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Workers' Girder! Getcher Workers Girder!

  1. Bring tideland under reclamation on a grand scale so as to widen the land of the country!
  2. Turn all the rivers into those that give benefits to the country, are full of treasures and bring happiness to the people!
  3. Work out scrupulous measures to prevent damages from flooding, severe drought, storm and heavy snowfall!
  4. Hasten the work to build up roads for modern, heavy-duty and high-speed purposes!
  5. Devote pure conscience to road maintenance like the members of the family workteam on Kubong Pass!
  6. Let the cosmos flowers bloom all along the roads and railways!
  7. Let us launch a vigorous society-wide campaign to conserve the environment and nature!
  8. Let us protect and make use of underground, forest and marine resources in order to add glory to our legendary country full of treasures!
  9. Let us develop Pyongyang more splendidly into a majestic and picturesque world-class city, as the centre of Songun culture!
  10. Let us turn the whole country into a socialist fairyland by modelling it on Pyongyang, capital of the revolution!
  11. Keep streets, villages, mountains and rivers as neat and tidy as one’s own courtyard!
  12. Plant a large number of flowering and cover plants so that no land is left bare!
  13. Improving economic management is an urgent requirement for building an economic giant.
  14. Let us establish an economic management method of our style as demanded by the developing reality!
  15. Ensure that producers fully discharge their responsibility and role as masters of production in economic management!
  16. Ensure maximum profit in economic activities while firmly adhering to socialist principles!
  17. Conduct production and management in conformity to the objective economic laws and as required by modern science and technology!
  18. Let us strengthen the Cabinet responsibility system, Cabinet-centred system in the economic work!
  19. Work out a rational and effective strategy for business operation and enterprise management based on the national strategy for economic development!
  20. Hold fast to the principles of scientific accuracy, viability and enlisting in planning work!
  21. Radically improve the quality of products and enhance their competitive edge!
  22. Self-reliance is the only way to survive!
  23. Put production on a normal footing and speed up the advance of socialism, holding aloft the banner of self-reliance!
  24. Let us realize modernization, relying on our own strength and technology!
  25. Get rid of the proclivity to imports and ensure domestic production of raw and other materials and equipment!
  26. Establish exacting order of regular operation, regular repair and regular maintenance at all units!
  27. Be in charge of your workplaces and villages, split into square metres, and take good care of them with the attitude as befitting masters!
  28. Economy means increased production and patriotism.
  29. Economize on every watt of electricity, every drop of fuel oil and water, and every gramme of coal and cement to the maximum!
  30. It is a firm will of our Party to create at the fastest speed the highest level of civilization, which would be envied by the world.
  31. Let us bring about a revolution in education in the new century to develop ours into a country of education, a talented nation!
  32. Decisively improve the quality of the universal 12-year compulsory education!
  33. Develop the contents of education into practicable, comprehensive and modern ones!
  34. Closely combine theoretical education with practical education for students to learn useful knowledge!
  35. Let us vigorously push forward educational work, viewing it as one of the important national affairs involving the entire Party, the whole country and all the people!
  36. Let us closely combine family education with social and school education and bring up the coming generations to be honest and sound!
  37. Let teachers become roots and foundations for the future of the motherland!
  38. Let us make all the people well versed in science and technology, and develop our country into a scientific and technological power, a talented nation!
  39. Speed up making the working class well versed in science and technology with the rooms for disseminating sci-tech knowledge as bases!
  40. Physical culture and sports are important in demonstrating the national strength and preparing all the people for labour and national defence.
  41. Let us raise the status of our country to that of a sports power at an earliest date possible!
  42. Let us fiercely raise the sports wind across the country!
  43. The height of a medal-awarding podium represents the prestige of the motherland!
  44. Glorify the honour of Songun Korea before the eyes of the world by winning more gold medals!
  45. Play sports games in an offensive way, the way the anti-Japanese guerrillas did!
  46. Let us make sports mass-based and part of our everyday life!
  47. Encourage folk games and sports events participated by the masses and develop physical training for national defence!
  48. Journalists and other media persons, and creators and artistes!
  49. Bring about a fresh revolution in mass media!
  50. Let mass media become a travelling companion dear to the masses and a pathfinder of the times!
  1. Make larger numbers of ideological “missiles” capable of severely damaging the enemy and instilling firm confidence in victory among our service personnel and people!
  2. Let us support the Songun-based leadership of the Party by creating large numbers of masterpieces!
  3. Learn from the revolutionary and militant manner of creating works developed by the Moranbong Band to bring about innovations in creative activities!
  4. Create excellent works of art and literature that portray the revolutionary careers and immortal exploits of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu!
  5. Kindle the flames of a fresh revolution in cinema, starting from the production of animations!
  6. Make the advancing ranks brim over with enthusiasm and optimism by producing large numbers of songs that champion the Party’s policies and enlivening folk songs!
  7. Let us turn the whole country into a land of the arts and make the arts mass-based!
  8. Make every workplace overflow with revolutionary and fighting morale by actively conducting mass-based cultural and artistic activities!
  9. Devotion is the attribute and lifeblood of the socialist public health service.
  10. Show people utmost devotion the way the medical workers in the Chollima era did!
  11. Improve the hygiene and anti-epidemic work and preventive and curative medical care so as to give fullest play to the advantages of the socialist public health system!
  12. Bring to perfection telemedicine and the medical information network!
  13. Boost the production of highly-efficacious medicines conducive to promoting the people’s health!
  14. Let us make the whole society pulsate with national sentiments and noble and beautiful lifestyle!
  15. Let us establish cultured ways in production and life on a high level!
  16. Let us conserve the excellent cultural heritage of our nation and inherit and develop them!
  17. The people’s government is a powerful political weapon in building a thriving nation and is responsible for the people’s livelihoods.
  18. Let us further develop the most advantageous people-centred socialist system of our own style!
  19. Let us consolidate our people’s power to make it rock-solid!
  20. Let us give full play to the advantages and might of socialism so as to make socialism as different in all respects from capitalism as heaven is from earth!
  21. Let the people-oriented policies and favours of the Party and the state reach the people as they are!
  22. Steadily improve the people’s living standards so as to make the cheering for the Workers’ Party and socialism resound!
  23. Let us make the laudable traits of taking care of orphaned children, the elderly with no one to support them and people with disabilities a tradition of the country that has become one large family!
  24. Let us create a thoroughgoing revolutionary atmosphere of law observance throughout society by strengthening obedience to the socialist law!
  25. Let us all observe the country’s law and order voluntarily with a noble sense of civic duty!
  26. Let judicial and prosecutorial organs fulfil their sacred mission and duty of defending the leader, the policies, the system and the people!
  27. Intensify education in law observance and law-based struggle to reliably guarantee the building of a thriving nation by law!
  28. Let the officials in the law-enforcement organs become fierce tigers for the unsound and hostile elements and faithful and true servants for the people!
  29. Build up the single-hearted unity of the revolutionary ranks by enforcing law properly as required by the Party’s policies!
  30. Wage the class struggle dynamically by relying on the masses!
  31. Establish revolutionary discipline and order and keep the Party, state and military secrets strictly!
  32. When young people are astir, the whole country becomes astir and a revolutionary upsurge is brought about on all fronts of building a thriving socialist country.
  33. Let us become young heroes in the worthwhile struggle to glorify the great Kim Jong Un’s era!
  34. Young people, be vanguard fighters who are unfailingly faithful to the Party’s revolutionary cause of Songun!
  35. Always advance straight ahead, following the Party!
  36. Give fullest scope to the heroic spirit and mettle as befit reliable point-men and wing of the Party in the struggle to carry out the revolutionary cause of Songun!
  37. Towards the trench on the first line of the Songun revolution singing loudly the song Train Bound for the Front!
  38. Become today’s Ri Su Boks and Jo Kun Sils, who are ready to lay down their youth and lives for the sake of their only motherland!
  39. Go through fire and water in response to the Party’s call!
  40. Add brilliance to your youth like your fathers and mothers did!
  41. Build up the youth league into steely combat ranks strong in the sense of organization, unity and fighting efficiency!
  42. Enhance the fighting efficiency of the working people’s organizations and give fullest play to the patriotic zeal of their members!
  43. Launch brisk mass-based movements and make the flames of socialist emulation drive sweep the whole country!
  44. The general onward march of the new century of the Juche era demands revolutionary and militant fighting spirit and working style with which to make a leap forward while looking out over the world.
  45. Let us create a new spirit of the times, the speed of Korea, by means of our Party’s revolutionary mode, fighting style and creative way!
  46. Korea does what it is determined to do!
  47. All at once!
  48. Carry out the tasks given by the Party within the time it has set and on the level it requires!
  49. Let us learn from the fighting spirit, the spirit of carrying out the Party’s lines and policies to the death, and the meticulous working style of the Korean People’s Army Unit 267!
  50. Let the units visited by the great leaders be exemplary and standard ones in implementing the Party’s policies!
  1. Let Pyongyang lead the country in all aspects by creating today’s Pyongyang spirit, Pyongyang speed!
  2. Let us create prototype units in all sectors and effect joint innovations!
  3. Get rid of stereotypes and formulae and create new things constantly!
  4. Cover hundreds of kilometres at a stretch when others are taking tenth or one hundredth step!
  5. Keep your feet firmly planted on this land and look out over the world!
  6. Let us hold dear and add brilliance to our own things!
  7. Carry out the Party’s policies as exactly in all aspects as the Chonji Lubricating Oil Factory did!
  8. The more books we read, the earlier the country prospers; the less books we read, the later the country prospers.
  9. Let us establish the guerrilla’s way of studying throughout society!
  10. Overcome thoroughly the manner of working like extinguishing fire after it has broken out, like a flash in the pan and like conducting a shock campaign!
  11. As long as we are with the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, sorrow and hardship as well as joy are an honour for us!
  12. Let us live not merely for today but for tomorrow!
  13. Acquire a noble outlook on the revolution and the future that one year of our hard work means ten years of advance for our motherland!
  14. Let us make the whole country resound louder with the song We Are the Happiest in the World.
  15. Forward towards a bright future, filled with confidence in sure victory and optimism!
  16. The destiny of the Party’s policies rests on the officials’ shoulders.
  17. Be standard-bearers and vanguard fighters in today’s general offensive!
  18. Be ardent supporters of the Party’s policies and thoroughgoing fighters who implement them in a do-or-die spirit!
  19. Let us live and work like the officials in the 1970s, the period of laying the Party’s foundation for carrying forward the cause of Juche!
  20. Organize and guide undertakings dynamically like the commanding officers of the revolutionary army on the frontline!
  21. Intensify on-site guidance and political work!
  22. Planning, command and review, all in a three-dimensional way and at lightning speed!
  23. Make tireless efforts with an extraordinary determination to resolve the problems of the people’s living at any cost!
  24. Do everything in an innovative and scientific way!
  25. Read the minds of producers first before measuring the quantity of their products!
  26. Supply service work is immediately the struggle to defend socialism!
  27. Sweep away defeatism, self-preservation, expediency and self-centeredness!
  28. It is a long-cherished desire of all the fellow countrymen and urgent task of the nation to put an end to the tragedy of national division that has lasted 70 years.
  29. Let us build a dignified and prosperous reunified country on this land without fail true to the lifetime wishes of the great Comrades Kim Il Sungand Kim Jong Il.
  30. Let us hold high the three charters for national reunification and the north-south declarations as charters and great programmes for national reunification common to the nation!
  31. Let the whole nation join efforts to open up a broad avenue to independent reunification in this year which marks the 70th anniversary of national liberation!
  32. Let us put an end to interference by outside forces and achieve national reunification independently under the unfurled banner of By Our Nation Itself!
  33. Let us bring about a great turn in the inter-Korean relations in this year that marks the 15th anniversary of the June 15 Joint Declaration!
  34. Let the whole nation turn out and write a new chapter in the history of inter-Korean relations in hearty response to the peerlessly great man’s patriotic call!
  35. Let us determinedly thwart the military provocations and schemes of war games by the US and south Korean warmongers!
  36. Let us rise up in the nationwide struggle to drive the US imperialist aggressive forces, the root cause of national misfortune and war, out of south Korea!
  37. Let us resolutely frustrate the anti-DPRK “human rights” schemes by the US and its vassal forces!
  38. Let us hold fast to the principles of our foreign policy-independence, peace and friendship!
  39. Let us maintain the revolutionary principles and independent stand with all consistency in foreign relations!
  40. Let us develop foreign relations in a multilateral and proactive way, giving top priority to the dignity and interests of the country!
  41. Let us develop friendly and cooperative relations with all countries that respect the sovereignty of our nation and are friendly to us!
  42. All Party members, officers and men of the People’s Army and people!
  43. An opening salvo of the general offensive for the 70th anniversaries of national liberation and Party founding has been fired.
  44. The revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu and the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners’ call to keep the revolutionary faith even if one may die, stir up further the confidence in sure victory and fighting spirit of our service personnel and people, who are charging forward along the road of Juche against all odds, and inspire loyalty and passion in the advancing ranks.
  45. No force can check this sweeping advance of the service personnel and people, who are marching in fine array arm-in-arm, shoulder-to-shoulder, following the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, a great man of Paektu.
  46. The flags bearing the beaming images of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il will fly forever in the van of our revolutionary ranks that achieve only victory and glory, and always inspire us to fresh victories.
  47. All forward towards the venue of victory celebration!
  48. Long live the great victory in the anti-Japanese war and the 70th anniversary of national liberation!
  49. Long live the 70th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea!
Perfect for those fluffy things with wobbly eyes and sticky feet that the PD Anti-Imperialist Information Office (copliker's shed) discussed a while back.

Perfect for those fluffy things with wobbly eyes and sticky feet that the PD Anti-Imperialist Information Office (copliker's shed) discussed a while back.

Big "activist" bragging rights for whoever places the order, enabling the "what do 'you' do?" card to be played when trying to assert authority over a jumped up prole.

Victory to Tom DeLonge of whiny 90s chugga chugga childpunk merchants Blink 182.

Tom DeLonge has claimed that aliens do exist and that his phone has been tapped while he tried to expose a government cover-up.
i notice that the imperialist capitalist denial machine has been suggesting that maybe he did too many drugs during his days as a spokesmen for frat. house date-rapists. Let not their words blind your eyes to the truth of intergalactic socialism, comrades.
Perhaps we could have a competition for our young pioneers to see who can memorise and recite these slogans most accurately and with the greatest passion. I'm sure such a contest would be met with huge enthusiasm.

Comradely greeting - Louis MacNeice
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Perhaps we could have a competition for our young pioneers to see who can memorise and recite these slogans most accurately and with the greatest passion. I'm sure such a contest would be met with huge enthusiasm.

Comradely greeting - Louis MacNeice

But comrade Louis; we must be careful not to give our imperialist, reactionary bourgeois enemies an opportunity to cast our society as technologically backward. If you were down with the young pioneers you'd know that our space-age industries had given the (young) workers the portable technology that makes redundant the memorising of our glorious slogans.

Fraternal respect...comrade Broggers

But comrade Louis; we must be careful not to give our imperialist, reactionary bourgeois enemies an opportunity to cast our society as technologically backward. If you were down with the young pioneers you'd know that our space-age industries had given the (young) workers the portable technology that makes redundant the memorising of our glorious slogans.

Fraternal respect...comrade Broggers


You would have our young people become soft?

Ask yourself why you attack and undermine the next generation.

Comradely greetings - Louis MacNeice
The other day I was using google maps to scour the local area for signs of alien contact that may be hidden in hedges, field features and so on and came across this. It would appear that some brave militants have constructed a bomber in their garden, possibly with a view to distributing those googly eyed promo bug things in the run up to the election charade.

PD airforce.jpg
The other day I was using google maps to scour the local area for signs of alien contact that may be hidden in hedges, field features and so on and came across this. It would appear that some brave militants have constructed a bomber in their garden, possibly with a view to distributing those googly eyed promo bug things in the run up to the election charade.

View attachment 67970

That runway looks a bit short.
The other day I was using google maps to scour the local area for signs of alien contact that may be hidden in hedges, field features and so on and came across this. It would appear that some brave militants have constructed a bomber in their garden, possibly with a view to distributing those googly eyed promo bug things in the run up to the election charade...

Either that or John Travolta has moved in next door :hmm:
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