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We've been rumbled - Fascists on Mars.

Faascisti su Maarte, rosso pianeta bolscevico e traditor - fascists on Mars, the red Bolshevik traitor planet.

Fascisti su Marte, a six-part film purporting to document the voyage to Mars in 1939 of a handful of fascist militiamen. Much sepia-toned hilarity ensues as the bumbling explorers proceed to claim the ‘Bolshevik, traitorous planet’ for the glory of the regime. My favourite moments are those that caricature the rhetorical bombast of the triumph of the will, Italian-style: like when the men first descend on the planet and find it to be lacking in oxygen, a problem that the gerarca Barbagli solves by issuing a peremptory order: ‘Breathe!’ Or when Barbagli explains to his fellow cosmonauts floating around the rocket cabin that ‘gravity needs to be found within oneself, in the values of Fascism and in the mission.’

Few parts of it on youtube with subs - full italian versions though.

We've been rumbled - Fascists on Mars.

Faascisti su Maarte, rosso pianeta bolscevico e traditor - fascists on Mars, the red Bolshevik traitor planet.

Fascisti su Marte, a six-part film purporting to document the voyage to Mars in 1939 of a handful of fascist militiamen. Much sepia-toned hilarity ensues as the bumbling explorers proceed to claim the ‘Bolshevik, traitorous planet’ for the glory of the regime. My favourite moments are those that caricature the rhetorical bombast of the triumph of the will, Italian-style: like when the men first descend on the planet and find it to be lacking in oxygen, a problem that the gerarca Barbagli solves by issuing a peremptory order: ‘Breathe!’ Or when Barbagli explains to his fellow cosmonauts floating around the rocket cabin that ‘gravity needs to be found within oneself, in the values of Fascism and in the mission.’

Few parts of it on youtube with subs - full italian versions though.

Pretty sure I read a story that it was in fact Bolsheviks on Mars - afaik the facists only made it as far as the moon, according to a documentary film I saw.

Stalinists in Space.

I think it'd be good if someone made an informed (not cliched 'totalitarian' shite), non-kitsch film about the Soviet Union that uses the never-constructed (or finished) buildings proposed or planned for the 1930s rebuilding of Moscow, like the Palace of Soviets. Seeing a historically accurate story played out in a living, breathing New Moscow that never came to be would be interesting, but I'm a bit sad, so there we go.
Stalinists in Space.

I think it'd be good if someone made an informed (not cliched 'totalitarian' shite), non-kitsch film about the Soviet Union that uses the never-constructed (or finished) buildings proposed or planned for the 1930s rebuilding of Moscow, like the Palace of Soviets. Seeing a historically accurate story played out in a living, breathing New Moscow that never came to be would be interesting, but I'm a bit sad, so there we go.

The Lego Movie 2?
Stalinists in Space.

I think it'd be good if someone made an informed (not cliched 'totalitarian' shite), non-kitsch film about the Soviet Union that uses the never-constructed (or finished) buildings proposed or planned for the 1930s rebuilding of Moscow, like the Palace of Soviets. Seeing a historically accurate story played out in a living, breathing New Moscow that never came to be would be interesting, but I'm a bit sad, so there we go.

I must be sad as well then cos that sounds cool as fuck :cool:
Yep, they got a hastily read but unturndownable offer from the Syrian branch of Intergalactic Socialism to tour their facilities but should be back in time for payback 2015.

Oooh, we hope they like the gifts!

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Carla Buzasi has been hired btw.

Buzasi said:
“I want to bring all the things I’ve learned in the other jobs. So, how do we get communism to consumers in a quick, lively, interesting fashion? Proletarian Democracy [Posadist] is known really well in the dank sectarian swamp but how do we build it outside of that as well? That’s a shared responsibility. I love building brands, that’s one of the reasons I came here, I could see the potential.”
  1. Let us all turn out in the general offensive to hasten final victory in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu!
  2. Let us greet the 70th anniversaries of national liberation and Party founding with high political enthusiasm and brilliant labour feats!
  3. Let us glorify the 70th anniversaries of national liberation and Party founding as revolutionary, auspicious events noteworthy in the history of Kim Il Sung’s nation and Kim Jong Il’s Korea!
  4. The great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are the eternal leaders of our revolution, the sun of Juche and the incarnation of the dignified powerful Paektusan nation.
  5. Let us uphold the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as the eternal leaders of our Party and people and as the sun of Juche!
  6. The great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il will always be with us!
  7. Let us glorify the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun eternally as the supreme sanctuary of Juche, as a grand monument to the immortality of the leaders!
  8. Let us arm ourselves firmly with the revolutionary ideas of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il!
  9. Long live the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!
  10. Let us model the whole Party and all society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!
  11. Let us advance vigorously united firmly with one mind and one will as befit the descendants of Comrade Kim Il Sung and the soldiers and followers of Comrade Kim Jong Il!
  12. Let us cherish the ties of kinship with Comrade Kim Jong Il as our lifeline!
  13. Let us glorify the noble revolutionary careers and undying exploits of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for all generations to come!
  14. Let us glorify the achievement of national liberation by Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, hero of national resurrection and legendary hero of the anti-Japanese war, for all eternity!
  15. Long live the great victory in the war against Japan!
  16. Let us glorify the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il’s ideas of and achievements in the Songun revolution down through the generations!
  17. Let us brilliantly inherit and develop the glorious revolutionary traditions of our Party!
  18. Let us accomplish the Korean revolution in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu!
  19. The lines and policies advanced by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and their instructions are textbooks for the revolution.
  20. Let us carry out the lifetime instructions of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il whatever the conditions without an inch of deflection and without a step of compromise!
  21. Let us advance straight along the road of independence, Songun and socialism opened by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il!
  22. Let us build our country into the most powerful one in the world, into a people’s fairyland, as wished by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il!
  23. Do everything the way the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il did!
  24. Let us step up the building of a prosperous country by applying Kim Jong Il’s patriotism!
  25. Let us exalt the brilliance of the great Kim Il Sung’s country, General Kim Jong Il’s country, following the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un!
  26. Let us stoutly continue, following the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the march that started on Paektu!
  27. The single-hearted unity is the greatest foundation and the most powerful weapon of our revolution.
  28. Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Un!
  29. Let us defend the single-hearted unity of the Party and revolutionary ranks around the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in a thoroughgoing way and consolidate it rock-solid!
  30. Let all the service personnel and people form rings and rings of fortress around the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un!
  31. Long live the glorious Workers’ Party of Korea, which organizes and guides all victories of our people!
  32. Let us strengthen and develop the Workers’ Party of Korea for all ages to come into a glorious party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il!
  33. Let us set up a new milestone in improving the Party’s leadership ability and fighting efficiency in this year, which marks its 70th founding anniversary!
  34. Let us establish the Party’s monolithic leadership system more thoroughly across the Party and society!
  35. Let the whole Party share the ideas, breathe the same air and keep pace with the Party Central Committee!
  36. Let us establish across the Party rigorous discipline by which it moves as one under the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee!
  37. Let us defend the prestige of the Party Central Committee in every way possible through the struggle to implement the Party’s ideas and champion its policies!
  38. Turn your units and areas into places that adjoin the yard of the office of the Party Central Committee, places where the Party’s call, breath and pulse run high!
  39. Keep up with the implementation of the Party’s lines and policies as the major line of Party work!
  40. We serve the people!
  41. Let us make the principle of holding the masses dearest run through Party work as a whole!
  42. Let us make the climate of respecting, loving and relying on the people prevail across the Party!
  43. Focus the major effort in Party work on improving the people’s standard of living!
  44. Let Party organizations and officials work devotedly for the people to live up to their highest expectations!
  45. Let the whole Party direct its main effort to the work with the people!
  46. Raise all people into ones strong in idea and faith with the affection and the feeling of kinship as befits a motherly party!
  47. Even though one may have 99 per cent of demerits and only one per cent of merit or conscience, boldly trust him and lead him to start with a clean slate!
  48. Regard giving play to the spiritual strength of the masses as the main thing, compulsory path, of Party work!
  49. Let Party officials learn the Party’s methods of work with the people and become skilful in remoulding them and giving play to their spiritual strength!
  50. Thoroughly get rid of abuse of authority and bureaucratism!
  1. Regard supply service work as an important link in the whole chain of Party work!
  2. Let Party cells become death-defying corps and pioneers in implementing the Party’s policies!
  3. Let us hasten final victory through a revolutionary ideological offensive!
  4. Hold fast to ideological work as the top priority!
  5. Let us raise a strong wind of studying the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!
  6. Concentrate on education in the greatness of the leaders, Kim Jong Il’s patriotism, faith, anti-imperialist and class consciousness, and morality!
  7. Keep the revolutionary faith to the death!
  8. Fight death-defyingly for our country and nation!
  9. Let us bear deep in mind the lessons from the class struggle and its truth!
  10. Let the Party’s information officials work as the buglers of the anti-Japanese guerrilla army did!
  11. Make all well-informed of the Party’s policies as they are of their own family affairs!
  12. Fire an opening salvo of an ideological campaign and make our fire concentrated, regular and accurate!
  13. Step up the three-revolution red flag movement!
  14. Frustrate the imperialist moves for ideological and cultural infiltration by dint of our revolutionary ideology and culture!
  15. Let the whole Party become information and motivation workers!
  16. Demonstrate the revolutionary mettle as befit members of the Workers’ Party of Korea in the today’s general offensive true to the pledge taken in front of its flag!
  17. Our Party’s new line of simultaneously promoting the two fronts is a permanent strategic line that we must pursue as long as there exists the threat of aggression by the imperialists.
  18. All out for a campaign to implement the Party’s line of simultaneously promoting the two fronts!
  19. The People’s Army is the pillar and main force of the Songun revolution and a revolutionary armed force of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
  20. Let us model the entire army on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!
  21. Adorn the 70th anniversaries of national liberation and Party founding with proud successes in consolidating the country’s military strength!
  22. Let the People’s Army remain the reliable vanguard and solid cornerstone of the Songun revolution holding aloft the red flag of the Workers’ Party of Korea as the foremost colours of the revolution!
  23. Become the props and iron shields that support and defend the lineage of Mt. Paektu alone to the death!
  24. Establish the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un’s monolithic command system more firmly throughout the army!
  25. Implement to the letter the four-point strategic line and three major tasks for increasing military strength!
  26. Make the entire army the leading force of guards who advance straight ahead with their guns levelled only in the direction indicated by the Party!
  27. Let the People’s Army become an army strong in idea and faith, a pioneer in achieving unity and the first guardian of the unity, which is unfailingly loyal to the Party and the leader!
  28. Let the entire army become a unit of genuine comrades-in-arms!
  29. Consolidate in every way the political and military might of Kim Jong Un’s powerful revolutionary army by vigorously conducting the movement of winning the titles of O Jung Hup-led 7th Regiment and Guards Unit!
  30. Add brilliance to our revolutionary armed forces’ proud tradition of winning all battles!
  31. This year is a year of great significance, in which we will mark the 40th anniversary of the publication of the five-point policy for military training by the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung and the 25th anniversary of the formulation of the four major principles for military training by the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.
  32. Training is also a battle!
  33. Let the entire army bubble with enthusiasm for intensifying training as anti-Japanese guerrillas did on Mt. Paektu!
  34. Glorify this significant year as a milestone in improving the quality of combat and political training!
  35. Let the entire army be prepared as crack shots by raising more fiercely the flames of the movement of becoming accurate riflemen and gunners!
  36. Should the enemy dare to invade our country, annihilate them to the last man so that none of them will survive to sign the instrument of surrender!
  37. Be constantly on the alert without a moment’s relaxation!
  38. Establish iron discipline to develop the People’s Army into an elite revolutionary force to the hilt!
  39. All officers, become field commanders who are capable of dealing with modern warfare!
  40. Let us develop battalions and companies into ever-victorious, elite combat units and make them soldiers’ dear villages and homes that adjoin the yard of the office of the Party Central Committee!
  41. Enrich the life of service personnel by making sustained efforts to develop soy bean farming, fishing and animal husbandry as the main thrusts!
  42. The supply service officers of the People’s Army, work with devotion for their soldiers like those of the anti-Japanese guerrilla army!
  43. Give full play to the match-for-a-hundred spirit and fighting efficiency of the People’s Army on the major fronts of building a thriving nation!
  44. Serve the country and people!
  45. Aid the people!
  46. Let the wives of officers become dependable assistants to their husbands!
  47. Officers and men of the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces, sharpen the sword for defending their leader, system and people!
  48. Let us become iron shields and red warriors who defend our Party, system and people to the death!
  49. Let us establish the climate of attaching importance to military affairs more firmly across society!
  50. The Worker-Peasant Red Guards is a revolutionary armed force of our Party and a reliable wing of the People’s Army.
  1. The Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards, be fully prepared for an all-people resistance by intensifying training in a real-war atmosphere!
  2. Let us turn the whole country into a socialist fairyland by the joint operation of the army and people!
  3. Let us achieve final victory on the strength of the great army-people unity and all-people resistance based on the revolutionary soldier spirit!
  4. Always live the way you did as a soldier!
  5. Let us look after the families of those who fell in action, honoured disabled soldiers, war veterans and soldiers’ families with sincerity!
  6. Defence industry is the reliable arsenal of the Songun revolution.
  7. Effect a fresh turn in developing defence industry by giving full play to the spirit of Kunja-ri!
  8. Proactively develop and perfect powerful cutting-edge military hardware of our own style!
  9. Step up the efforts to make defence industry Juche-oriented and independent, modern and scientific!
  10. Let the defence industry sector make a positive contribution to building an economic giant and improving the people’s standard of living!
  11. Our Party is steadfast in its determination to make our people, who are the best in the world, enjoy all socialist benefits as soon as possible.
  12. Let us tend the precious seeds sown by the great Comrade Kim Jong Ilfor the building of an economic giant and the improvement of the people’s living standards, in order to make them bear fruit in reality!
  13. Science and technology is the engine of socialist construction.
  14. Let the science front stand at the forefront to fire a salvo for the triumph of socialism!
  15. Let us build a fairyland for the people by dint of science!
  16. Scientific research is an area of acute confrontation with imperialism!
  17. Go beyond the cutting edge!
  18. Accelerate the industrial revolution in the new century by introducing CNC technology into the production lines and achieving their full automation!
  19. Launch more cutting-edge sci-tech satellites and applications satellites of our style!
  20. Raise the level of modernization and scientification in weather survey and forecast!
  21. There is no border in science, but our scientists and technicians have the socialist motherland of Juche and the great Party.
  22. Scientists and technicians, stand in the vanguard of the struggle to build a thriving country that is developing, civilizing and advancing at a fast pace!
  23. Prove the validity and vitality of the Party’s policies in reality by proactively developing cutting-edge science and technology!
  24. Build “gold mountains” and “treasure mountains” with brilliant scientific and technological achievements!
  25. To resolve the food problem of the people and improve their dietary life on a higher level with crop cultivation, animal husbandry and fishing as the main thrusts is the most important task facing our Party at present.
  26. Agriculture is the trench on the first line of the forward echelon of the campaign to defend socialism and the main thrust area for the building of an economic giant!
  27. Let us glorify through generations the new history of “gold plains” created by the great Comrade Kim Jong Il!
  28. Let us make our country overflow with rice by boosting cereals production!
  29. Actively introduce water-saving farming and other scientific farming methods!
  30. Let us work hard to secure water resources as an all-people campaign!
  31. Let us encourage organic farming on an extensive scale!
  32. Establish the food production cycle of crop cultivation and livestock farming, and fruit growing and livestock farming!
  33. Let us beat the world in fruit farming by making it scientific, modern and intensive!
  34. Make fruits cascade down and their sweet aroma fill the air on the sea of apple trees at the foot of Chol Pass!
  35. Grow vegetables extensively in greenhouses!
  36. Let us turn ours into a country of mushrooms by making mushroom cultivation scientific, intensive and industrialized!
  37. This year we will mark the 50th anniversary of the creation of the sub-workteam management system by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, which is the advantageous form and method of our style to organize and manage for production.
  38. Demonstrate the advantages of the sub-workteam management system to the full!
  39. Properly apply the field responsibility principle within the sub-workteam management system in order to make it pay off in agricultural production!
  40. Press on with the South Hwanghae Province waterway project in the revolutionary spirit of death-defying implementation and self-reliance!
  41. Let us carry through the great Generalissimos’ instructions on “grass for meat”!
  42. Let us expedite the construction of the large-scale livestock farming base in the Sepho area!
  43. Produce larger quantities of meat, eggs and milk holding high the banner of science-based livestock farming!
  44. Create a new history of “gold sea” by emulating the fishing sector of the People’s Army!
  45. Let this socialist country resound with Song of Big Fish Haul and be permeated with the fragrant smell of fish and other seafoods!
  46. Modernize fishing vessels and implements and actively introduce advanced fishing methods!
  47. Let the strong wind of fish farming blow across the country!
  48. Conduct on a large scale fish and other seafood farming in rivers, lakes and seas!
  49. Resolutely thwart the sanctions schemes of the imperialists by effecting a great upswing in light industry!
  50. Produce larger quantities of high-quality consumer goods which are favoured by the people and have competitive edge on the world market!
  1. Speed up the work to make foodstuff factories fully automated, germ- and dust-free!
  2. Keep the laughter of the children ring by increasing the production of their foodstuffs!
  3. More stylish school uniforms and quality school things for our dear children!
  4. Give fullest play to the vitality of the movement of producing August 3 consumer goods!
  5. Let the Tanchon area make an active contribution to improving the people’s standard of living by boosting up production!
  6. Let us turn all counties into the people’s fairyland by applying the spirit of the historic Changsong Joint Conference!
  7. Electricity is the lifeline of the national economy.
  8. Let the whole Party, the entire army and all the people be enlisted to increase the electric-power generation radically!
  9. Complete with credit the construction of the multi-tier power stations on the Chongchon River until the 70th anniversary of Party founding!
  10. Speed up the construction of the Paektusan Songun Youth Power Station, Orangchon Power Station, Ryesonggang Power Station and Wonsan Army-People Power Station!
  11. Raise the efficiency of the generating equipment to the maximum and prevent the loss of power in transmission!
  12. Let us definitely convert the electricity control system of the country into an electricity-saving one!
  13. Develop and make effective use of wind, tidal, geothermal and solar energy!
  14. Coal-miners!
  15. The height of coal heaps means the increase in electricity generation and the tempo of the building of an economic giant.
  16. Let us support the Party with increased coal production!
  17. Concentrate efforts on the production of coal for electricity generation and supply high-quality coal in larger amounts to the thermal power stations!
  18. Give top priority to the supply of equipment and materials required for coal production!
  19. The metal and chemical industries are twin buttresses of an economic giant.
  20. Kindle fierce flames of production upsurge in Songjin and Chollima steel complexes!
  21. Bring the Juche iron production system to perfection and normalize its production on a high level!
  22. Send larger quantities of high-grade iron ore to metallurgical factories!
  23. Fertilizer means rice and socialism.
  24. Let Hungnam and Namhung produce Juche fertilizer in a larger amount!
  25. Let the large-scale chemical factories make an active contribution to ensuring domestic production of raw materials for light industry and building materials!
  26. Railways are the arteries of the country.
  27. Let the rail transport sector establish rigid discipline as the army does and fully satisfy the demands by the national economy for transport!
  28. Accelerate the work to make the railways heavy-duty, high-speed and IT-based!
  29. Bring to completion the rehabilitation of the northern railways as early as possible!
  30. Let us improve the appearance of the railway stations and the areas adjacent to railways by the concerted efforts of the service personnel and people!
  31. Develop air transport onto a new high!
  32. Build the Wonsan Port into a world-class one!
  33. Develop and manufacture the machines and equipment required for modernization!
  34. Produce and supply major ordered equipment in time and in a qualitative way!
  35. Explore and make rational use of valuable underground resources of the country!
  36. Make foreign trade multilateral and diversified!
  37. Accelerate the development projects of the Wonsan-Mt. Kumgang international tourist zone and economic development parks!
  38. Builders!
  39. Let us usher in a great golden age of construction by thoroughly applying the Party’s Juche-oriented idea on architecture!
  40. Set up in larger numbers monumental structures in which the Juche character, national identity, originality, convenience and formative and artistic beauty form perfect harmony!
  41. Hold fast to the principle of prioritizing convenience, aesthetic beauty and the outlook on the future in designing and building work!
  42. Develop zero-energy, zero-carbon and green architectural technologies and introduce geothermal cooling-and-heating system!
  43. Ensure on the highest level the combination of designing, building work and building materials, the three elements of construction!
  44. Sustain in construction the features unique to one’s province and region!
  45. Complete with credit the construction of Mirae Scientists Street and other major projects and thus splendidly adorn the venue of the grand October celebration!
  46. Land administration is a patriotic undertaking of lasting significance for achieving the prosperity of the country and creating the well-being of the people.
  47. Let the whole Party, the entire army and all the people turn out in the war to ameliorate nature, in the campaign to restore the forests of the country!
  48. Vigorously conduct the movement of winning the titles of forest of socialist patriotism and model county in afforestation!
  49. Let us cover the whole country with fruit and other trees and flowers!
  50. Introduce scientific, industrial and intensive methods into the production of tree saplings!
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