oi Bahnhof Strasse you spend time reading all this stuff can you advise?
My bestest friend was booked on a flight to fly home to UK tomorrow from Spain (she just did the camino thing for weeks). She just texted saying she's done a lateral flow just now and tested positive so obvs can't fly tomorrow. Not feeling well and doesn't know what to do, talking about getting a key-fob room somewhere & buying stash of food but doesn't have any idea what she's meant to do and for how long. Do you know / know where to look for this info - if you are positive & want to go home from spain basically.
My bestest friend was booked on a flight to fly home to UK tomorrow from Spain (she just did the camino thing for weeks). She just texted saying she's done a lateral flow just now and tested positive so obvs can't fly tomorrow. Not feeling well and doesn't know what to do, talking about getting a key-fob room somewhere & buying stash of food but doesn't have any idea what she's meant to do and for how long. Do you know / know where to look for this info - if you are positive & want to go home from spain basically.