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Are you planning to do anything differently when all this is over?

I almost forget what life was like before! :(

I completely remember -- and there's an utter shed load that I'm missing :(

If I announce on this thread that I'll never go to a festival or live gig again, I'll be 110% lying ... I can't be the only Urban who'd actually like some things to go back to being the same?

I appreciate that this wish will be somewhat tough to achieve :(
Travel more.
Do more outside of the house.
Read more. Been unable to since lockdown started in March for some reason.
Low level depression/malaise/whatever - constant interruption of thought.
Write more. Same reasons as above.
Lose weight.
Watch less telly as in TV. Films are fine.
I'm classed as moderate to high risk depending on which department of the NHS is writing to me, so I have been taking 'care' since March 17th. Feckin' sick of it now. I just want to sit in a café and read on my day off, have a few coffees, worry less about cleanliness, other people etc, blah.

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I'm moving to a 3 day week from Jan. So I need to pick up some private work to make sure I have enough pennies. I'm ok with being more frugal for a bit though.

Put effort into connecting with people in a meaningful way- ie not just meeting up to have drinks a few times a year as I do with some friends. This year showed me how much I missed feeling a part of something and lockdown showed me how important having people check in on one and other regularly is.

More trips away, more travel and exploring...though doubt that will be possible for a while so I have to be patient and just enjoy the planning.

I've really missed jamming with friends so definitely want more of that this year. Singing with people brings me such great joy. I also want to improve my lyric writing.

More hugs, kisses and shared orgasms too.

More art...though for a while I think I'll be concentrating on decorating my new home and making it a pleasant nest.

I will remain more germ conscious.
I really hope the culture around (and pressure to) keep working when you're sick is laid to rest after this. People coming to work when they're clearly ill has always done my head in, especially the martyr shit that often goes with it.

I think I'll probably travel less, especially abroad, and get to know where I live more.
Stay in touch with friends more, and hopefully be a better friend more generally.
Probably won't bother going back to the gym and will just continue to train in my yard and kitchen.
Will also try and keep getting a country walk in more often.
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I will be having the flu vaccine AND covid vaccine on a yearly basis (if that becomes a thing). I like wearing a mask in Winter, keeps my face warm ;) Still haven't had any lurgy this Winter, although to be fair I only got sick once last Winter, and it was mid February... and I think it may have been covid.

However, It's difficult to avoid getting the lurgy when you're in regular contact with a child. I tend to get some of the colds my granddaughter gets - but even she has been mostly lurgy free this year, apart from conjunctivitis a few weeks ago. She complained of sore eyes for a couple of days, they looked a bit red, and then a few days later I had the most serious case of conjunctivitis I ever had. Masks won't stop that sort of thing, only social distancing.
This year has really must been another nudge on the path we were already taking, in truth. It hasn’t sped our plans, but probably the reverse because it’s made the world so uncertain right now. But it has strengthened the resolve to move out of the south east, give up the corporate job and take more pleasure from everyday existence.
I am already immumosuppressed and infections are always a risk. So I won't be anywhere there are gatherings of people. But I will definitely get out for a walk every day. I hope l can wfh as long as I can and hopefully get the vaccine. I cannot see myself returning to work on site. When the time is right I will apply to retire on health grounds. God knows I've enough wrong to warrant that.
I will spend as much time as possible, by the sea....and paint.
That's it!!
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I need to get out the line of work I’m currently in

I’m on a project which involves fuck all work but challenges my integrity daily. Unfortunately it’s well paid and I am aware I’m lucky to be working

it’s got another 12 months to run

an absolute twelve month plan of action put in place now might stop me just leaving in January and telling them to fuck off or getting sacked for questioning the system

looking for community based long term positive work rather than selling the soul shit I do

that and stay fit, healthy, bendy and surfing
I think I'll go home to visit more. My trips back home have been very irregular, often not going back for over two years at a time, and just relying on my dad coming here for holidays. Once this is over, I'd like to see him twice a year and my friends at least once a year.
Probably do a bit more travelling tbh, in the UK and abroad. I'm desperate to get away and I didn't go out of my area much before covid anyway tbh because I've been WFH, don't get holiday pay and don't have a car so going anywhere is a huge hassle. Apart from that yeah try and see my friends more and be a better friend I think. Oh and get a rabbit.
I need to get out the line of work I’m currently in

I’m on a project which involves fuck all work but challenges my integrity daily. Unfortunately it’s well paid and I am aware I’m lucky to be working

it’s got another 12 months to run

an absolute twelve month plan of action put in place now might stop me just leaving in January and telling them to fuck off or getting sacked for questioning the system

looking for community based long term positive work rather than selling the soul shit I do

that and stay fit, healthy, bendy and surfing

Get out of the remote medic world bellaozzydog - the whole world of being an NHS 'ero awaits you!
Get out of the remote medic world bellaozzydog - the whole world of being an NHS 'ero awaits you!

I’m HSE-ing, I could live with a medic contract (easy life shit money) or even an HSE role in a spicier environment just not this bonk job

And I’ve no U.K. HCPC number :D So no healthcare work for me U.K. side

onwards and upwards
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