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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I do not use "conspiracy theorist" as a pejorative but quite a lot of them make severe and routine political miscalculations (the left could do more to tackle certain issues and thus pull some of the aggregate of conspiracy tendency towards the political centre).

Anyway, I am curious to see the rate of de-conversion to Trump fandom among some of the conspiracy crowd.

To be fair, some saw through him all along. But quite a few have only pretended they did since he got elected and quite a few are still on side. It can't last. It's bizarre that people who have frothed about the New World Order for so long could continue to back someone who has surrounded himself with militarists, corporatists and nepotist links. The laughable Alex Jones is, presumbably, especially in for a fall. Their Trumpdrool was fuelled by hate for Clinton (often justified) and the stonecold doublethink lie about anti-elitism and blah.

Trump is the model of the fake alternative, hugely promoted by the establishment even before he formerly announced his candidacy.

One of the conspiracists topics is Hegelian dialectics as a tool for mass manipulation, not least because it sounds clever. And here they are walking into exactly such a trap.
Its just karma -what goes around comes around.Trump getting back what hes dished out in the nomination and election (and all his life probably).Story has been running around for months apparently so the most interesting question is why now and not earlier and what have gulianis friends in the fbi got to say for themselves.

Reckon it will just get worse for old custer reincarnated too.
One good thing about this is it will mean all out war between Trump and the criminally insane McCain . Right from the off . McCains gone full Judas . Thats going to put Trump at full polarisation with the pro war/ PNAC faction . Its personal now as well as political .

And the British involvement in the affair could prove an interesting twist on that special relationship . Interesting times ahead .

As an aside I'm wondering whether the source is any relation to Sir Frank Steele . A spook who was active over here in the early 70 s .
Alternatively: if there was a single piece of evidence that could 'ruin' Trump held by the CIA then Clinton would be the next president and not Trump. That's why they are desperately trying to come up with something, anything to discredit him even if it is obviously false. It is a hail mary.
At the level of Russia cultivating him, providing intelligence through intermediaries it almost certainly is true, just as it's likely the Russian state at least had a hand in the hacking. However it seems like there's nothing more concrete than 'sources confirming things', no documentation etc. The pissing thing, less plausible to me - not that Trump isn't reckless enough to hire an army of sex workers even in the middle of Moscow - it was the bit about it being Michelle Obama's bed that looked like somebody was trying a bit too hard with the story. As others have said, it's pretty clear the CIA will have some solid evidence of the noncey/rapey things Trump has done on home soil. If that stuff starts to appear we'll know the game's afoot.
Just putting my spin doctors hat on for a minute , but it looks to me like Senator John McCain has willingly allowed himself to be used by foreign intelligence agents to spread fake intel and deliberately undermine the office of Potus . And with that US democracy itself .
The treason angle is the one I'd be taking in response to McCains treachery , were I the irately coiffured one .

Blows my mind still that half of Clinton voters think the FSB hacked the voting machines and changed the votes.
Blows my mind still that half of Clinton voters think the FSB hacked the voting machines and changed the votes.

I don't know anyone who thinks that. Most of the people I know think Trump's win had more to do with voter suppression and interestingly times leaks than with voting machine hacking.
...this seems slightly incongruous....the Russkies have the intel infrastructure to hack the US establishment but need to employ Trump to get the goods on actual Russians - advice on organising beauty contests & sourcing gold lavatories maybe but covert operations ?

What intelligence was Trump seeking 8 years ago one wonders & what dark arts of espionage could he bring to bear that was beyond the long arm of the Kremlin unless maybe he's installed 2 way mirrors & bugs in all the Trump Tower apartments - in which case you'd think he'd be a bit more circumspect in hotel suites...

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