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Who does Urban think (not hope) will win the November US Presidential Election? (The Poll)

Who will win the popular vote and who will get a majority in the electoral college?

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I think that enough people were so deeply alarmed and disturbed by what Trump that they got the fuck off their backsides and voted for the alternative. I think they realised that Trump was actively stirring up seriously huge numbers of his own base, and they realised that if they didnt bother to vote him out, it would be disastrous.

Elsewhere, before the election, I whinged on about what I believed to be dangerous levels of voter apathy in the US, and that Trump would win this election because of it. I was wrong, because I underestimated how aware and how concerned the electorate was about and Trump second term.

Trump lost not because not enough people want him. Clearly, enormous numbers of people do want him. That’s not in question. But vastly more numbers actively do not want him to be president.

Weirdly, had he kept his head down a bit more and been more circumspect and less bombastic, he’d probably have won, notwithstanding the Covid crisis, which was less obviously desperate even as recently as the beginning of November.

Well, the onus is on Trump now to prove his claims of voter fraud/irregularities etc. Fwiu, he’s perfectly entitled to pursue this just as Biden would have been had he have been in the same situation- Hillary Clinton even advised him not to concede under any circumstances.

Trumps claim is that he was leading by good margins until certain key states stopped counting around 4am for over an hour or 2 - upon resuming large spikes/gains came in for Biden - graphs have shown a straight line surge - nearly all votes for Biden which is supposed to be statistically impossible - which justifies concerns.

I guess this will run its course to the bitter end one way or another.
Well, the onus is on Trump now to prove his claims of voter fraud/irregularities etc. Fwiu, he’s perfectly entitled to pursue this just as Biden would have been had he have been in the same situation- Hillary Clinton even advised him not to concede under any circumstances.

Trumps claim is that he was leading by good margins until certain key states stopped counting around 4am for over an hour or 2 - upon resuming large spikes/gains came in for Biden - graphs have shown a straight line surge - nearly all votes for Biden which is supposed to be statistically impossible - which justifies concerns.

I guess this will run its course to the bitter end one way or another.
!This claim about election fraud is disputed.
Fair enough.

But Trump had massive voter enthusiasm - his rally in Butler had nearly 60k turnout, other places had thousands of boats on a lake doing a rally etc - Biden stayed home mostly making gaffes on liberal msm and they few outdoor ‘rallies’ he did do had around 20 people sitting in circles - doesn’t look like the type of candidate that could get the kind of votes needed to beat Trump regardless of how many people were voting against Trump than for Biden.

You’re ignoring the pandemic aspect of this.

The virus has split the country along partisan lines. Because of the stupid stew of conspiracy that has been stirred and spiced by Trump, the right are more likely to think the virus is a hoax, hence more likely to gather at rallies than the left, who generally believe the virus is real and are therefore less said likely to go to rallies. Also, Biden wasn’t whipping up the crowds, because Covid. He wanted people to stay home.

The other thing that's going on, and might not be clear if you’re not familiar with American social history, is the whole travelling show thing that Trump has tapped into. There is a deep tap root of travelling shows across the wide open spaces of America : circuses, medicine shows, travelling preachers etc. They were massively important, and knitted white America together over time and space.

No politician has connected to that root in the way that Trump has. That’s hardly surprising, because he is a circus performer, a medicine show snake oil salesman. He puts on a hell of a show, that’s for sure. But it’s just a show. There is no substance, nothing behind the glitz and glam. It really is Wizard of Oz showmanship.

If he were worthy of being a president, he’d be doing presidential things right now to demonstrate how much he deserves to be president. Instead, he’s sunk in his chair during the G20 world meeting, tweeting about his election while the rest of the world’s leaders are discussing the pandemic, playing golf and sulking.

It’s pitiful.
Someone did some analysis recently and worked out around 30,000 people had contracted the Trump virus as a result of his rallies, which on current mortality trends will mean around a couple of hundred dead. Vanity comes with a body count.

I’ve seen it said that 700 deaths can be directly attributed to Trump rallies.

Hang on....
Well, the onus is on Trump now to prove his claims of voter fraud/irregularities etc. Fwiu, he’s perfectly entitled to pursue this just as Biden would have been had he have been in the same situation- Hillary Clinton even advised him not to concede under any circumstances.

Trumps claim is that he was leading by good margins until certain key states stopped counting around 4am for over an hour or 2 - upon resuming large spikes/gains came in for Biden - graphs have shown a straight line surge - nearly all votes for Biden which is supposed to be statistically impossible - which justifies concerns.

I guess this will run its course to the bitter end one way or another.

I can’t be bother with this.

It’s very easy to dig into this shit and fact check it.
Are these people who caught covid directly at the rally or does it include people they gave it to afterwards?

This digs into it a bit more.

It looks pretty speculative tbh.

Legally, that's correct. But it's a proper cunt's trick to go to court 30-odd times with absolutely nothing, just because you're entitled to.
you'd have thought it was a bit embarrassing when all your cases are thrown out as without merit and when your lawyers (if you haven't fired them for being completely batshit) admit they don't have any evidence.
Legally, that's correct. But it's a proper cunt's trick to go to court 30-odd times with absolutely nothing, just because you're entitled to.
Even that's debatable. Various lawyers may be fucking their careers by bringing these frivilous cases, which is why a lot of them have now finally pulled out. I don't know what the position is in the US regarding vexatious litigation, but in the UK there are rules against it. And calling people up to ask them to interfere with the election validation process? It'll never go to court because there won't be the appetite to do it, but I'd be surprised if that was legal. Plus there has been a serial defamation of various officials accused of fraud, by Trump and his lawyers. Again, probably will never get to court, but of dubious legality. Anyone other than a president doing this shit would end up in court on a charge.
Says the loon idiot who gets his news directly from CNN :facepalm:

Stop trying to be clever cupid - you know as much about all of this than anyone - which is the square root of fuck all.
Which is still twice as much as you do, give this nonsense a rest he's lost, find a new hobby someting healthier for your mind.
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So much for the "elite strike force" and "releasing the Kraken" - she's probably earned a place in history books by being deemed too crazy even for Trump's doomed attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.

Not that her departure is likely to cause even a second of doubt for the MAGA cult types who have beclowned themselves for days repeating her assertions - in a few days they'll be saying Trump was right to ditch her and they always thought Powell was kind of a wacko.
Quite enjoyed this paragraph from the Washington Examiner:

“Based on everything I’ve seen — which is a lot more than Sidney Powell, to say the least — there is no basis for what she is saying,” a senior national security official told the Washington Examiner. “At this point, it would be more believable that she’s a Democratic plant designed to overshadow legitimate voter fraud issues with insanity.”

It does seem to be a genuine concern for the GOP, that any cases they have with merit (still waiting for those) will be totally overshadowed by this cuckoo clock shit, especially with a media that is going to push the weirder stuff just because they know it’ll get more clicks. It’s fucking them, but then they’ve been courting this bollocks for months.
I can confidently and omnisciently predict that Trump will do one, some, none or all of these things:

Deny he knows Sidney Powell at all

Back her and fall out with Giuliani and co

Something else

Whatever. It's a colossal goatfuck.
Quite enjoyed this paragraph from the Washington Examiner:

It does seem to be a genuine concern for the GOP, that any cases they have with merit (still waiting for those) will be totally overshadowed by this cuckoo clock shit, especially with a media that is going to push the weirder stuff just because they know it’ll get more clicks. It’s fucking them, but then they’ve been courting this bollocks for months.

I think somebody probably sat Trump down at some point over the weekend and said "There's an election in 5 weeks in Georgia that will determine whether Joe Biden can pass any laws or not, in the unlikely event he succeeds in stealing the election, perhaps, just in case, you should distance yourself from this woman who is now attacking Georgia's Republican leadership for being closet Communists in league with the ghost of Hugo Chavez."
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