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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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It's not even a spoof CIA report. It's a spoof of a report that was supposedly produced by a former British spook, working for a private company, initially commissioned by a Republican client.

Well, I am at a loss as to why Idris posted it without comment.
Post liked though I disagree with you as to who Russia would have wanted elected. If you think about Russian influence on the election itself, as you say, it would be difficult to isolate its effect in terms of what caused Trump's ultimate victory. Who knows, it might just have been enough to make a difference, though there were more important factors in play. However the emails saga did certainly disrupt Clinton's campaign. But what's worth saying, even if it's an obvious point, is that whatever influence Russia had it was precisely the kind of influence America itself has exercised on overseas elections for years. Plenty of chickens coming home to roost here.
Interfering in a foreign countries electoral process has really been a rather common job for intelligence services. I recall reading that Italian self-assessment of US covert intervention in their politics during the Cold War rendered the country far less than sovereign. The US has done this a lot more than the Russians have. The Israelis have just been caught with their fingers in UK politics and there's a Brit connection in the current Trump scandal.

A close look at Trump would really worry any Kremlin backer. He has a short attention span and a genuinely dangerous tendency towards rash action when his self image is challenged. It looks almost like needy pathological narcissism. Trump boastfully sells his notorious unpredictability as a virtue. It probably was in the real estate business. Near perfect material for an intelligence handler; actually typical of major US traitors.

In early intelligence briefings he reportedly seemed perplexed that the US would hesitate to use its nuclear arsenal. After dismissing N.Korea's nuclear capability as a joke he was briefed by State for the first time recently. The rumour is the whole meeting was derailed by Trump quizzing them on the effect of a nuke on NYC. This is an entirely unqualified man far out of his depth with a very worrying mindset.

What I'd doubt is a cautious tactician like Putin who plainly regards the US as a very dangerous adversary would really want such a jumpy, easily offended critter with his hands on the nuclear codes. Putin wheels out tactical nuclear blackmail at the least provocation and makes speeches about the glory of dying for mother Russia. You could play a game of brinksmanship with a dull neocon functionary like Clinton or Rubio but not with Trump. Offend him and face the rage of a very spoiled thwarted toddler in command of the greatest military machine on the planet. And tiny Putin being a thuggish, jumped up former KGB Colonel will want to poke Trump in his entitled big bully's chest just to see if he blubs. This is a highly volatile combination and they are both in charge of planet killing arsenals on hair triggers.
Meanwhile Trumps shit plan to hand his business empire to his sons has not been well received.

Trump Organization handover plan slammed by ethics chief - BBC News

"As I listened, my jaw dropped. Trump's workaround is a totally fraudulent runaround," tweeted Professor Laurence Tribe of Harvard University, one of the leading constitutional lawyers in the US.

"Trump's announced structure is cleverly designed to dazzle and deceive, but it solves none of the serious ethical or legal issues. Trump's lawyer would flunk constitutional law at any halfway decent law school. At least if the lawyer wasn't just joking."

Professor Richard Painter, who was President George W Bush's chief ethics lawyer, stated frankly: "The plan we heard today does not comply with the law."

Professor Norman Eisen, who did the same job for President Obama, agreed with that and also offered an ominous forecast for the president-elect.

"What Donald J Trump has done today is contrary to the most fundamental law of the United States of America," he said. "The emoluments clause is no minor feature of the constitution... So these conflicts of interest are core. I do not believe that any of the branches of government will stand for it."
He obviously thinks people can be bamboozled by window-dressing. This must be as a result of dealing with gullible people in cases such as his 'university' scam. Here though he is dealing with people with lots of experience in matters of government.
Uh huh. Well I asked for a link. Until then....

'Until then...' what? Are you going to assume that this document is authentic until someone can provide you with a link to prove otherwise?'
Sounds like there are a fair few legal opinions on this, meaning it's likely to trundle on.

Whether or not one concludes that Trump’s business dealings violate the letter or the spirit of the Emoluments Clause, the underlying controversy is almost certainly non-justiciable. It is difficult to conceive of a scenario in which someone would have standing to challenge Trump’s arrangements, and even harder to think what sort of remedy could be ordered by a court. In other words, if there are concerns about how President Trump handles his various investments, the only remedies will be political.


Like a lot of stuff US-Constitution-related, the 200+-year-old wording relates to a world very different from today's world.
Meanwhile Trumps shit plan to hand his business empire to his sons has not been well received.

Trump Organization handover plan slammed by ethics chief - BBC News
It's not exactly a surprise to come across a rich man who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. However, what's different about Trump is that the thought is embedded at a really deep level. He's so solipsistic that everything can only be about him. It's going to be an interesting ride as he not so much ignores the law and the constitution, but hasn't got a mental mechanism to see them as constraints on his activity. I don't want to trivialise his rapey history, but it's as if the 'you can do what you want with women if you are powerful enough' recording is a manifesto for the next 4 years. Suspect he'll find it's not that simple.
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