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Donald Trump's 2nd term

There was no "Muslim ban." Plenty of Muslims emigrated to the USA during Trump's Presidency.
There was, eventually overturned, and it gives us a measure of the man.

On 28 January President Trump issued an executive order blocking refugees and travellers with passports from seven Muslim-majority countries.

The ban was cruel, inhumane, and violated international law.

With the stroke of a pen, the President banned Syrian refugees from the USA indefinitely and prevented anyone (including refugees) from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the USA for 90 days.

He also halted the US refugee resettlement programme for 120 days, and indicated that when this restarts the US will slash the maximum number of refugees it will receive from 110,000 to 50,000.

These countries all have one thing in common: most people seeking asylum from these countries are trying to escape serious human rights abuses like torture and mass murder. For most, returning home is not a choice.
There was no "Muslim ban." Plenty of Muslims emigrated to the USA during Trump's Presidency.
Oh and if you are a Trump supporter, I can't believe you post on this forum when, from what I understand, Urban has its roots in justice, openness, fairness, fighting against unjust prejudice and freedom of speech. Each and every one of these things would be swept away by a man who is set to destroy everything right, good, and proper.
That's a ban on immigrants from particular Muslim nations. It's not a ban on Muslims per se. It was misrepresented as such by people seeking to smear Trump as a racist.
You must know about this, and how it started as a proposal to ban Muslims, then it got changed to a ban on Muslims from certain muslim-majority countries Trump didn't enjoy hospitality from, then it was declared illegal.

You must know about this, and how it started as a proposal to ban Muslims, then it got changed to a ban on Muslims from certain muslim-majority countries Trump didn't enjoy hospitality from, then it was declared illegal.

I do indeed know about it. He blustered, but there was never a ban (or even a restriction) on Muslims emigrating to the USA. Members of my family did just that while Trump was President, with no difficulty whatsoever.
phildwyer , I don't believe you based on what you've posted over the last few pages alone. I'm sorry to do this publicly, it's just I mute/block Trump supporters on other social media sites, and I can't trust you to not develop your positive attitudes into something potentially problematic. I'm sure you understand why you're blocked.
I do indeed know about it. He blustered, but there was never a ban (or even a restriction) on Muslims emigrating to the USA. Members of my family did just that while Trump was President, with no difficulty whatsoever.
So in your book, banning Muslims would be racist, whereas there is no racism at all in proposing to ban Muslims then realising it would upset some extremely rich Muslims, so then just trying to ban some Muslims.
No such ban was ever passed into law. But most people seem to think it was.
Because, you know, it's bit hard to ban people because of their religion. It's not exactly tattooed on their foreheads. He did the closest thing he could do to that by banning people from a list of majority-muslim countries.

Weird stance you're taking here. So he didn't ban people from Turkey because, you know, NATO ally and that. Tricky. So what?
Yes. But he WANTED it to happen. He literally said that in the video clip. Why are you defending the racist piece of shit? Or do you think he was right to demand a total ban on all Muslims entering the USA?

Since my Muslim wife emigrated to the USA while Trump was President, I know with absolute certainty that he did not ban Muslims. But try telling Brits that.
I'd find the post from 2 weeks ago when you said you were if Mexico if I could be arsed

for the record your own experience does not override the clear and well documented islamophobic ramblings from your favourite orange twat
I hate them both, I just call each issue as I see it. You should give it a try.

you defend and praise trump all over the boards but claim to hate both

you literally here saying trump did not call for a ban of all Muslims entering the United States then had to back down as it was illegal

you not being a trump fanboi bullshit I say
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where you are is really not that important

the fact your carry this poster for your bedroom wall around the place is more the issue

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