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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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These outbursts of his are cynically calculated to stir up controversy and galvanise his base. There's one every few days. Each time you think it can't possibly get any worse, and each time it does.

He's beyond parody but it's not really funny that he has as much support as he has - and those are the people prepared to admit to pollsters. Imagine if there were shy Trumpers. Silent but deadly.
It will be interesting to see if he changes tack after winning the nomination. Even he should know that he can't win the presidential election with the same campaign. If he tones it down, we know he's serious about winning. If he carries on, we know that the rot is deep and he is truly a loon.
Isn't John Brennan Obama's state security chief a Muslim convert or is it another unsubstantiated fable wheeled out by the stateside gutter press. Trump will do himself no good rattling former CIA chefs!
In more childish moments, I feel like wishing he got elected so that people can see just how bad it would be, to teach them a lesson if you like. However, seeing as he seems fully capable of wittingly or unwittingly triggering a thermonuclear conflict, it's better to keep my childish impulses under control.
I have a similar compulsion about throwing myself in front of dangerous drivers.

I think the outcome would be, metaphorically at least, quite similar.
Dear Media, Stop Freaking Out About Donald Trump’s Polls (statistician/political analyst Nate Silver):
Right now, he has 25 to 30 percent of the vote in polls among the roughly 25 percent of Americans who identify as Republican. That’s something like 6 to 8 percent of the electorate overall, or about the same share of people who think the Apollo moon landings were faked.

...could Trump win? We confront two stubborn facts: first, that nobody remotely like Trump has won a major-party nomination in the modern era. And second, as is always a problem in analysis of presidential campaigns, we don’t have all that many data points, so unprecedented events can occur with some regularity. For my money, that adds up to Trump’s chances being higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.

Fox News political analyst Tom Downey expressed his disdain for the hacked site.

“This is obviously a desperate attack by some sick-minded liberal to make Donald Trump look like a homosexual, which of course he is not. Trump is a great man who would never engage in a sexual threesome with two other men, especially if those men were some kind of twins or clones of himself.”

That may well be true.
But the views and opinions held by these 'backwoodsmen' are shared by a large proportion of middle America.
That is where the threat is . . .
If I was unfortunate enough to live in the US, and Trump became President, I would aquire a gun. Civil war would not be very far down the track
Fox News political analyst Tom Downey expressed his disdain for the hacked site.

“This is obviously a desperate attack by some sick-minded liberal to make Donald Trump look like a homosexual, which of course he is not. Trump is a great man who would never engage in a sexual threesome with two other men, especially if those men were some kind of twins or clones of himself.”


I came here to post that, I even checked the Fox News website to see if it wasn't a parody.

"No way would the Donald engage in a three way with another guy, not even if it the girl was like Claudia Schiffer, and I mean 90s Shiffer not today Shiffer. The only way Donald would do a threesome if it was two really hot chicks and yknow it didn't get too Lezzy if you know what I mean"
His website is still hacked . :D
And all the links on it now go to the donate page of .. The Muslim Legal Fund of America
'a charity that funds legal work and programs to defend Muslims against injustice in American courtrooms, prisons, and communities.':)
About | Muslim Legal Fund of America

Also, bottom of the hacked page says 'paid for by Paul Horner for President'
Paul Horner is this bloke:

Political analyst, Paul Horner, spoke to CBS News about the Trump campaign and its followers.
“It is truly sad about the current state of our country, when a racist, egomaniac, bigoted, violent man such as Donald Trump can be leading in the polls as the Republican candidate for the GOP nomination. Trump is pouring gasoline on a country that the media has already instilled with fear, paranoia, intolerance and hate. In years to come, we will look back on these events as some of the darkest times in our nation’s history.”
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Political analyst, Paul Horner, spoke to CBS News about the Trump campaign and its followers.
“It is truly sad about the current state of our country, when a racist, egomaniac, bigoted, violent man such as Donald Trump can be leading in the polls as the Republican candidate for the GOP nomination. Trump is pouring gasoline on a country that the media has already instilled with fear, paranoia, intolerance and hate. In years to come, we will look back on these events as some of the darkest times in our nation’s history.

I agree with his first contention, but the second one is nonsense. Trump is a gobshite, but in a list of awful human beings to hold American citizenship (edit) or a list of awful times in American history, he would be thousands of places below the top. He wouldn't even be the worst GOP nominee this century.
I enjoyed a friend's Facebook post on Trump and thought I'd share.

It occurs to me that there might be a pseudo-scientific thesis to be written, perhaps by Malcolm Gladwell or one of those types, about the relative merits of having one weakness versus having hundreds of weaknesses. The choice may seem obvious, but because this a pseudo-scientific thesis, let’s compare the Death Star from Star Wars with Donald Trump. Both are big, round, full of evil, sort of newsworthy, and... that’s probably it. But that’s quite a few things considering that one is a fictional spaceship and the other is a racist.

Let us begin:

The Death Star from Star Wars was a gigantic killing machine with a massive laser cannon that could instantly blow up a planet. It was protected by shitloads of tiny spaceships and by deflector shields, whose power source was hidden in a forest and protected by an army that, on a bad day, might have to suppress some teddy bears armed with spears. The most prestigious passenger on board the Death Star could kill you with his mind, and it even has the word “Death” in its name. Basically impossible to destroy. Except that it had one weakness: you could take it down by shooting into a tiny little exhaust vent and that would make the whole thing blow up immediately. Achilles had his heel, Barcelona had that phase when Dani Alves, then Pique, then Dani Alves again, were a bit suspect, and with the Death Star you knew that despite how dangerous and formidable it was, you just had to keep plugging away at this exhaust vent. Result: two broken Death Stars. From this we can conclude that things with very few weaknesses have one big weakness: they demand that you focus.

Donald Trump is the opposite of the Death Star. He defies your attempts to focus. If someone wants to yell at him that he is a disgusting racist then they have to postpone yelling out that he is a disgusting misogynist. If you despise him for knowing shit all about the economy then you are wasting valuable time you need to spend despising him for knowing shit all about foreign affairs. Speculation that his opinions aren’t real and are just for public show delays important speculation that his hair isn’t real and is just for public show, or that more than half of the $8.7 billion that he claims to be worth isn’t real and is just for public show. Point out that he is a hypocrite because he claims to be some sort of business genius but has actually filed for bankruptcy at least four times and you divert discussion away from the fact that he is a hypocrite because he claims to believe in traditional marriage and yet has already had three of them. His campaign belongs in the entertainment section because he is a massive clown, but he belongs on the front page because he has dragged his crazed followers and their dangerous prejudices out into the mainstream. He is the sum total of all of his weaknesses and he has the word “Trump” in his name, which he has written on everything he owns. Result: He remains a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and he doesn’t care what anyone that has criticised him thinks, because trying to put Donald Trump in his place with reason and facts is like trying to beat a rock to death with a cricket bat.

So, in conclusion, it is harder to win a fight with Donald Trump than it is to win a fight with the Death Star, despite Trump being a bullying, over-privileged, shrill, shameless, vacuous, pink ignoramus. David Cameron, who, lest we forget, is a twice-elected bullying, over-privileged, shrill, shameless, vacuous, pink ignoramus, would of course also win in a fight with the Death Star
Trumps antics must be a softening up process - just how far can they go...then some slightly less crazed loon will appear as the soul of moderation and sensible policy and sweep the boards...although the rest of the Repub. candidates are also unbelievably out to lunch.
Fox News political analyst Tom Downey expressed his disdain for the hacked site.

“This is obviously a desperate attack by some sick-minded liberal to make Donald Trump look like a homosexual, which of course he is not. Trump is a great man who would never engage in a sexual threesome with two other men, especially if those men were some kind of twins or clones of himself.”

Can't get the bugger to open, what am I missing?
ETA, it's opened thought I was looking at a pig cage!
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Trumps antics must be a softening up process - just how far can they go...then some slightly less crazed loon will appear as the soul of moderation and sensible policy and sweep the boards...although the rest of the Repub. candidates are also unbelievably out to lunch.
Bloke on Sky news these evening saying his spend has been far less than the other candidates,
I came here to post that, I even checked the Fox News website to see if it wasn't a parody.

"No way would the Donald engage in a three way with another guy, not even if it the girl was like Claudia Schiffer, and I mean 90s Shiffer not today Shiffer. The only way Donald would do a threesome if it was two really hot chicks and yknow it didn't get too Lezzy if you know what I mean"
Though apparently he might go for it of one of the threesome was his daughter!
Trumps antics must be a softening up process - just how far can they go...then some slightly less crazed loon will appear as the soul of moderation and sensible policy and sweep the boards...although the rest of the Repub. candidates are also unbelievably out to lunch.
What's really depressing and worrying is that so many Americans seem to agree with him, always thought these kind of opinions were to be found in the darker recesses of the deep south.
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