pay increase because you voted for a Tory Brexit, and they're doing such a great job on increasing workers conditions ever since?
She said they have relied on a steady stream of new people and since this seems to be less apparent they are paying more to retain people with high productivity.
She said they have relied on a steady stream of new people and since this seems to be less apparent they are paying more to retain people with high productivity.
Sounds like she’s talking bollocks, tbh. Was it just her that had the pay rise? What does she do for Pret? They have fixed rates of pay for their shop workers. Is she saying that she or her outlet are ‘high producers’ and are therefore being financially rewarded to a higher level than other people/stores? And furthermore, bosses have shared their Brexit employment and retention strategy with her? What form did this pay rise take?
She said they have relied on a steady stream of new people and since this seems to be less apparent they are paying more to retain people with high productivity.

Maybe post it on the Lexit What Is To Be Done thread as a success story, it gives us all hope.

Anyhow im guessing you're imaging there are less foreign workers here, less competition, better wages. Doesn't hold up as net immigration is up several hundred thousand.

Your friends 10p wage increase aside, how does this relate to a mass of people about to be made illegal in 2021? Maybe that 10p an hour makes it worth it? :confused:
Seems like this scheme to do it all through an app is going to be particularly hard on older people - my mother-in-law is widowed, German, has lived in Scotland for decades, and has no idea how to use a computer.

She's got us to help her navigate the process, but a lot of other people in her situation are probably going to fall through the cracks and I doubt they'll be getting much sympathy from the government - I give it about two years before we're hearing about civil servants being given targets for the number of residency requests from EU citizens they're supposed to reject.
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