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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

Have just reread this. Fucking outstanding book. I did find the parts about DH uncomfortably frank, but otherwise I found it spot on politically. As someone whose had some involvement with Antifascism post AFA it does make ya feel like you missed a major working class movement. Nothing over here seems to have been realised so fully since? Including the Iwca which still puts out the occasional spot on analysis.
anti-fascism has changed radically with cctv, dna, FIT etc. however, all the demos i've been on have been pretty lively and there are usually militants around to hook up with. AFA tactics are not appropriate at the moment and the most effective tactic is mass blocking like bristol, brighton and walthamstow. literally no pasaran. this looks like it cd be a good book:
Yeah I took the book as an analysis of AFA. Not a manual on how to be an antifascist. I agree that mass mobilisations with as much local support as possible. A lot of the lads I work with view the EDL as a joke, they have just been a flash in the pan. However I do belive that Pyschical force antifascim does still have something of a place at particular times. Either to nip something in the bud or more importantly defending yourselves from attack. However it is no longer possible in the style the 43 group, the squads or AFA used.
yeah i think this is the general consensus here, or of those who are still active anti-fascists. i certainly would not condemn the EDL getting a few slaps away from the demo's and plod as has happened many times. manchester seems to be the next one of any significance although a few groupuscules are aiming to do a few wee protests here and there. the far right have fared badly in MCR so it should be an interesting day out.
Yeah I took the book as an analysis of AFA. Not a manual on how to be an antifascist. I agree that mass mobilisations with as much local support as possible. A lot of the lads I work with view the EDL as a joke, they have just been a flash in the pan. However I do belive that Pyschical force antifascim does still have something of a place at particular times. Either to nip something in the bud or more importantly defending yourselves from attack. However it is no longer possible in the style the 43 group, the squads or AFA used.

Couldnt resist 'fash in the pan'
Pyschical force antifascim

to me it's just a continuation of years of being vilified by the liberal anti-fascists. for example look at the language Lowles uses; he says he has been 'denounced' by libcom not simply criticised. besides which the article on libcom barely mentions him by name. anyway, fuck em.
'while I have been firmly denounced by the anarchist-aligned ‘LibCom.org’.'

like they havent been working against anarchists for fecken years. and also my comments on HnH often dont appear.
I do have some hope though as Anton Shekhovtsov has done some really interesting stuff. For example Apoliteic music: Neo-Folk, Martial Industrial and ‘metapolitical fascism’

I was going to say just that! A shame he now seems to be in bed with Searchlight, but i guess times are hard for academics.

"Patterns of Prejudice" - the academic journal where that article appeared first (I think) is doing a special issue on "Music And The Other" soon apparently.

This "Radicalism" stuff - it's basically academic study of fascism + islamic extremism, but leave the door open for "extreme left" stuff also, presumably? Which I guess makes the "anti-extremist" agenda of liberal anti-fascism more explicit.
Have just reread this. Fucking outstanding book. I did find the parts about DH uncomfortably frank, but otherwise I found it spot on politically.

Funnily enough the original draft presented to Freedom Press was considerably less detailed. However after someone at FP saw fit to then to allow Louise Purbick access to the unpublished manuscript, she demanded whole scale changes relating not only to Hann but also interestingly, in relation to others mentioned too.

FP then put the argument to BTF reps that 'compromise' would suit all parties. It should be noted that FP were under tremendous pressure from both within and without to the extend that had it been another small publisher without political sympathy they would likely have succumbed leaving the book unpublished. By them anyway.

Now, BTF reps were not unaware of this and may have tempted down the 'compromise route until it gradually became apparent in discussions that should some of her concerns be accomodated this might not necessarily preclude legal action against BTF anyway.

Essentially we were being urged to make alterations/amendments/omissions that would have considerably weakened the credibility of the case against Hann, and as a result would have made the prospect of a libel case even more likely due to the case against BTF now appearing even more attractive to the likes of Carter Ruck.

After some consideration rather than soften the case against Hann it was decided to bolster the original draft with further detail in order to deny Carter Ruck the wriggle room in which to ply the trade in which they are undeniably expert.

In addition to this we also sent to Carter Ruck and Louise Purbick a confidential letter signed by half-a-dozen eye witnesses outlining the full unedited case against Hann. If you think BTF was rough on Hann then you should have read that.

Carter Ruck must have thought so too as they dropped the case not long afterwards.

In conclusion, BTF is only as 'frank' on the matter of Hann as it had to be. Far from being 'vindictive' as some have it; to try and present it less honestly, or to pull one too many punches, risked BTF not being published at all.
Interesting to note as well that the lawyer at Carter Ruck who we were sparring with (a specialist in defamation, who now now longer works for them) recently secured a number of settlements on behalf of a variety of high profile clients against News International in relation to the phone hacking scandals, and was also seconded to assist with the Leveson enquiry

So it's not like they just set the work experience kid on it
I don't dispute you there Joe. The book makes it obvious why those involved in the book from a RA background have had to be so blunt. Otherwise every action or statement you make gets twisted against you, as it seems has long been the case. I included my view on the DH as an honest addmision, I found it uncomfortable reading. That doesn't mean I wish to dispute the account in the book.
Funnily enough the original draft presented to Freedom Press was considerably less detailed. However after someone at FP saw fit to then to allow Louise Purbick access to the unpublished manuscript, she demanded whole scale changes relating not only to Hann but also interestingly, in relation to others mentioned too.

FP then put the argument to BTF reps that 'compromise' would suit all parties. It should be noted that FP were under tremendous pressure from both within and without to the extend that had it been another small publisher without political sympathy they would likely have succumbed leaving the book unpublished. By them anyway.

Now, BTF reps were not unaware of this and may have tempted down the 'compromise route until it gradually became apparent in discussions that should some of her concerns be accomodated this might not necessarily preclude legal action against BTF anyway.

Essentially we were being urged to make alterations/amendments/omissions that would have considerably weakened the credibility of the case against Hann, and as a result would have made the prospect of a libel case even more likely due to the case against BTF now appearing even more attractive to the likes of Carter Ruck.

After some consideration rather than soften the case against Hann it was decided to bolster the original draft with further detail in order to deny Carter Ruck the wriggle room in which to ply the trade in which they are undeniably expert.

In addition to this we also sent to Carter Ruck and Louise Purbick a confidential letter signed by half-a-dozen eye witnesses outlining the full unedited case against Hann. If you think BTF was rough on Hann then you should have read that.

Carter Ruck must have thought so too as they dropped the case not long afterwards.

In conclusion, BTF is only as 'frank' on the matter of Hann as it had to be. Far from being 'vindictive' as some have it; to try and present it less honestly, or to pull one too many punches, risked BTF not being published at all.

Are you following the SWP thread Joe......
Funnily enough the original draft presented to Freedom Press was considerably less detailed. However after someone at FP saw fit to then to allow Louise Purbick access to the unpublished manuscript, she demanded whole scale changes relating not only to Hann but also interestingly, in relation to others mentioned too.

FP then put the argument to BTF reps that 'compromise' would suit all parties. It should be noted that FP were under tremendous pressure from both within and without to the extend that had it been another small publisher without political sympathy they would likely have succumbed leaving the book unpublished. By them anyway.

Now, BTF reps were not unaware of this and may have tempted down the 'compromise route until it gradually became apparent in discussions that should some of her concerns be accomodated this might not necessarily preclude legal action against BTF anyway.

Essentially we were being urged to make alterations/amendments/omissions that would have considerably weakened the credibility of the case against Hann, and as a result would have made the prospect of a libel case even more likely due to the case against BTF now appearing even more attractive to the likes of Carter Ruck.

After some consideration rather than soften the case against Hann it was decided to bolster the original draft with further detail in order to deny Carter Ruck the wriggle room in which to ply the trade in which they are undeniably expert.

In addition to this we also sent to Carter Ruck and Louise Purbick a confidential letter signed by half-a-dozen eye witnesses outlining the full unedited case against Hann. If you think BTF was rough on Hann then you should have read that.

Carter Ruck must have thought so too as they dropped the case not long afterwards.

In conclusion, BTF is only as 'frank' on the matter of Hann as it had to be. Far from being 'vindictive' as some have it; to try and present it less honestly, or to pull one too many punches, risked BTF not being published at all.

As predicted in the run up to Daves book coming out.....I wouldnt have expected any less
I don't dispute you there Joe. The book makes it obvious why those involved in the book from a RA background have had to be so blunt. Otherwise every action or statement you make gets twisted against you, as it seems has long been the case. I included my view on the DH as an honest addmision, I found it uncomfortable reading. That doesn't mean I wish to dispute the account in the book.

Fair enough. It was the "otherwise" remark that prompted me to respond as I did.
As predicted in the run up to Daves book coming out.....I wouldnt have expected any less

behave yourself BN.

JR was responding in a considered way to a legitimate post - unless you think Connollyist is a Reilly-ite plant? i really don't want to see this thread derailed again so if you have specifics about Carter-Ruck etc to post - post them.

Otherwise please keep the head and chill.
behave yourself BN.

JR was responding in a considered way to a legitimate post - unless you think Connollyist is a Reilly-ite plant? i really don't want to see this thread derailed again so if you have specifics about Carter-Ruck etc to post - post them.

Otherwise please keep the head and chill.

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