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Are you planning to do anything differently when all this is over?

I really hope wearing a mask when you’re sick/full of cold becomes the norm. It’s been that way in other places for a while and really should be here too.
I at least always used to ensure I wasn't obviously infectious before going outside.
The last bit of work-based lurgy that I recall was three days after an actual scientist at work sneezed straight at me while I was fixing the PC on the opposite desk :(
Been ordering locally brewed beer and locally roasted coffee for delivery to reduce shopping trips, will continue to do that. Probably make more effort to buy locally more generally actually. I expect I'll continue to order lots online as well, this has probably been the end of my use of shops for most stuff tbh. And hardly use cash anymore either.
In general I'm not making plans, because if the last year has proved one thing to me it's that plans for the future don't work. Pretty much everything I'd planned and even worked quite hard towards has been fucked by the changing of situations, and looking forward to changes in circumstances which then don't happen is making me increasingly miserable and disappointed. There are things that I'd like to do if I had the option but seeing as how I don't right now I'm ignoring them for the time being.

I have plans which cannot fail to come about - e.g. I plan to start using my 2021 Hobonichi Techo in 2021, and unless we actually go into a timewarp, fairly sure 2021 will start. Apart from that I'm trying to look at things I can do to improve life now that will be just as good later regardless of pandemics (an exercise routine was one thing that I think worked). Doing things now means you don't need hope or faith.
i'm going to flirt with strangers.

unless we actually go into a timewarp, fairly sure 2021 will start. Apart from that I'm trying to look at things I can do to improve life now that will be just as good later regardless of pandemics (an exercise routine was one thing that I think worked). Doing things now means you don't need hope or faith.
I like that very much. I will try to be very very careful about how I apply the doing things NOW bit though.

E2a mistakenly stuck in bimbles quote as well, but I'll leave it as it stands cos it counts as a valid response to both.
Two more years and I'm stopping work, unless I get a good redundancy offer before then. I've seen enough people die over the last few years including my son and time working is time wasted in terms of what I do now but they're paying me well for a few more years. I've adjusted my life enough to live a good enough life on not a massive amount of money. Still not got any student debt that I'll never pay off either yet so there's always that to consider aswell. Young people are gonna be fucked most by this they're welcome to my job.
I want to have a better life once this is all over, but I don't yet know how that will be, what shape it will have and that sort of thing. The last 12 months have been much reduced, survival has been the order of the day, once that is lifted let's hope life can come flooding back.
sounds cheesy but i think normal life will become wondrous. i won't forget this. if things get back to normal and they seem shit (which they will at times), i will remember this time. living in my parents outhouse having had to move back for other depressing reasons, after these months and months of not seeing friends except the odd walk in the park with them, terrified always that my parents will be killed by it, terrified of losing my job, terrified that it will never end. few things, although not everything, in normal life will, hopefully, seem petty compared to this.
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