Yuwipi Woman
Whack-A-Mole Queen
The dictator-wannabe speaks again:
Donald Trump blames the 'archaic' and 'really bad' US Constitution for his problems
Trump is the president now, and will be for four years. But there's nothing normal about that state of affairs; and imo there's a danger in allowing this situation to be 'normalized'.
One way to resist this normalization, is to document the outrageous things he says and does, on an almost daily basis.
This shows his complete lack of understanding of the hows and whys that were designed into the Constitution. It's supposed to be difficult to change things quickly. You wouldn't want some nutbag, would-be dictator making sweeping changes, only for some other nutbag, would-be dictator, making the opposite change soon after. At least this way, we get a somewhat constant state of middle-way nutbaggery.