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So paxlovid has ramped up the effects of my steroids.
And...given me insomnia.
I am wrecked but have that steroid extra false energy...
Scrubbed floors and washed all towels sheets you name it.

Only one more day on this .I hope my sleep returns.
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If that one counts as alarming then so do all the other weekly death figures of recent years, including ones from June last year. I suspect that a lot of people dont see that amount of deaths as alarming because there isnt much focus on such numbers so they dont regularly even see them, and when there is, its treated as something to view relative to the much higher death peaks we got in the pre-vaccine, pre-Omicrom and 'vaccines still fairly new' eras. Personally the only reason I ever stopped going on about such figures was because of how many people had moved on, the general acceptance that covid isnt going away, etc.

Certainly we've reached the stage in this current wave where the BBC felt the need to do an article on it. With all the usual stuff, relying on Paul Hunter to continue the normalisatyion rhetoric, a purpose for which he has been used dating back to well before the normalisation agenda stood any chance of winning. Mostly all thats changed in his rhetoric is that at some stage he was forced to drop the expectation that this disease would adopt a seasonal pattern.

The usual contradictions are present, we are invited by his rhetoric to treat it as another cause of the common cold. But official advice to avoid contact with the vulnerable if you have symptoms is inconsistent with the 'common cold' comparison, as are other things like the vaccines and the likes of the BBC feeling the need to write an article about it in the first place.

Surveillance data is weaker than it used to be due to the erosion of a multitude of testing regimes, so there is less I can say about waves these days than I used to be able to.

The term alarming is a personal perception. I only read the latest figure. I had no interest in getting involved with the death figures on the whole as it is a complex subject involving many social, economic, medical, political, and environmental factors.
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Midlands Today did a piece on some hospitals in the region reintroducing mask wearing. They listed the number of covid patients at some hospitals and started going on about part of the picture that seems to show people being in hospital with it for longer, implying more serious cases.

It was something of a spectacle to see them describe the reduction in testing but then still make comparisons between recent case data and one of the early wave peaks. And then laying on certain reassurances rather thickly.
12 days on and dad still not better but getting there. This has taken a lot out of him
Mum has only started wanting food yesterday. She was picking at very little. Thankfully she took a high calory vit protein drink every day. Her Dr prescribed them 2 years ago and she takes one a day.

I finished paxlovid yesterday.
Weirdly...I have started to cough this evening. I hope this doesn't rebound. Thankfully my sister has stayed negative. Which is great.
I hope you start feeling better soon Aladdin and wish your parents a swift recovery too.
I know you have other health stuff going on that puts you more at risk, I wish you all the best.
I hope you start feeling better soon Aladdin and wish your parents a swift recovery too.
I know you have other health stuff going on that puts you more at risk, I wish you all the best.
Thanks Epona

Since finishing paxlovid I've been having awful anxiety & heart pounding ..sweats... like withdrawal symptoms. I knew there could be some interaction with my steroid meds but this is really shit.
On the plus side..covid symptoms are gone.
Lack of data due to reduced surveillance makes it harder to unpick the current picture.

It would certainly be useful to know to what extent the current picture is driven by features of the current variants, and whether other factors are playing a part, for example whether the narrower criteria for getting a spring booster is having a notable impact on population vulnerability to severe illness now.

If we are lucky and previously observed patterns hold true again this time, the school summer holidays will play a part in diminishing this particular wave. Scotland has more favourable timing in this respect due to the earlier holidays, but the usual lag between diminished opportunities for the virus to spread and this showing up in hospital data of course still applies.
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