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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My dad is freaking out over there, he went and had an antibody test which came out with some huge number (which he doesn't of course know how to interpret) and he's saying he's postponing his 2nd jab for that reason cos he thinks it will make him ill. he did have the covid as well as that first shot. I don't understand any of it.
I doubt there would be a problem, but he needs a word with his doctor if he's concerned.
bimble what's he freaking out about, the huge number from his antibody test, or getting ill again from the second vaccine dose? Why did he go and get an antibody test btw?
bimble what's he freaking out about, the huge number from his antibody test, or getting ill again from the second vaccine dose? Why did he go and get an antibody test btw?
Because someone told him, or he read on the internet, that having "too many antibodies" is somehow bad. So he went to get this antibody test and then the number was very big and now he's indefinitely postponing 2nd jab with apparently his doc's approval. This is not in UK.
I just think, good if he's got lots of antibodies he's probably going to be ok.
Assuming he's talking about antibodies to covid? And he paid for a private test or something? Not heard that about the antibodies, seems unlikely, but be interested if anyone knows and can post a source.

I'm a bit guessing that it is possible the doctor was telling him too postpone the second dose if he was freaking out as it would have been more effort than it was worth to persuade him, and if he did have it and gets ill again then he might kick off at the doctor....
I've looked back though his texts and it quite strange, he says his GP advised to get the antibody test and then keep having them, more antibody tests, and only get second jab 'when needed'.
Seems a bit weird. Medical doctor, right? Not a YouTube doctor or PhD in particle physics doctor?
who knows, funny country. Maybe its a money-spinner for the doc, the testing i mean. I did just ask him out of curiosity if he can explain where he got the idea that too many antibodies = bad.
It was bad for me and seemed like I would be down for days but it magically vanished in 23 hours :oldthumbsup:

I guess the good thing about this is that it's now clear that we've invented a new generation of vaccines based on mRNA which have higher efficacy and fewer side-effects than traditional viral-vector-based vaccines. Not much comfort if you get the old type but good to know for the future.
Is it clear they have higher efficacy?

When I last tried to understand what the difference between AZ and Pfizer actually is, it didn't seem at all clear that one was more effective than the other.
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If the side effects are the bodies reaction to the vaccine then for the 2nd dose the body is now used to the vaccine so it doesn't react as much.

Plus the first time round it’s a totally novel “threat”. Interesting that it’s the second of the nanoparticle jabs that is apparently causing more side effects.
Plus the first time round it’s a totally novel “threat”. Interesting that it’s the second of the nanoparticle jabs that is apparently causing more side effects.
Where did you get that from? Not me. I was replying to someone who said just the opposite too. 🤔
Where did you get that from? Not me. I was replying to someone who said just the opposite too. 🤔

You mean about the second Pfizer/Moderna jab? Just from some reports on here and something on the British Heart Foundation website (Google: ‘second pfizer jab side effects uk’ - it’s the first result), though I haven’t chased up anything properly scientific (BHF site has no references).
Is it clear they have higher efficacy?

When I last tried to understand what the difference between AZ and Pfizer actually is, it didn't seem at all clear that one was more effective than the other.

As Chairman Mao remarked when asked about the outcome of the French Revolution, it is too early to say.

One thing that working in pharmacy taught me is that all that can be known about a substance sometimes takes decades to manifest.
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Had my first jab an hour ago, I got Moderna.

I had almost instant side-effects. After I went to the waiting area to sit it out for 15 mins, I started feeling nauseous within seconds and a layer of sweat came over my face. I asked the nearest nurse if I could get some water and she asked if I'd like to lay down, and I said yes actually I would. So I went to a little recovery area and just had to lay there for about 10-15 minutes and sip on a little bottle of water and let it pass. Which it did. And after which I was fine again. But I was not expecting such an instant hit of nausea. I had a kind of tingling feeling in both hands too.

I felt absolutely fine going in. Now I'm ok again and I've gone back to work but it was surreal. I don't know anyone else who has had Moderna so can't compare notes. My colleagues mostly had either AZ or Pfizer. Most have just reported feeling groggy the next day or a sore arm.
Had my first jab an hour ago, I got Moderna.

I had almost instant side-effects. After I went to the waiting area to sit it out for 15 mins, I started feeling nauseous within seconds and a layer of sweat came over my face. I asked the nearest nurse if I could get some water and she asked if I'd like to lay down, and I said yes actually I would. So I went to a little recovery area and just had to lay there and let it pass for about 10-15 minutes. Which it did. And after which I was fine again. But I was not expecting such an instant hit of nausea. I felt absolutely fine going in. Now I'm ok again and I've gone back to work but it was surreal.

I don't know anyone else who has had Moderna so can't compare notes. My colleagues mostly had either AZ or Pfizer. Most have just reported feeling groggy the next day or a sore arm.

More likely to be a reaction to the needle/jab itself than the contents if it was that quick I'd have thought. I had something similar recently when had blood taken for a vaccine trial; sweaty, felt sick, dizzy, all 10-15 seconds after the needle went in.
More likely to be a reaction to the needle/jab itself than the contents if it was that quick I'd have thought. I had something similar recently when had blood taken for a vaccine trial; sweaty, felt sick, dizzy, all 10-15 seconds after the needle went in.

Yeah possibly. It was more like 2-3 minutes after tbh. I was able to put my shirt on, and ask a few questions and then make my way to the holding area. It was like 30 seconds after I sat back down it came on like gradually but fairly quickly too.

The nurses said, they have seen it before, but more often with younger people.
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Am absolutely knackered and ache all over :( Going to take tomorrow off :thumbs:
Up nice an early (as usual 🙄) with a banging headache (unusual 🥺) but thought to actually take paracetemol and ibruprofen (why not both) and feel pretty much fine now. Got to wait until 0845 to call in sick, as have primed manager and colleagues already 😇 Then a full day of (work qualification related) essay writing, while carefully keeping any work-related active with a green dot progs closed ☠

I am going to hold off on voting in this poll until I have gone through 48 hours+ so my data is correct.
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