Except we all know he'll pull that stunt, and it will be irrelevant;: the rule of law still applies. $Everyonw expects him to go down that road.
Except there is no reason for them to go down that road, and SCOTUS justices hate being dragged into the electoral processes, as arbiters. Conservative justices are above all insistent that they are there solely to judge on points oif law and consitution - and they have already given Trfump two bloody noses, on precisely those grounds, in the past year.
except we don't know any such thing, simply ecausze policing in the USA is hugely decentralised, so almost impossible to nationally co-ordinate in that manner
They are unsupported by evidence, political context, precedent, historical context, logic oranything even slightly ap[roaching sense. By anything in fact, opther than gut anti-American bile, and paranoia.