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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I`m off to get my first shot of Pfizer in 2 hours. Due to pre-existing health conditions I can get my jab before the old people, sorry old people :(
And I`m already scheduled to get my 2nd shot in 3 weeks time. I will update later to let you know if I died or not.
Showed up 30 minutes early expecting lots of people. 1 person in front of me, got my jab within a few minutes but had to wait there after for 30 minutes before I was allowed to leave because of a food allergy. During my 30 minute wait no more than 10 people showed up for the jab. And they close the clinic at noon.
Almost 2hrs after 0 side effects.
Both shots were Pfizer and I suffered for many days after the second shot.
Process was simple and well planned.

I looked after my granddaughter while I was feeling the effects.

Couldn't tell my daughter, she says that she is "not against vaccines, only this one".

While not feeling good, my mind wandered into the "who will raise your child when you are dead" region.

30hrs after my first Pfizer injection and the injection site is a little sore. I get intramuscular injections bi-monthly and have never experienced this before. I`ve also never had a flu jab, so maybe this is normal for vaccination injections?. My phone is a Galaxy S6 so cannot comment on 5G reception.
30hrs after my first Pfizer injection and the injection site is a little sore. I get intramuscular injections bi-monthly and have never experienced this before. I`ve also never had a flu jab, so maybe this is normal for vaccination injections?. My phone is a Galaxy S6 so cannot comment on 5G reception.

It absolutely is normal, yes.
I had second Pfizer earlier today. I was in a great mood and feeling very chirpy but was just hit by a massive wave of fatigue :hmm: torn between going to bed very early or staying up reading as usual.
Cousin's husband currently in hospital having been taken by ambulance. He was on medication for a serious case of hand, foot and mouth. My aunt, a medical receptionist, suggested he wait until after the course of meds to have his second Pfizer jab. He went ahead anyway and yesterday found himself feeling rough and unable to will himself to move while sat down and a pulse check showed him seriously tachycardia. He's currently having a battery of tests as he has enzymes which would suggest some unwanted cardiac activity. He's in his 30s, really quite fit and no preexisting conditions as far as I know.
Well that wasn't so bad, though I felt quite sorry for myself yesterday. One day of something which felt like moderately severe flu, two nights of barely sleeping and massively vivid dreams. I feel fine now, other than a sore shoulder and being knackered which is presumably down to lack of sustained sleep.

Edit to add: really sorry to read your post Mogden, As FBM says, that must be incredibly worrying :( please excuse what now feels like a self-indulgent report about the fact I felt a bit shit for a day and now feel fine...

Sick as fuck from hour t24h-48h

Nausea, Sweats- cold and hot (4 t-shirt changes during the night), confusion, skin was either too warm or too cold to the touch.

I'm glad my wife was there forcing me to drink teas, waters, or I feel I would have felt much more poorly.

At +48h now just gentle fatigue, lack of appetite, lassitude.
My second jab was on 26 July. My period's due around now and is slow to arrive. Not that I'm complaining, because periods aren't fun! And at least I know I can't be pregnant as I haven't had sex since 2010...
My second jab was on 26 July. My period's due around now and is slow to arrive. Not that I'm complaining, because periods aren't fun! And at least I know I can't be pregnant as I haven't had sex since 2010...
Have you had experience of them being delayed by normal viral infections ?
Have you had experience of them being delayed by normal viral infections ?
Nah, usually I'm like Big Ben! Always on time. Only viral infections I've suffered from is the common cold once or maybe twice a year (and interestingly they always seem to arrive when I'm menstruating - double misery!:mad:)
I had my second Pfizer yesterday, and like after the first one I had a little bit of chills/shivers in bed last night, but this time it's also affected my taste, some things are lacking flavour making me not want to really eat or drink. Anyone elses taste affected by the vaccine(s)?
I had my second Pfizer yesterday, and like after the first one I had a little bit of chills/shivers in bed last night, but this time it's also affected my taste, some things are lacking flavour making me not want to really eat or drink. Anyone elses taste affected by the vaccine(s)?

Yes as Weepiper says you should probably get a PCR test, you may have misfortunately picked up the actual virus just before your second jab; taste changes are not a recognised side effect as far as I know.
I had my second Pfizer yesterday, and like after the first one I had a little bit of chills/shivers in bed last night, but this time it's also affected my taste, some things are lacking flavour making me not want to really eat or drink. Anyone elses taste affected by the vaccine(s)?
Keep in mind that the vaccinations will protect you from the worst effects of the virus but won't stop you getting it. Although it will protect you there may be some illness and side effects.

It is possibly caused by the vaccine but you should get tested. If you have a home test kit then do that first. You can can get a free PCR test if you have symptoms.

Suggest you self isolate for 24-48 hours regardless
I had Johnson & Johnson in June, in Italy. One of only around 1.5 million people in the country to have it (of whom two thirds were women and the majority of the total over 60)... anyway apparently studies are showing that its efficacy slumps just 2 months after administration ( :eek: ) so now all of us who had J&J will be called back for a booster of Pfizer or Moderna.

I'm not bothered about having another shot obviously, and would happily have it today if I could -- I'm much more concerned about the level of protection I am currently enjoying being pretty shit and this leaving me open to infection / long covid and so on.
its efficacy slumps just 2 months after administration [...] I'm much more concerned about the level of protection I am currently enjoying being pretty shit

Hmm, I probably wouldn't be too worried. Although numbers of circulating antibodies are important and do fall fairly quickly, and that's what most of the media are focusing on, that's not really the be-all and end-all of your protection from the vaccine. It is a little misleading for us to focus on levels of antibodies over time as much as we have been doing, as there are several other cells which can respond very quickly in the event you come into contact with the virus again, and also "memory cells" which will rapidly increase production of antibodies upon re-exposure. So even with just one shot, the odds are in your favour assuming you have a relatively decent immune function.
I've got a cold this week, but much milder symptoms than I usually get. (It's not Covid as I've tested negative on a lateral flow and PCR). As I mentioned above, I usually get a cold or two a year and feel like shit because it's usually the only time I ever get ill and I know it's my body telling me I'm run down. But this time I don't feel too bad, just slightly sneezy and my throat's more dry than actually sore. That could be because I found some really good decongestant spray, which probably stopped me being too bunged up which minimised nose-blowing and the resulting achy head. But I also wonder if having the Covid vaccine has helped my cold symptoms be less severe in the same way it would if I caught actual Covid? I know a cold isn't Covid, but some colds are technically coronaviruses. Has anyone else who's double jabbed found that with colds?
Has anyone else who's double jabbed found that with colds?


i had some sort of flu a couple of months back (got a negative PCR test albeit from the dodgy lab) and was fairly crappy with that.

have had a low level cold the last week or so (not much in terms of coughing and sneezing, but headaches and general crappy feeling)

i had some sort of flu a couple of months back (got a negative PCR test albeit from the dodgy lab) and was fairly crappy with that.

have had a low level cold the last week or so (not much in terms of coughing and sneezing, but headaches and general crappy feeling)
Hope you feel better soon, Puddy.
But I also wonder if having the Covid vaccine has helped my cold symptoms be less severe in the same way it would if I caught actual Covid? I know a cold isn't Covid, but some colds are technically coronaviruses. Has anyone else who's double jabbed found that with colds?

I guess it could work to some degree with other coronaviruses, there will probably be some studies done at some point, it would be nice to know if it does.
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