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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Oh, the ye olde ‘all seeing eye’ move, which without any logic to back it up fails to impress anyone.

I've no idea why you find it implausible that people didn't believe Iraq had WMDs. It was perfectly obvious to me and everyone I knew at the time that this was pure warmongering lies.

Maybe it's because I was in the USA, where the government didn't really have to bother with the WMD crap, they just hinted that Saddam had been involved in 9/11. But even there no-one I knew believed them.

In any case, since it turned out that we skeptics were right, and we were in fact being lied to, surely the onus is on those who were fooled--such as yourself--to explain how you came to be fooled so badly. I would suggest that your reluctance to believe in conspiracies had much to do with it.

Unfortunately it doesn't really seem like you've learned much from the experience.
Without wishing to have a complete rerun of this argument, the counterpoints went along the lines of 'the weapons had a use-by date, it was very hard for him to import new ones from anyone, we had mangled his capacity in many ways over many years, how much he hindered the inspections was hyped for propaganda purposes and he let them back in anyway, plus the government evidence for WMD was so weak it suggested the reality was even weaker'.

I tend to agree with most of what you say, but a couple of things:

1 - The UN inspectors were, if memory serves me right, very much against being pulled out so the war could happen, but at the same time made it very clear that Saddam had been 'playing with them', and making their job difficult, but despite that they believed they could complete their job. That was widely reported at the time - little in the way of propaganda there.

2- Anyone that believed that Saddam couldn't get outside help for WMDs would also believe that Pakistan, for example, could never have got outside help for their development of nuclear weapons, of course, reality proves otherwise.

At the end of the day, shit happens, the world is random, conspiraloons are too weak to accept that basic fact and need to believe that some sort of ‘powerful elite’ are running the show worldwide.

I guess, going back a couple of generations they would put it down to 'God', now it's down to the 'lizards'.
I've no idea why you find it implausible that people didn't believe Iraq had WMDs. It was perfectly obvious to me and everyone I knew at the time that this was pure warmongering lies.

As I said earlier, because no one denies that (a) he had had them and (b) he had used them.

So, perhaps instead of just waffling you would like to explain your logic in believing he could not possibly have still had them?
Im not suggesting Saddam never hindered the inspectors, but it was certainly overplayed for propaganda purposes, I forget the details but I seem to remember something with Hans Blix and others using the word cooperation in a way that was not helpful to the US & UKs narrative.

Saddam getting outside help with weapons would require him to have allies with decent capability and the will & strategic interest in giving him some weapons. Potential candidates for this were fairly thin on the ground since UK & USA stopped being his buddy, and whilst there was some sort of Russian dimension they had their own reasons not to help him that much, and other candidates would probably have been afraid of getting their regimes twatted by USA if they helped him out. Anyway at the time I did not 100% discount the idea he had any WMDs, I just considered it quite unlikely and nothing to do with the reasons why we might want to have a war.
At the end of the day, shit happens, the world is random, conspiraloons are too weak to accept that basic fact and need to believe that some sort of ‘powerful elite’ are running the show worldwide.

I guess, going back a couple of generations they would put it down to 'God', now it's down to the 'lizards'.

No I think there are plenty of other scapegoats than god. Communists, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, French, Jews, Oil-rich Arabs, Industrialists, Satanists, Catholics, Protestants, Scientists, the Pope, The Mafia, the media, there is never a shortage of scapegoats and even lizards or other non-humans have probably featured in that role for some for a lot longer than the last decade or so.

I wouldnt take the concept of random too far either. More likely chaos and coincidence mixed in with all of human history, seizing opportunity, all the different powerful groups and elites, economy, ideology and belief. Pockets of order are made out of chaos, its just a question of believing not only in a new world order but considering the old world order, and what sort of order the conspiracy theorists really strive for instead. I mistrust the conspiracy theorists not just for their sloppy attitude towards evidence, but because their motives and aims are even less apparent than those they shout and point at and blame.
I am surprised that most of the people you knew believed the WMDs claim was totally wrong, in view of the facts that no one denies (a) Saddam had had them and (b) Saddam had used them.

The inspections & destruction policy was all well and good, but (a) Saddam had been giving the weapons inspectors the run around and (b) Iraq is a bloody big country and 'needle and haystack' situation comes into play.

I, like you, was surprised they didn't find something to prove the WMD stuff was true, to follow the 'conspiracy' rather than 'complete cock-up' theory you would have expected the Americans would have smuggled some evidence in to support the lie, but strangely they didn't. :hmm:
tbh claphamboy, I'm not really sure where you're going with this arguement, but by saying that you believed the bullshit about WMD, it really doesn't help your credibility when arguing about other conspiracy type stuff.

It was very obvious that Iraq was very very unlikely to actually possess anything even vaguely resembling a functioning WMD programme to anyone who could be bothered to do a few hours digging around beyond the mainstream press at the time. The reasons were comprehensively outlined at the time on the website of the University professor who'd been the first to spot that blairs dossier had been plagiarised from a years old university dissertation (I forget his name and the site name now), or read the words of the weapons inspectors... ie some basic research.

and in this case there absolutely was a conspiracy between those at the top of the US government, and those in the UK government to silence those in the intelligence community who disagreed, and push the thread of WMD in the public arena way beyond anything that was justified by the evidence they were being given in private.

This is one conspiracy theory (conspiracy fact) that you're welcome to attempt to debunk if you want, but you're on a sticky wicket from the off being as you've already admitted you were one of the gullible many who fell for it hook line and sinker.

I'm not saying that rumsfeld, cheney et al actually knew for a fact that he didn't have any wmd, and bullshitted entirely about it, as in that case you're probably right, they probably would have made some attempt to plant some. I actually think they were both so blinkered that they genuinely thought there'd have been no way that Saddam would have actually destroyed everything, and that they'd be bound to find something somewhere that they could use as justification.

Fact remains though that they actively conspired to suppress all the evidence that pointed to Iraq no longer possessing WMD's, and heavily promote any snippet of information no matter how flimsy it was that supported their WMD scare story to allow them to launch a war they'd been planning since well before Bush won the election, never mind 911. This is a conspiracy by any definition of the word, and one that led to an illegal war in which a million or so people may well have died or been seriously injured, millions more become refugees, and trillions of dollars worth of contracts have changed hands.
balls. I really wish we'd managed to club together to sub the server fund back in the day so that the mods hadn't had to cull most of the threads on the board. I was hoping to find one of the threads from the time to demonstrate what I'm talking about, but they all seem to have vanished into the ether:(
Perhaps one of the reasons that I tend not to think of the Iraq stuff as a conspiracy theory is because that soiled label is usually only applied to things that are much less certain than the dubiousness of the Iraq war.

Although I do seem to recall Tony Blair (or maybe Bush) trying to dismiss the Iraq Oil War possibility as a silly conspiracy theory.

Good luck trying to rehabilitate the term conspiracy theory.

And no I dont believe there is a single conspiracy to distort and devalue language, rather there is a general trend towards such things, not quite as overt or planned as Orwells newspeak, but all the same one function of the term conspiracy theory is to limit the spectrum of what is considered to be legitimate debate. Outside of that increasingly shrunken spectrum, there are no shortage of truths and lies to be found, and in a war against he lies some truth will be lost as 'collateral damage'. Not to mention people seem to find it easier or more entertaining to argue about the sillier stuff than drone on about the more realistic, equally as grim possible realities.
balls. I really wish we'd managed to club together to sub the server fund back in the day so that the mods hadn't had to cull most of the threads on the board. I was hoping to find one of the threads from the time to demonstrate what I'm talking about, but they all seem to have vanished into the ether:(
it's my recollection that most of those threads disappeared because of their utter loonspuddery
it's my recollection that most of those threads disappeared because of their utter loonspuddery
no, those ones got kept in their own special archive forum. Some of the best of the rest were originally kept in the main archive forum (though many would have been missed), but then I think even these got lost when the board moved forums or something, so that anyone searching now will only find the conspiraloon ones.

as well as the more nutty 911 threads there were some fairly well researched threads specifically unpicking the WMD claims, the 2 dossiers etc, though I guess they were probably a lot shorter than the conspiraloon ones.
What a ridiculous claim to make, most people didn't know the full truth – how the fuck could they?

Most people I knew and spoke too that were anti-war still believed certain claims, such as the possession of weapons of mass destruction – the main claim to justify the war.

This is true. You see, most people just relied on the mainstream media. Even those who didn't want war with Iraq. They appealed for 'more time' etc.

However, claphamboy, had you been reading urban75 in the run-up to the Iraq war, you might well have realised that it was all a sack of shit. We had sites like iraqwar.ru telling us the truth of the whole affair.

The whole thing was orchestrated rubbish. It was certainly a 'conspiracy'. As Colin Powell had said just a little earlier, defending the regime of sanctions

"The sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction ... And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq ... " Colin Powell 24.2.2001

on the 'run-around', this is what John Pilger has to say (he's worth paying attention to)

Iraqi non-compliance often came only after provocation from the US administration. In March 1998 Clinton announced that Iraq had to open its palaces - percieved by Iraqis as symbols of their sovereignty - "anytime, without any conditions, deadlines or excuses". In addition, the Iraqis discovered evidence that American members of Unscom were spying for Washington. After initial vociferous denials the US was forced to concede the truth of the allegations following an embarrassing expose in the Washington Post.

wake up claphamboy, it's a murkier world than you think.
First line, first lie.
How we forget!

It was not permitted to question the idea of whether Saddam actually had the things in the mainstream media. That was 'crazy conspiracy talk'. I can remember the pre-war 'question time'. On one hand you had the warmongers saying let's go in now, on the other there were those appealing for 'more time' and peaceful resolutions. Those arguing against war were totally unable to put the idea that the whole thing was nonsense.

Of course David Icke had it right when he said that they didn't need inspectors in the first place, if they wanted to know whether Saddam had WMDs they need only check the receipts!
No, i said
This is true. You see, most people just relied on the mainstream media. Even those who didn't want war with Iraq. They appealed for 'more time' etc.

It was the first line of your post. I didn't read the rest because this was a lie. Simple as that. Why lie? Why insult me?
Of course David Icke had it right when he said that they didn't need inspectors in the first place, if they wanted to know whether Saddam had WMDs they need only check the receipts!

Well inspectors main job was to make sure the stuff on the receipts had been destroyed, not to confirm whether it existed in the first place, and also its a recycled Bill Hicks joke from the earlier war with Iraq:

How we forget!

It was not permitted to question the idea of whether Saddam actually had the things in the mainstream media. That was 'crazy conspiracy talk'.

That so-called evidence about Saddam's arsenal is accepted by all those who desire war, as Economist editor Bill Emmott made clear in a radio interview explaining why his magazine last week called for an invasion. The reason, said his editorial, was the likelihood that Iraq's "advanced technology and potential oil wealth" could soon give Saddam an atomic bomb.

This belief lies at the heart of every argument for attacking Iraq. As Guardian leader writer Simon Tisdall points out, all the "evidence" that Saddam has the potential to construct weapons of mass destruction is really an "assertion". In the end, what all journalists have to decide is whether or not they believe information supplied by America's intelligence agencies.

Indeed, the anti-war journalists can point to the fact that at least one key reason advanced by America for making war on Saddam - that he was linked in some way to al-Qaida - has already collapsed. If American intelligence experts were wrong about that, could they also be wrong about the weapons of mass destruction?

Guardian, August 2002, and there were no shortage of similar pieces before the war, echoing widely held sentiments.

yep, while there undoubtedly was a fair part of the antiwar movement, and antiwar press who still believed some or all of the wmd shit, severe scepticism or outright non belief of the wmd claims was a pretty mainstream current in the wider antiwar movement and antiwar mainstream press.

fuck all way that either the holographic plane brigade, or the gullible who fell for the WMD should be allowed to get away with this type of historic revisionism
took some digging seeing as all the original host sites seem to now be defunct, but IMO the counter dossier by Dr Glen Rangwala was the most authoritative piece of research done prior to the war to counter the WMD bullshit coming from the US and UK governments.

This was presented to both MPs & members of Congress prior to the key debates, as well as the mainstream press, and was drawn upon by most of the journalists who wrote articles questioning the WMD 'intelligence'. The information was out there if you could be arsed to read it to make it very obvious that Saddam was very unlikely to have anything in the way of usable WMD's left by 2002/3.

Rangwala was the guy I mentioned earlier who'd first spotted that Blairs dossier had largely been plagiarised btw, and is a Cambridge University politics lecturer specialising in the middle east, so pretty credible as sources go, and his work was fully referenced.
tbh claphamboy, I'm not really sure where you're going with this arguement, but by saying that you believed the bullshit about WMD, it really doesn't help your credibility when arguing about other conspiracy type stuff.


If one fails to recognize a fairly obvious conspiracy such as that, one will clearly fail to recognize others. Indeed we might even say that one is predisposed to believe what one is told, and thus prejudiced against acknowledging the existence of any conspiracy at all.
Hang on a sec . . .

There were no secret WMDs because we tried to find evidence and couldn't.

But there was a secret 9/11 conspiracy because we tried to find evidence . . .

No, i said

It was the first line of your post. I didn't read the rest because this was a lie. Simple as that. Why lie? Why insult me?

he's not lying. I knew people who are usually sussed about things, and such was the scale of a propaganda they just wouldn't argue the case of it being dodgy, for fear they were seen as an odd ball

If one fails to recognize a fairly obvious conspiracy such as that, one will clearly fail to recognize others. Indeed we might even say that one is predisposed to believe what one is told, and thus prejudiced against acknowledging the existence of any conspiracy at all.

Free Spirit's certainly shut him up! It was a lot easier for him and his ilk when it was only me against the lot of em!
Oh don't get all William on me here. What do you call it when senior politicians hold clandestine meetings with newspaper editors and plan how to to foist a set of lies on the public?

I call it a conspiracy myself.

The proper word is propagandising, and it's been going on since the media got large enough to be worth using. It's not like new Labour introduced a new and shockingly cynical tactic to the world.
Read Jon Ronson "Them" , but if you can't be bothered, he tracked a meeting down to remote woodland in Spain where he watched as ex heads of state, that cunt Mandelson and newspaper OWNERS went past.

Which proves what?
That, since time immemorial, the rich and the powerful have got together. That's all. It doesn't prove that there was or must have been a conspiracy over the war.
Everyone knew the truth. I knew it, the 2 million who marched against the war knew it, which means you knew it, and the newspaper editors most certainly knew it too.

So why did they print their lies? You find it "barking mad" to assert that they did so as a result of "briefing" by government ministers?

Well guess what? That's what is commonly known as conspirators conspiring in a conspiracy.

Something known by tens or hundreds of millions of people isn't a conspiracy.
Trev, I know you aren't really that interested in things like actual evidence, but if you want to know the really deep roots of the Iraq war, why it was inevitable irrespective of 911 and fake WMDs etc, you should track down a book called 'The Bush Dyslexicon'.
tbh claphamboy, I'm not really sure where you're going with this arguement, but by saying that you believed the bullshit about WMD, it really doesn't help your credibility when arguing about other conspiracy type stuff.

It was very obvious that Iraq was very very unlikely to actually possess anything even vaguely resembling a functioning WMD programme to anyone who could be bothered to do a few hours digging around beyond the mainstream press at the time. The reasons were comprehensively outlined at the time on the website of the University professor who'd been the first to spot that blairs dossier had been plagiarised from a years old university dissertation (I forget his name and the site name now), or read the words of the weapons inspectors... ie some basic research.

Well considering the people in the best position to know if Iraq had any WMDs were the UN Inspectors, who couldn’t confirm that all had been destroyed gave weight to what I described earlier as ‘perfectly reasonable to assume’ they still had some.

There were plenty of conflicting reports, which again destroy the idea that the media was involved in a conspiracy, on both sides of the argument, but it was the UN inspectors that were the key to acceptance IMO.

The fact that if they still had WMDs numbers/volumes would be small, the UN inspectors reckoned it would only take a few more months to complete their mission and declare Iraq WMD-free, it was blatantly clear this was no justification for war, and on reflection gave me, and many others, no reason to question the issue any deeper.

and in this case there absolutely was a conspiracy between those at the top of the US government, and those in the UK government to silence those in the intelligence community who disagreed, and push the thread of WMD in the public arena way beyond anything that was justified by the evidence they were being given in private.

This is one conspiracy theory (conspiracy fact) that you're welcome to attempt to debunk if you want, but you're on a sticky wicket from the off being as you've already admitted you were one of the gullible many who fell for it hook line and sinker.

I'm not saying that rumsfeld, cheney et al actually knew for a fact that he didn't have any wmd, and bullshitted entirely about it, as in that case you're probably right, they probably would have made some attempt to plant some. I actually think they were both so blinkered that they genuinely thought there'd have been no way that Saddam would have actually destroyed everything, and that they'd be bound to find something somewhere that they could use as justification.

Fact remains though that they actively conspired to suppress all the evidence that pointed to Iraq no longer possessing WMD's, and heavily promote any snippet of information no matter how flimsy it was that supported their WMD scare story to allow them to launch a war they'd been planning since well before Bush won the election, never mind 911. This is a conspiracy by any definition of the word, and one that led to an illegal war in which a million or so people may well have died or been seriously injured, millions more become refugees, and trillions of dollars worth of contracts have changed hands.

And I absolutely agree 100% with everything you say - there was a conspiracy at the top of the US & UK governments to push forward evidence for the war, including exaggerating the WDM threat, which at the time seemed minimal, but proved to be completely non-existence.

I haven’t denied a conspiracy within the governments, I only expressed surprise that they didn’t smuggle in at least a small amount of material to justify the war, but I reckon you are right they were so blinkered that they expected to find some materials anyway, which was not that unreasonable to assume in view of Saddam’s history.

What I do not accept is that the media was involved in the conspiracy – yes they were briefed, yes they were lied too, but they certainly weren’t part of the conspiracy as is evidence from the amount of coverage that was questioning of the governments and their evidence.

Perhaps faking evidence of WMD to save face was considered far too risky because if it went wrong and was exposed, well the last thing they needed was more damage to their credibility.

No, I am with free sprit on this, I think they genuinely assumed they would find something, no matter how small it was.

But, it’s an interesting idea that they couldn’t trust using a small team of highly trained and dedicated military personnel for such a conspiracy operation for fear of being found out, yet some seem to think they could trust hundreds, if not thousands, of media people to be in on the conspiracy. :hmm:
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