Can't see either ukip or changeuk existing for much longer after the euro elections if the polls are acurate.
Yeah, well the Chuckies will exist in one form or another until the next GE. I can see a rebranding happening though after this mess.
As for UKIP if they bomb at the Euro elections you do have to wonder what the point of continuing is? If they can't put up a decent showing on what should be home ground then there is nothing left for them. They should just admit defeat and throw the towel in.
The Labour one here - West Mids constituency - is just generic stuff: one paragraph about a motherhood and apple pie deal with the EU with a distinctly remainy tone, and the other 75% is Westminster stuff and nowt to do with the European parliament elections...
Corbyn is on this one as well.
I think Brexit party will walk it here - and there's been no Tory leaflets.
I've seen this question asked a lot - I wonder why people think it matters? The answer fwiw is 1. yes, and 2. yes.Got my postal voting slip yesterday and it shows Tommy Robinson as one of the candidates for my region but with no other details against his name. Couple of questions came to mind:
1. Can a candidate use an alias instead of their legal name without at least showing 7it in parenthesis (maybe this is how Lord Buckethead, Mr Fishfinger, et al do it?)
2. Can a candidate show no party allegiance or that they are an ‘independent’
No intention of voting for him, just wondered what the rules were.
I've still only had Brexit, Labour & Green ones here, nothing from the Tories, LD's, UKIP or Chuckle UK, which I think are the only other ones standing in the South-East.
* Oh, just checked, there's a few more standing, and wasting their money - Socialist Party of Great Britain, UK European Union Party, and three separate independents.
European elections 2019: the full list of MEP candidates standing in the EU vote across the UK
Love that the Small Party of Good Boys has fielded a full slate of 10 candidates
Love that the Small Party of Good Boys has fielded a full slate of 10 candidates
I don't get why they are wasting their time & money standing in the SE, and not in London.