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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Trump is openly planning to build a vast network of internment facilities, while railing against “internal threats” and calling his enemies “vermin” and vowing to “root them out.” The warning signs of fascism have never been more obvious or alarming.

The New York Times has reported that, if reelected, Donald Trump has a plan to round up immigrants “on a vast scale and detain them in sprawling camps while they wait to be expelled.” Trump was reportedly frustrated last time by his failure to deport millions of people, and so is preparing an “enormous expansion of a form of removal that does not require due process hearings.”

Trump’s team have been very clear: they are serious about this. They are going to build huge camps and put millions of people in them without any semblance of due process. They are going to have the military tearing people out of their homes and workplaces and putting them behind barbed wire. There will be “sweeping raids” and Trump plans to massively expand ICE’s enforcement power by supplementing it with soldiers from the National Guard and local cops.

Stephen Miller, the anti-immigrant fanatic who is designing Trump’s policies, told the Times that it would be very unwise to assume that Trump won’t follow through with this:

“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown…The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.”

Trumpism must be destroyed by any means necessary.
  1. Trump plans to build a giant network of “detention” camps and empower the federal government to round up millions of people without any due process
  2. Trump insists that Democrats and leftists imperil the foundations of civilization, and has promised to “root out” the “threats from within.”
  3. Trump is an aspiring dictator who would have simply defied the election result and remained in power if he had been able to.
  4. Trump is now angry and vengeful, and determined to punish those who forced him from office.
  5. Trump and the Republicans have a sweeping radical plan called Project 2025, part of which involves purging tens of thousands of civil servants from the federal government to eliminate potential opposition to his plans.
  6. Trump has no qualms about killing people without trial and openly encourages police brutality.
  7. Trump is beating Joe Biden in the polls, meaning he is currently on track to be the next president.
These facts, taken together, should make us very worried that we are on the brink of a fascist nightmare.

Any method necessary to stamp out this criminal terrorist movement must be supported unconditionally.
That's where the Braverman stuff belongs. The world is going to more or less settle into permanent blocs. Seen as inevitable. China, climate change. Rival ruling classes holding us to a test of loyal jingoism.

They are making it about a public perception and projection of Britishness. Boris/ eccentric Churchill, Trump, uncle Sam for the yanks

It's lazy and shite.
Is he gonna dress up as a Generalissimo this time?

Gave up on Bill Maher years ago when he started with the anti-vax, 'republican classic' bullshit, but one thing he kept on about was when was Trump gonna start wearing military uniform and the big NK-style hats? Will we get that, along with copious medals awarded to himself?
Is he gonna dress up as a Generalissimo this time?

Gave up on Bill Maher years ago when he started with the anti-vax, 'republican classic' bullshit, but one thing he kept on about was when was Trump gonna start wearing military uniform and the big NK-style hats? Will we get that, along with copious medals awarded to himself?
Doubtful. He's very impressed by parades, though.
Even if he's democratically elected in 2024?
Trump's recent "vermin" speech tells us everything he will do if, God forbid, he's returned to the White House. "Democratically elected" is the last time we could talk about the US being a democracy.

Every court will be stuffed with Trump appointees.
Every school will be made in the Trump image.
Every migrant will be rounded up and made an example of, with the Trumpian ideal being mass deportations without case, argument, or legal challenge.
Every news network will read only from Trumpian texts.

He won't be President. He will be the Man in the High Castle.
Trump's recent "vermin" speech tells us everything he will do if, God forbid, he's returned to the White House. "Democratically elected" is the last time we could talk about the US being a democracy.

Every court will be stuffed with Trump appointees.
Every school will be made in the Trump image.
Every migrant will be rounded up and made an example of, with the Trumpian ideal being mass deportations without case, argument, or legal challenge.
Every news network will read only from Trumpian texts.

He won't be President. He will be the Man in the High Castle.
Agenda 47, it's being called
well it's going to be too late then, isn't it

It wasn't too late in 2016.

When Trump was elected for the first time, his opponents tried every trick in the book to challenge the result. They even claimed that Russia had somehow manipulated the system to ensure his election, and that it was therefore invalid.

It's worrying to think what measures they might take should he be re-elected in 2024.
It wasn't too late in 2016.

When Trump was elected for the first time, his opponents tried every trick in the book to challenge the result. They even claimed that Russia had somehow manipulated the system to ensure his election, and that it was therefore invalid.

It's worrying to think what measures they might take should he be re-elected in 2024.
....oh you're a troll.
....oh you're a troll.

Only in the the sense that I sometimes exaggerate for rhetorical effect, as two sheds pointed out. It's not appropriate for this forum, and I'm going to cut it out. But not in the sense that I say anything I don't believe. I honestly don't recall ever doing that.
It wasn't too late in 2016.

When Trump was elected for the first time, his opponents tried every trick in the book to challenge the result. They even claimed that Russia had somehow manipulated the system to ensure his election, and that it was therefore invalid.

It's worrying to think what measures they might take should he be re-elected in 2024.

Good people on both sides, eh?

You sad sack.
Bad people on both sides, but Biden's side is worse, on account of provoking war with a nuclear power. That's the one thing an American president should never ever do. Biden did it.

the difference between 2016 and 2023

is that in 2016 people were warning this guy's sound like a right wing fash type

in 2023 he just admitting it and he fanboi (that would include you Phil ) and base are quite happy to admit it

good people on both sides my arse..
the difference between 2016 and 2023

is that in 2016 people were warning this guy's sound like a right wing fash type

in 2023 he just admitting it and he fans and base are quite happy to admit it
When did Trump admit to being a fascist?
Biden is repairing the nation's economy.
Trump is preparing to unleash hell - an end to reproductive rights, biased judicial appointments, crushing of LGBT+ rights, most extreme immigration rules that would make his Muslim Ban look quite reasonable.

If Dwyer is genuine, he should condemn Trump's plans, not give them so much benefit of the doubt.
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