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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Another 9 deaths associated with rare blood clots after the AZ jab. :(

Hopefully now the advice has been updated on when to seek medical advice, that number as a percentage with start coming down.

The silver lining is that, I read a few days back, virtually all of the clotting issues were on the first jab. At that point I think there was only one case related to a 2nd. So, if you were okay first time round you as close as you can get to guaranteed you won't have a problem with dose 2. Also, most people have now had their first dose and, from the article, it looks like people in their 30s and 40s might be given one of the others.
The silver lining is that, I read a few days back, virtually all of the clotting issues were on the first jab. At that point I think there was only one case related to a 2nd. So, if you were okay first time round you as close as you can get to guaranteed you won't have a problem with dose 2. Also, most people have now had their first dose and, from the article, it looks like people in their 30s and 40s might be given one of the others.
Hmm. Certainly not people in their forties. They’re all being done now, and it’s almost all AZ.
11 hours after first AZ I’ve decided I’m not just cold because I didn’t turn the heating up to 23 earlier, and that my muscles aren’t just aching after the brief jog I did yesterday.

Proper weird night last night, felt ridiculously cold and went to bed early with a hot water bottle, then had this mathematical dream that wouldn’t go away whenever I woke up, so it was more like a hallucination, that the smallest integer wasn’t 1, but was this set of equipment, so I lost the ability to count or know what time it was. Had a bad headache centered on my face and pain in my chest when I got up. Those are easing now so I am hoping i’ll be back to normal by this evening, or at the worst by tomorrow morning.

It's like nasty actual flu but with no nose/throat symptoms.
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Ah, right. I was assuming the Moderna was available for everyone now, but yeah, looks like it's just under 30s.

Turns out this isn't correct. Bloke on radio yesterday said he'd been given the moderna one, just the vaccine the clinic was doing when it was his turn. A quick google tells me he's 42. He was also reporting quite heavy body load unwanted affects.

This is a London based station so they are probably dishing out the Moderna in Hoxton and Shoreditch.
18 hours in and I'm not sure how much use I'm going to be for Urban's own bit of citizen science.

Had the AZ yesterday around 3pm and apart from a very slight numbness in the shoulder I've nothing to report. Unfortunately I had a bad nights sleep in that I couldn't get to sleep until about 4am - 5am. This does happen to me from time to time anyway and some of the factors that cause it were certainly in play last night. I felt fine just couldn't get to sleep. I suppose you could say a heightened awareness of every little twinge or change in body temperature was probably a factor in the non-sleeping in any case.

Problem is today I'm going to feel knackered and shite regardless so it will likely be hard to attribute what to what. I will of course report back in 24 hours anyway.
Turns out this isn't correct. Bloke on radio yesterday said he'd been given the moderna one, just the vaccine the clinic was doing when it was his turn. A quick google tells me he's 42. He was also reporting quite heavy body load unwanted affects.

This is a London based station so they are probably dishing out the Moderna in Hoxton and Shoreditch.

Well your original understanding of this was understandable since the recommendation from the vaccine committee, in the wake of the AZ clotting concerns, was that it is preferable to offer under 30's with no health conditions an alternative to the AZ vaccine where available. And the press then tended to report that the plan was to offer the Moderna to under 30's. But that doesnt mean some places wont offer alternatives to people above 30's sometimes in some places.

Anyway I'm mostly going over this now because I just noticed that the Times have this story on their front page on Friday, so it sounds like the advice on where to formally set that age threshold is evolving, going from under 30 to under 40:

Screenshot 2021-05-07 at 03.19.53.png
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Why? The chance of any serious adverse side effects with AZ are very very low.
I know. But why have they changed their mind now bringing it more in line with other countries, that’s all. I have ‘not dead from rare clot’ in my diary sometime next week :)
Probably won't be a popular decision here but I'm going to take that offer of a different vaccine. Not because of blood clots, but because of how many people I've heard have been sick from AZ. And I'm a fully committed paid up card carrying member of the emetophobe club so have been dreading having that one for a long time tbh.
Probably won't be a popular decision here but I'm going to take that offer of a different vaccine. Not because of blood clots, but because of how many people I've heard have been sick from AZ. And I'm a fully committed paid up card carrying member of the emetophobe club so have been dreading having that one for a long time tbh.
I see no problem whatsoever in accepting a different vaccine, if you have that opportunity, as long as you get vaccinated that's all that matters.
Probably won't be a popular decision here but I'm going to take that offer of a different vaccine. Not because of blood clots, but because of how many people I've heard have been sick from AZ. And I'm a fully committed paid up card carrying member of the emetophobe club so have been dreading having that one for a long time tbh.

Understandable though as I said upthread the only person I've heard who had moderna has seemingly had a far worse reaction than I have just had to the AZ and we're both the same age.

I think most people would go for a different one to az though because of news around the blood clots plus the published figures of efficacy. The vast majority of us aren't people who can interpret scientific data so 85% efficacy just sounds better than 67% or whatever as a headline figure.
18 hours in and I'm not sure how much use I'm going to be for Urban's own bit of citizen science.

Had the AZ yesterday around 3pm and apart from a very slight numbness in the shoulder I've nothing to report. Unfortunately I had a bad nights sleep in that I couldn't get to sleep until about 4am - 5am. This does happen to me from time to time anyway and some of the factors that cause it were certainly in play last night. I felt fine just couldn't get to sleep. I suppose you could say a heightened awareness of every little twinge or change in body temperature was probably a factor in the non-sleeping in any case.

Problem is today I'm going to feel knackered and shite regardless so it will likely be hard to attribute what to what. I will of course report back in 24 hours anyway.

OK an update on this. 36 hours in and my second night since the az jab and I feel normal and right as reign this morning, though being a sunny Friday morning helps in this regard.

All in all it wasn't half as bad as expected, it fact it was much better. Spent yesterday feeling pretty flat with a sort of thick head style background headache but a lot of that could have attributed to lack of sleep which was likely unrelated. I wouldn't really call it flu like symptoms more like a Monday after an enjoyable weekend. Bit of a fever last night but short lived and very minor.

I'm going to say I had some side effects because I think I did but if I'm being honest if I didn't know I'd been jabbed I don't think I would have paid too much attention to them. Anyway, onwards to round 2 in 11 weeks.
Had the AZ yesterday morning. In the evening I was feeling a bit tired and woozy and had a bit of a temperature coming and going. This morning I woke up with all my joints aching but a couple of paracetamol seemed to sort that out. Feeling OK now. I won't vote yet in case it comes back to bite me but so far it hasn't been too bad compared to what a lot of people have had.

I felt physically fine after this so I've voted side effects less than 48 hours. The last couple of days though I've felt really tetchy and irritable - just really not wanting to deal with anyone else at all. Almost like a comedown. Feeling better now but I wonder if anyone else has had that post-vaccine?

Might just be one of those things of course.
Had my second AZ a couple of days ago.

Thanks to be jabbed a bit too high (almost on the top of my shoulder, not really in the deltoid) and being quite skinny.
I have felt my shoulder has been far more painful, from almost as soon as it was done.
It is still painful to lift it to near or above shoulder height.

Yesterday I was generally very tired and almost "brain fogged" - I put that down to not sleeping as well as normal.
However, despite a good night last night I'm still tired today but the brain fog seems to have got lost, thankfully.

I think I'm off for a painkiller with the elevenses, to deal with the sore arm.
Still taking it steady today !
Probably won't be a popular decision here but I'm going to take that offer of a different vaccine. Not because of blood clots, but because of how many people I've heard have been sick from AZ. And I'm a fully committed paid up card carrying member of the emetophobe club so have been dreading having that one for a long time tbh.

The offer is there so no judgement on your decision of course, in fact it's a perfectly sensible one; I assume by sick, given your phobia, you mean specifically vomiting? I haven't read many accounts of that being a common side-effect that I recall - albeit I don't have your built-in incentive to remember it! If it helps based on side effects reporting that I've just done a very quick and dirty look at, it looks like maybe 7% of people experience vomiting (this is based on 21% reporting nausea as per clinical trials, and about 1/3 as many people reporting vomiting as nausea in the self-reporting section - ie assuming that everyone who experienced vomiting also experienced (and reported) nausea, which isn't an unreasonable assumption). I would probably say, given the data sources, that 7% is towards the upper limit of the 'true' incidence. Given the possibility of a 'nocebo' effect in your case (given your strong feelings on the incidence of this particular side effect, and given the general strong link between psychologicial stressors and nausea/vomiting) I would think avoiding it is the right idea if you can, but if you can't maybe you can take some comfort from the back of envelope calculations above.
I've got my first Covid-19 vaccination on Monday morning.

Will I get a choice of which one I receive? Probably not but as long as I have it done and don't suffer with the side effects too much, I'll be very happy. :)

Very unlikely I'd say. Presumably you're 40+? There is some talk they might give a choice to the under 40's but as it stands we get what we're given. It'll be whatever vaccine the clinic is using that day which will most likely be az as its the predominant one in the UK.
Very unlikely I'd say. Presumably you're 40+? There is some talk they might give a choice to the under 40's but as it stands we get what we're given. It'll be whatever vaccine the clinic is using that day which will most likely be az as its the predominant one in the UK.
Just turned 41 so it might be what's available but reading through most of this thread it seems that the Pfizer jab doesn't have as unpleasant after-effects. If I feel shit on Monday night/Tuesday I'll know what's causing me to be under the weather.

Fingers crossed it all goes well and after a recent health scare, I won't be getting uptight on Sunday evening as everyone in the country HAS to have it done (anyone that doesn't is playing Russian roulette with their health I reckon). :thumbs:
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