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Possible serious side effects from the Astra Zeneca vaccine discussion

Maybe you could you try and write in something approaching normal sentences, and with evidence for your claims? You write like a Russian bot on valium

Compliance is thin? Among healthcare workers, or specifically nurses? Have you got a news report about the nurse losing an arm due to vaccine induced blood clots then? Has that had more of an impact in poor vaccine uptake than the deaths? And who is 'they'?
You're an ICU nurse? Why didn't you work through covid? Another bone of contention so many people disappeared when it was heavy.
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Do you realise how disingenuous and unpleasant you are coming across as being on these threads?
Pft just had enough of this condescending twat who aprt from judging the gen public and HCPs consistently provides little else, he's also a union rep I believe which says something about how shit they are.
are you trying to say that being a union rep is a shit thing to be in and of itself?
Pft just had enough of this condescending twat who aprt from judging the gen public and HCPs consistently provides little else, he's also a union rep I believe which says something about how shit they are.
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No, not an ICU nurse (or a nurse at all) or a union rep. You can't even get stalking someone right.

And as for your reasons for being unpleasant to me, what's your excuse for everyone else you're weird and nasty to on here?

Anyway, enough derailing of this thread with your odd behaviour. Message me if you think you have something actually useful to say about what you think about my job, union membership, and life.
The figures were updated today. Here are some of them. THe mistake in the title of the second table is theirs, not mine.

From Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting

Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 18.39.jpg

They have some Guillain-Barré Syndrome figures too:

Up to and including the 14 July 2021, the MHRA has received 358 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome with the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca and 20 reports of a related disease called Miller Fisher syndrome. Up to the same date, the MHRA has received 44 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome following use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna there have been 2 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

The MHRA is reviewing these cases to assess whether there is an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with COVID-19 vaccines, with independent advice from its Vaccine Benefit-Risk Expert Working Group
Not engaged with them before, just noticed the odd posts they make and then never actually back up with facts or anything, so no conflict with them from me until now. Obviously quite a weirdo though with some issues going on.
more than older people do?

Its not usually possible to find an exact breakdown of who got what vaccine so far.

We can piece together some of the puzzle by considering that Pfizer use started in the UK almost a month before AZ use. And that there was then a period with both being used, but Pfizer really started to get used a lot more relative to AZ once the under 40's started to enter the vaccination system.

We can also use the total figures that the yellow card site reports for first and second doses administered so far to get a further glimpse of how the above has played out. See for example how the Pfizer second dose figure is currently much lower, reflecting how many of the first doses given to younger people were Pfizer ones who had yet to receive their 2nd dose by July 14th. And that there arent all that many 2nd doses of AZ left to give these days.

This safety update report is based on detailed analysis of data up to 14 July 2021. At this date, an estimated 20 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 24.7 million first doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca had been administered, and around 12.1 million and 22.8 million second doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca respectively. An approximate 1.3 million first doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna have also now been administered.

From Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting
The figures were updated today. Here are some of them.

From Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting

They have some Guillain-Barré Syndrome figures too:
Those GBS figures on the face of it looks suspicious, but the base rate is about 1 per 100,000, or 600 cases a year, so I guess it will take some statistical work to find out if the numbers amount to anything. Bit surprised they haven't done it already, but I guess epidemiologists are busy folks these days.
Those GBS figures on the face of it looks suspicious, but the base rate is about 1 per 100,000, or 600 cases a year, so I guess it will take some statistical work to find out if the numbers amount to anything. Bit surprised they haven't done it already, but I guess epidemiologists are busy folks these days.
There’s the smoking gun! COVID was planned and executed by epidemiologists as part of a full-employment strategy.
OK I've read it, it sounds like a follow-up to a study I read in the past.

It would be fair to say that I am not very impressed with the level of impurities in the Oxford AstraZenica vaccine, assuming of course that this study is not flawed.
Just to say that the BBC presenters death has been in the news again today due to the coroners conclusions, but the figures articles have tended to quote are out of date since the official figures were updated today.

The articles figures:

According to the UK medical regulator, there have been 332 reported cases and 58 reported deaths - after nearly 35 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK.

The latest figures from Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting :

Screenshot 2021-08-26 at 15.04.jpg

Although it may well be that articles have quoted from a differnt set of figures entirely, since looking back the figures from the official source I quoted were higher back in July than the figures in articles today.
I already knew from earlier in the pandemic that John Bell is a bit of an arsehole. So his comments on this are not entirely surprising.

Prof John Bell said: “They have damaged the reputation of the vaccine in a way that echoes around the rest of the world.”

“I think bad behaviour from scientists and from politicians has probably killed hundreds of thousands of people – and that they cannot be proud of that,” he told a BBC Two documentary

I dont think the reputation damage was avoidable, not unless medical authorities were going to suppress the warning indicators that showed up in data regarding clots.

I could just as easily turn this sort of 'killed thousands' rhetoric back on Bell. Because if medical authorities try to downplay the risks, then they end up causing vaccine hesitancy, which can also cost many lives. The only way to avoid this sort of stuff properly is to develop vaccines that dont end up having this sort of issue in the first place. One the issue exists, you arent going to stop people talking about it, and there is no magic way to equip everyone an entirely proportionate sense of risk at all times.
Given this is a likely platform for so many things and the clotting was known about long ago, I'm amazed they hadn't already tweaked the vector ...
I should probably have pointed out that the following part of that Guardian article is just not accurate, the age limit was imposed later.

When the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab was rolled out in the UK government advisers recommended under-40s should be offered an alternative due to a link to very rare blood clots.
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