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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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so it stands at 'lets see the sonofabitch deny it' wrt to pissgate. Which he did in a roundabout way. What a great time to be alive, a scion of a parasitical property owning class who habitually just says whatever he is thinking and acts on that leading the 'free world'. Doing his press conference and having to deny pissing on russian sex workers and while doing so rip the shit out of the state apparatus that he is due to be in charge of. Situation normal, all fucked up
Wabi-sabi is the Japanese term for that which is perfect not in spite of its imperfections, but because of them. It’s a teacup whose cracks enhance its beauty, or an asymmetrical tableau that is nevertheless balanced. Things that are wabi-sabi are not perfect, but they feel perfect. Looking at them fills you with serenity — wabi-sabi is when everything is right, including things that are wrong, because they too are essential to the whole.

Last night I — and perhaps you too — encountered a wabi-sabi rumor. I didn’t think the rumor was true, but it was so deliciously satisfying that I could not look away. It was masterpiece of evocative specificity, a glorious symphony of sordid particulars. I couldn’t believe it, nor could I disbelieve it. More accurately: I didn’t care if I believed it. It was wabi-sabi, perfectly imperfect, wildly lopsided, and yet, somehow, balanced enough to stand. It was the tale of Donald Trump’s Russian prostitute pee party.

Wabi-sabi rumors are stories that are so unbelievable, they become perversely believable again. They feel right, even when you know they aren’t, and so they take on the force of legend. Examples include Richard Gere’s gerbil, Catherine the Great’s horse, and Taylor Swift’s immortal life as a Satanic priestess. They’re rumors so compelling that even when you realize they’re false, you stay up all night reading about parallel universes — because if Mick Jagger didn’t eat a Mars Bar out of Marianne Faithfull’s crotch in our universe, then surely there is some alternate reality out there, where he did?

This tale of “TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow” is so preposterous that it feels, strangely, inevitable. Donald Trump, a germaphobe who brags about never hearing his wife fart, secretly orchestrated a Russian-prostitute pee party? Donald Trump, a “clean-hands freak” with golden hair, golden skin, and a golden home, paid a bunch of hookers for a golden shower. Donald Trump, who said Hillary Clinton “got schlonged” after taking a bathroom break during a debate: “I know where she went,” he said, face screwed with distaste. “It’s disgusting! I don’t want to talk about it. No, it’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting!” Donald Trump, a man who doth protest quite a bit about corporeal disgust. Donald Trump. Loves. Pee.

Donald Trump’s truly outrageous actions never seem to stick to him. The falsehoods he promoted about Barack Obama’s birth origin, on the other hand? A stench that America still hasn’t washed off. Which is why this pee-party story is so attractive — wouldn’t it be so wabi-sabi wonderful if the rumor that followed Donald Trump forever was the one about a perverse obsession with Barack Obama, embodied by a cascading waterfall of female pee?

The Sheer Perfection of Donald Trump’s Golden Shower
Trump says he can't have been involved in a golden shower party because he's a germaphobe.

Here's what he said about that in 2015:

It's said you are a germophobe. Will you kiss babies and shake hands on the trail?

I'm not germophobic. I do it. I want to make the country great, I'm going to win, I think I have a very good chance of winning. You probably are starting to feel that, too. I go through and shake hands and do what I have to do, and people like me and I like them. In Iowa, I must have shaken 2,000 hands — and those were only the ones that were next to me.

The Donald Trump Conversation: Murdoch, Ailes, NBC and the Rush of Being TV's "Ratings Machine"
This is hilarious and sad at the same time.

It should be impossible to imagine that people are willing to accept the precedent this sets, at a time when it would have zero effect even if it was true; however they have spent the majority of 2016 acting in a similarly idiotic way so to watch them do this is not exactly a surprise.
Arguably, the precedent got started with the 'Pizzagate Scandal' levelled at Clinton.

Indeed, I just think its crazy that people took away from that thing that they should copy what the Trumpists did there and get the intelligence agencies mixed up in it. I mean, its not as if he is going to be in charge of them for the next four years, is it?
You have to think of this as a process.

It's not really plausible the FSB could blackmail Trump with a bit of film featuring consensual sex with Russian whores. The man is a self confessed sexual abuser of women in public spaces and utterly shameless. If he was a British TV celebrity he might well be in choky. Financial dealings that compromised him are far more likely but his business dealings are known to be very sleazy. It's now fairly obvious he brazenly intends to milk high office for personal profit and he's getting a free pass on that.

Trump does behave as if he's been captured by Russian interests always leaping to Putin's defence in a way most unlikely for any senior US politician. It's so blatant it makes it unlikely he's been compromised by FSB blackmail. His knee jerk aggression against China is less rare but still rather eccentric. What he will do in office may have little to do with this ill informed drunken uncle windbaggery.

Russian Information Operations may have played a minor role in his victory but its put in the shade by the very American conspiracy theory peddling loons at Info Wars and Breitbart. He still got elected in what was pretty much a landslide in the Electoral College. It can't be said this was unexpected. He is a great father of lies, even his hair is a fiction and much of America loves him for skilfully evading hard truths.

And if Russian spooks were at work its probably a detail in a wider scheme to undermine Western democratic institutions. After all Putin would be an utter fool to really want a loose cannon like Trump actually elected rather than a predictably hostile Clinton. The big twerp trashing the Republican slate and getting to run is the gravy. The people have spoken; amen. America has wilfully elected a flagrant trickster to lead it and that in itself makes its democratic system look broken. He almost embodies Shaytân-e Bozorg not the Christian folklore Lucifer but a Loki like dissembler or a wounded snake as the Khomeinists would have America's role in the world.

Trump or one of his team could turn out to be an obvious Russian asset and he's still not going to resign like Willy Brandt did. A successful impeachment is very unlikely; you need a two thirds majority in a GOP dominated senate.

But throw enough mud and some of it will stick just as it did with the Clintons.
During Dubya's two terms whistelblowers were heroes to the left. Fox News and the Akerican/British intelligence were the bad guys.Remember that?

Remember John Pilger documentaries and heroic investigative jouralists? Remember how much people on the left hated the corporate media and their embedded journalists or the constant stream of misinformation?

Well fuck all that now! We are ready to believe the gold ol' CIA and Fox News because Putin is wikileaks and Greenwald and Pilger and Murray are all traitors. Chomsky never even existed. Nope. Lalalalalalalalala!
That must be a different Piers Morgan to the one who went on TV boasting about having a photo (taken by pap) of a female celebrity (part of a celebrity couple in the 80's) shagging the pet Alsatian.
That must be a different Piers Morgan to the one who went on TV boasting about having a photo (taken by pap) of a female celebrity (part of a celebrity couple in the 80's) shagging the pet Alsatian.

...can't be this Piers Morgan surely ...

BBC NEWS | Politics | Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos

In one picture a soldier is seen urinating on a hooded man while in another the hooded man is being hit with a rifle in the groin.
So If the aboce timeline is true, then *anonymous* have single handedly ensured that and potential slurs that could be used against the likely despotic and corrupt reign of president trump will be invariably dismissed as hoaxes. Well fucking done, that's really doing the world a favour
The same source is now reporting something totally different, identifying a British intelligence officer who prepared the dossier.

Identity Of "Former Intelligence Officer" Who Prepared The Trump Dossier, Has Been Revealed | Zero Hedge

As I said, I remain skeptical.

Some people I have been reading expect the default position is "CIA tells truf" but unless they deliver proof then the accusations remian baseless.

Whether or not evidence-based intelligence and skepticism of the CIA and MSM makes one a Putin-bot, Turmp supporting wingnut, I will leave up to you.
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