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Donald Trump's 2nd term

trump supporters suggesting thinks have been deliberately rigged

pull the other one :hmm:
I know, they're so crazy. Some of them even believe in something they call the "CIA, " which they claim has magical powers to rig elections from Chile to Iran!!!
hmm the swing states are about the electrol college in the states

that how he beat Hillary whilst losing the popular vote

In 2012 Trump was screaming that the electoral college was a travesty when it briefly appeared that Romney might have won the popular vote while Obama won the electoral college - then in 2016 when he won the electoral college but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by millions, he was screaming that he had also won the popular vote and there were millions of fraudulent Clinton votes, though I think he mysteriously failed to investigate any further :D

In between, he lost the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz and insisted that the win had been stolen from him by fraud and the vote should be reheld
In 2012 Trump was screaming that the electoral college was a travesty when it briefly appeared that Romney might have won the popular vote while Obama won the electoral college - then in 2016 when he won the electoral college but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by millions, he was screaming that he had also won the popular vote and there were millions of fraudulent Clinton votes, though I think he mysteriously failed to investigate any further :D

In between, he lost the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz and insisted that the win had been stolen from him by fraud and the vote should be reheld

ah but as Dwyer keeps in insisting that was all orchestrated by the cIA and Fbi

It would be funny if Trump used his powers in a second term to "prove" that the 2020 election had been stolen and he was the real winner, only to have his presidency invalidated by the 22nd Amendment: "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice"

But I guess that would leave America stuck with President Rudy Giuliani or Marjorie Taylor Greene or Alex Jones or Kari Lake or Stephen Miller or Roger Stone or Richard Spencer or CatTurd or whoever else Trump picks as a running mate
I know, they're so crazy. Some of them even believe in something they call the "CIA, " which they claim has magical powers to rig elections from Chile to Iran!!!
They didn't really fix an election in Chile, they cooperated with a section of Chile's commercial and miltary elite to topple an elected government by force. Not really the same thing.
aye the CIA with it history of hindering rich white millionaires and billionaires

the true underdogs :hmm:
GH Bush was a Director switched to Vice President and heading the war on drugs...whilst owning the most successful speed boat shop in Florida
This article details Trump's plan for his second term. It includes his position on deep slate, borders, immigration conditions, education, trade, energy, trans rights, energy, and more.

His aim: bar “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs,”

Hang on. he's going to bar himself?
This article details Trump's plan for his second term. It includes his position on deep slate, borders, immigration conditions, education, trade, energy, trans rights, energy, and more.

He wants Europeans to reimburse the US for arms sent to Ukraine?

Fuckity bye Mr Trump
Fair play to him though, it's impossible to find drugs in the USA these days. No flies on the CIA.
Aaaaaaaaaannnnd another one bites the dust.
I sometimes wonder if this place holds the record for most user bans in the whole interweb
that he'll be back :hmm:

tbf he I'd managed another week without another ban I'd be surprised

cannie help repeating what his YouTube masters tell him to think
If we all put him on ignore he won't be back :cool: I'd heard of him from seeing his name mentioned in posts from time to time but presumed he was long gone. Only noticed him on here recently and from what i could take from a few bits is that he's an argumentative, contrarian out to push buttons. 1/10 not worth a wank- on ignore he goes.
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Hopefully you're next, you antisemitic, homophobic loon
Homophobic?...hmm not sure..I honestly don't know what the Urban group think definition is so perhaps I am to you.
Anti semetic?...please show me anything I've posted that a reasonable person would use to draw that conclusion or fuck right off and crawl back under your Rock
I can only hope Taylor Swift's success in getting the youth to register to vote, and to vote, has a big enough impact. It definitely affected the mid terms.

More power to the Swifties, or to quote Jack Posobiec:

eta in short: go abortion army!
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Homophobic?...hmm not sure..I honestly don't know what the Urban group think definition is so perhaps I am to you.
Anti semetic?...please show me anything I've posted that a reasonable person would use to draw that conclusion or fuck right off and crawl back under your Rock

It simply means effeminate or submissive, its a derogatory term but not exclusively aimed at arse bandits
Antisemitism, for which you got an official warning:

The Jewish Lobby in USA has huge influence and power, nothing will be done to address the problem of Israel's criminality until the USA loses global dominance.
Doubling down on antisemitism:

I just got a warning notice for anti antisemitism, my post was not antisemitic but merely factual.
There is a thuggish culture in here that results in anyone not following the adopted view on what can and cannot be mentioned getting vile abuse..
Apparently its OK to openly show glee at the prospect of the Queen's death, yet mention the plain truth that there is a powerfull Jewish Lobby that influences USA politicians and you get the woke brigade screaming
Ive had it with you narrow minded keyboard warriors
Take a look in the mirror once in a while

Antisemitism, for which you got an official warning:

Doubling down on antisemitism:
..and you regard those posts as proof of Antisemitism?
Youre a fukwit as is the person who gave the warning in the first instance.
..and you regard those posts as proof of Antisemitism?
Youre a fukwit as is the person who gave the warning in the first instance.
Yeah, because it's the dozens (or hundred) of us who are marching out of step, not you.

I am not sure you necessarily are antisemitic. But I think you're someone who isn't quite as smart, or informed, as they think they are.

And you cannot ever admit that you're wrong.
..and you regard those posts as proof of Antisemitism?
Youre a fukwit as is the person who gave the warning in the first instance.

Doubling down again. Yes, I do regard the posts as examples of antisemitism.

It was explained to you at the time, and instead of acknowledging it, you got angry and blamed the "woke brigade".

And nothing to say about the homophobia.
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