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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sent u a pm
Yes. I have polymiositis. The first time it hit I was left unable to walk. It was a very extreme autoimmune reaction. So bad that I was put on 120mg prednisolone and hospitalised for 3 weeks. Took me 6 months to walk again and 4 years to feel normal as in without constant pain.
The immunosuppressants I've been on since have kept it somewhat under control. But I get a CPK test every 6 weeks or so.

It just goes to show how strong our immune systems are. 🤪
Second Pfizer jab this week. I've got numbness in that arm anyway so achy arm isn't much of an issue but I did feel like I had a proper lumpy armpit even though it wasn't. Had a good sleep but no other after effects as far as I can tell. I had a positive Covid test between the 1st jab and this one but I doubt that it was a truly positive test as I had no symptoms at all.

I did get mad about the stupid old witch who bunched up right behind me when getting onto the bus to go to the vaccine place, chatted to her mate when the bus pulled up at our destination, thus partly blocking the aisle, and then upon seeing me with headphones on at the bus stop for the journey back came over and tapped me on the arm to ask about the next bus because I couldn't hear her asking. I gave her THAT look and said "You REALLY shouldn't be touching people" :facepalm:
Everyone in my house has had the virus, I must have too. All my office colleagues have had it too.
Judging by this thread, most have a bad reaction of at least 24hrs to AZ.
How would I look after my children?
Guess you need to weigh things up. Tbh, I was more worried about long Covid than the thing itself.
Had AZ at 10am yesterday. Was fine until about 9pm when my skin started to hurt. Had an awful night of chills and fever - I've never felt so cold!
My mind was racing too and needed the radio on all night to help ease it.
Then the sweat came! I need a shower but the thought of getting out of the shower is putting me off. Feel much better than last night but still have hurty skin.
Had AZ at 10am yesterday. Was fine until about 9pm when my skin started to hurt. Had an awful night of chills and fever - I've never felt so cold!
My mind was racing too and needed the radio on all night to help ease it.
Then the sweat came! I need a shower but the thought of getting out of the shower is putting me off. Feel much better than last night but still have hurty skin.

Also had mind racing last night. Did not have the rest to the extent you did though.
Why are there so many intense reactions for so many with the AZ/covid vaccines when the other vaccines humans get have almost no side effects for the majority? Genuine question. Is it because it's a novel virus?
When you have virtually the entire population getting a vaccine, and also not just older people (who tend to have fewer side effects as far as I understand) then you're going to hear more stories about the effects. Especially if people in your own age group are tending to get the vaccine around the same time.
Why are there so many intense reactions for so many with the AZ/covid vaccines when the other vaccines humans get have almost no side effects for the majority? Genuine question. Is it because it's a novel virus?

I'm no expert but I think there may be something in it that they haven't had time to really refine it. The world was burning and we need to put the fire out. Later versions may not have the same sort of short term body load. But yeah, we get reactions to all sorts of really common things. Milk gives me acne on my back. Oral steroids give me terrible throat ulcers. I'm allergic to aspirin.

I dunno from what people are describing it just sounds like some people get a bit ill for a day or two. In normal life we just accept that is part and parcel of life. Each year we're going to get ill a few times. That's how I'm approaching it anyway.
People without reactions are less likely to post about them. My octogenarian parents didn't report any reaction to AZ either time.
It seems to not be the older population suffering the side effects.

Even in real life, not social media, four out of five people are telling me they got bad flu for 24-48 hrs.
I guess maybe people would report the same if so many had the flu vaccine at once.
It seems to not be the older population suffering the side effects.

That makes sense. Their immune system isn't as strong so the response will be less strong. Its the same reason why its mostly old people dying from covid.

In general it is my understanding that a lot of vaccines are not as effective in older people as they are in younger people.
I had a covid scare the last week. A restaurant we frequent shut the doors at 10pm and the chef and his family - family run business - had a bender with us until about 3am. You can get in big trouble here for being in a public place of business after 10pm as everyone is supposed to piss off home at that time. Felt freaky all week and got my covid check on Weds. Negative, but I felt so guilty that I'd behaved, in part due to the booze, recklessly and in lieu of the set government guidelines. Especially in a place where they've handled it extremely well.

I was waiting on getting my vaccine cos youngish and healthyish but am having a think on it now. The last thing I wanna do is go spreading it about.

Just my 2 pennies worth.
And now I'll post that on the right thread.

That's a lot of people in one day.

There's always a poll.

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