Conjecture is a far more productive thread filler than fact
we like conjecture and speculationConjecture is a far more productive thread filler than fact
see post 13582
Post liked though I disagree with you as to who Russia would have wanted elected. If you think about Russian influence on the election itself, as you say, it would be difficult to isolate its effect in terms of what caused Trump's ultimate victory. Who knows, it might just have been enough to make a difference, though there were more important factors in play. However the emails saga did certainly disrupt Clinton's campaign. But what's worth saying, even if it's an obvious point, is that whatever influence Russia had it was precisely the kind of influence America itself has exercised on overseas elections for years. Plenty of chickens coming home to roost here.You have to think of this as a process.
It's not really plausible the FSB could blackmail Trump with a bit of film featuring consensual sex with Russian whores. The man is a self confessed sexual abuser of women in public spaces and utterly shameless. If he was a British TV celebrity he might well be in choky. Financial dealings that compromised him are far more likely but his business dealings are known to be very sleazy. It's now fairly obvious he brazenly intends to milk high office for personal profit and he's getting a free pass on that.
Trump does behave as if he's been captured by Russian interests always leaping to Putin's defence in a way most unlikely for any senior US politician. It's so blatant it makes it unlikely he's been compromised by FSB blackmail. His knee jerk aggression against China is less rare but still rather eccentric. What he will do in office may have little to do with this ill informed drunken uncle windbaggery.
Russian Information Operations may have played a minor role in his victory but its put in the shade by the very American conspiracy theory peddling loons at Info Wars and Breitbart. He still got elected in what was pretty much a landslide in the Electoral College. It can't be said this was unexpected. He is a great father of lies, even his hair is a fiction and much of America loves him for skilfully evading hard truths.
And if Russian spooks were at work its probably a detail in a wider scheme to undermine Western democratic institutions. After all Putin would be an utter fool to really want a loose cannon like Trump actually elected rather than a predictably hostile Clinton. The big twerp trashing the Republican slate and getting to run is the gravy. The people have spoken; amen. America has wilfully elected a flagrant trickster to lead it and that in itself makes its democratic system look broken. He almost embodies Shaytân-e Bozorg not the Christian folklore Lucifer but a Loki like dissembler or a wounded snake as the Khomeinists would have America's role in the world.
Trump or one of his team could turn out to be an obvious Russian asset and he's still not going to resign like Willy Brandt did. A successful impeachment is very unlikely; you need a two thirds majority in a GOP dominated senate.
But throw enough mud and some of it will stick just as it did with the Clintons.
As I said, I remain skeptical.
Some people I have been reading expect the default position is "CIA tells truf" but unless they deliver proof then the accusations remian baseless.
Whether or not evidence-based intelligence and skepticism of the CIA and MSM makes one a Putin-bot, Turmp supporting wingnut, I will leave up to you.
That links to Zero Hedge and a pithy comment about its reliability as a source. Mine is from the Wall Street Journal, and in the context or the preceding ORLY? pic, is meant to say, "Yeah, really, if MSM is your only credible source."
You be a numbskull or you may be playing dumb. Eiether way I don't care.
View attachment 98704
do you know what "courtesy of the wsj" means?
let me help you - it means that yer man's source was the wall street journal.
you stupid, stupid wanker
don't try and bluster your way out of this, it doesn't impressYOU just underlined MY point you fucking moron!
Fuck me, this is quicker than twitter
yeh. your thisck person. right.Pickman, old boy:
I shall call you Rowena and you can be my thisck person.
oh, a typo. right. that'll explain why in this post you've fucked up the spelling of 'you're'.Do you know what a typo is Rowena?
Your in a library, so maybe you could look it up.
Off you go now. dear.
can you spot your latest fuck up, you ignorant wanker?Beware you local library. It may contain a grammar nazi!
I am sure that you will be there to correct them rather than engage in the topic of the thread.can you spot your latest fuck up, you ignorant wanker?
Wrong again, cancermanI am sure that you will be there to correct them rather than engage in the topic of the thread.
Should have gone with scat. Piss is too mundane.
yes. but i'm not sharing it with you.That is a copy of the CIA report, right? Do you have the link?
Bollocks, it was an inch perfect bow shot. All thats golden does not glitter.
its not real
That is a copy of the CIA report, right? Do you have the link?
its not real