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Do you disapprove of people who are planning an overseas holiday this summer?

Is planning an overseas holiday this summer the right thing to do

  • Yes - I’m already booked and will go away regardless of the rules

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • I’d be booked if the testing regime was more relaxed

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • I would like a holiday abroad but not until Covid restrictions are over

    Votes: 56 41.2%
  • No they’re selfish bastards thinking only of themselves

    Votes: 32 23.5%
  • NA - I always holiday within the UK

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • What’s a holiday? I work 400 days a year down the mines

    Votes: 25 18.4%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty relaxed about the bonfire of the red zone countries as I don't think the list as it was is actually doing anything to keep anyone safe. I am a bit more bothered with this push to get rid of the day 2 PCR test and replace it with a LFT.

The day 2 PCR at least gave the chance to monitor new variants that are coming into the country. An LFT in this context is basically no better then no test at all.

OTOH there's this issue with people testing positive with LFTs, then negative with a PCR test, they are urgently looking into what's happening with the PCR tests, and what problem there could be there. 🤷‍♂️
None of that really matters now that self-isolating is a matter of personal choice.
It’s not, if you’re positive you’re still legally required to isolate, I was told this by track and trace last week. Contacts can choose not to isolate if they’re double vaxxed or recovered cases.
Well over an hour stood in a very dense crowd at bloody luton airport last night, not even a normal queue one of those maze systems where you are all crammed into as small a space as possible, no mask enforcement no separate lanes for anyone nothing (and absolutely zero checks on anything, just shortage of border staff thats all that caused the delay) .
Good thing i have to take a proper covid test tomorrow, just hope day 2 is actually the right amount of time for any airport-related infection to show up.
Flew from Faro needed to show locator ref, vaccine cert but no test required. Flew into Manchester, quite busy but most people masked up and tbf the attendant near me did remind people to put the mask on. Got my Day 2 test at the airport on arrival. Got contacted by test and trace a day after arriving presume , spoke to them said double vaccinated. Went to hospital appointment next day who took a temp check as I'd arrived from an amber country , it was fine. Got my PCT test result next day fine. Then came down with a heavy headcold and slight temp. Got an antigen test which was fine. Got rang up again by test and trace repeated that I was double vaxxed, had had two negative tests ( quite nice actually as she asked me how I was any symptoms etc). Anyway worse of the cold over by Sunday night and flew back Monday night after a few beers. Had to show vaccine passport and was asked if Id filled in a locator but no test required. No checks at Faro. Read in the Manchester Evening News late last night that these heavy head colds might be covid but I've got no temp, no cough now just a bit bunged up. So hopefully that's it.
It’s not, if you’re positive you’re still legally required to isolate, I was told this by track and trace last week. Contacts can choose not to isolate if they’re double vaxxed or recovered cases.

OK but who enforces it? Do the police actually have any powers to enforce it? I thought all powers got swept away with teh great bonfire of regulations we had over the summer?
Am tentatively making plans to go to the south of France next March, it'll be my first trip abroad since this all started.... I'll drive or get the train though which I imagine is less covid faff than flying.
What the fuck?? seriously. The law states that if you can't get a refund off the company then you are entitled to claim against the credit card company. Where the fuck does O'Leary get to think he can override the law of the land?
I hope someone sues his vile grubby arse over this.

It is tantamount to theft.
I really want to drive to see my mum at christmas but the cost of taking 2 dogs over post-brexit makes it a costly affair so might have to go on my own.
What the fuck?? seriously. The law states that if you can't get a refund off the company then you are entitled to claim against the credit card company. Where the fuck does O'Leary get to think he can override the law of the land?
I hope someone sues his vile grubby arse over this.
Right, but I don’t think the company you successfully and rightly got your money back from are legally obliged to then trade with you again, are they?
Right, but I don’t think the company you successfully and rightly got your money back from are legally obliged to then trade with you again, are they?
Bit shit that they took bookings from these people and then refused them boarding at the gate though.
Right, but I don’t think the company you successfully and rightly got your money back from are legally obliged to then trade with you again, are they?

They took money for new flights, so traded but then refused to allow people on the flights, so weren’t trading but tricking people in handing over money they didn’t owe. Plus exposing people to out of pocket expenses for hotels, car hire, parking, travel to the airport and so on.
They took money for new flights, so traded but then refused to allow people on the flights, so weren’t trading but tricking people in handing over money they didn’t owe. Plus exposing people to out of pocket expenses for hotels, car hire, parking, travel to the airport and so on.
Ah, I’d missed that. That’s definitely not on
PCR Tests for travel scrapped for fully vaccinated people - replaced with LFT - from the 24th, just in time for half term :rolleyes::facepalm:

One consequence of this encouragement of travel may be increased covid rates in the rest of Europe - which may make the UKs appalling record not seem quite as bad.
I honestly think the time for travel restrictions has passed. We needed them at the start of all this and needed them to stay in place till at least the vaccine rollout was well advanced. Instead they were introduced too late in a knee jerk reaction to the embarrassment caused by the Delta surge flown in from India.

I don't believe the two day pcr test was really doing anything beyond being a useful data collection exercise. For that reason alone I think they should have kept it but I can see why it has been changed.
Booked my day 2 PCR test. I have the code I need for my PLF form but now found out the company I booked is no longer government approved - can the airline deny me boarding? Some mumbling on Facebook about this but nothing certain.
Booked my day 2 PCR test. I have the code I need for my PLF form but now found out the company I booked is no longer government approved - can the airline deny me boarding? Some mumbling on Facebook about this but nothing certain.
Don’t think so . They normally just ask to see proof of PLF , they don’t read the detail. Only a handful of these PLF forms are sampled by test and trace ( mainly outsourced companies ) anyway .
I know people who have simply used a code that a friend has given them ( who have used it on a previous trip) and nothing has happened.
I comply cos I think it’s the right thing to do .
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