mattkidd12 said:
Are Polish people a different race to white people then?
Matt, you do realise that the whole concept of race is a myth, there is no biological justification for it, and so like nationalist it is a social construct.
As for me insulting non revolutionaries, well no I don't as it happens. Infact I don't consider myself a revolutionary, I certainly wish to see a social revolution but that does not make me a revolutionary eg someone who makes revolution.
I have no problem standing alongside working class people who entertain sexist, racist or homophobic ideas, on a picket line. I will debate and argue with them of course, and if I think they are genuine bigots i'll try and avoid them.
However I will not allign myself politically with liberals, racists or whole strata of the liberal ruling class to fight a single issue.
The SWP's problem is it is seeking to unite across class lines, with people like MAB who are conservative representatives of the status quo and who are as in touch with Muslim youth as the Pope is with the kids in West Belfast. There is no common interest between the working class and such reactionary middle class tossers, just as there is no common interest between the working class and the Green Party, there may well be moments of overlap, but this is fleeting, and to attempt to build a "politic" on it is madness.
The problem is that the SWP has essentially thrown out any decent class analysis in favour of a multitude of oppressions, blacks, women, muslims and workers and these are distinct moments. Hence one must forget the gays when talking about Iran or Hamas, one most forget the workers when talking about "anti imperialism".
It's a cheap oppurtunism, something present from the days of Lenin and his approach to "Nations", finding it hard work to develop a totalised tendency that is capable of superceding these particular oppressions, they imagine it easier to play "join the dots", with a revolutionary perspective being little more than the collecting of these single issues under one big party.