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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The offer is there so no judgement on your decision of course, in fact it's a perfectly sensible one; I assume by sick, given your phobia, you mean specifically vomiting? I haven't read many accounts of that being a common side-effect that I recall - albeit I don't have your built-in incentive to remember it! If it helps based on side effects reporting that I've just done a very quick and dirty look at, it looks like maybe 7% of people experience vomiting (this is based on 21% reporting nausea as per clinical trials, and about 1/3 as many people reporting vomiting as nausea in the self-reporting section - ie assuming that everyone who experienced vomiting also experienced (and reported) nausea, which isn't an unreasonable assumption). I would probably say, given the data sources, that 7% is towards the upper limit of the 'true' incidence. Given the possibility of a 'nocebo' effect in your case (given your strong feelings on the incidence of this particular side effect, and given the general strong link between psychologicial stressors and nausea/vomiting) I would think avoiding it is the right idea if you can, but if you can't maybe you can take some comfort from the back of envelope calculations above.

Yep vomiting... I'd happily take any other side effect, I can even handle just the nausea. 7% chance isn't all that comforting haha, still sounds like way too much for me 😬
Second Pfizer yesterday.

First one: the day after, my arm was a little bit sore at the injection site and I was really knackered but completely fine apart from that.

Second one: the day after, arm a little bit sore at the injection site, very slight sore head which I'm about to take some painkillers for.

I'd say that's pretty good really! (And who even knows if my sore head is just a sore head or vaccine related.)
Second Pfizer yesterday.

First one: the day after, my arm was a little bit sore at the injection site and I was really knackered but completely fine apart from that.

Second one: the day after, arm a little bit sore at the injection site, very slight sore head which I'm about to take some painkillers for.

I'd say that's pretty good really! (And who even knows if my sore head is just a sore head or vaccine related.)
I had mine yesterday. Arm barely hurts, but feel like I’ve been partying for five days straight - that post-festival exhaustion (I don’t sleep at festivals)
I did feel like I'd had a sort of relapse earlier this week, c. two weeks after the AZ jab, but it could have just been general tiredness and stress and anything really so I wouldn't automatically put it down to the former. Was fucked for a couple of days though.
I was just asking cause someone I know slept for 11 hrs in a deep, very sweaty sleep. And that's a side effect I could go for. Don't think I've slept 11hrs in a row since I was a kid, 4or 5 is my best.
Would love that too! Would loved to be knocked out for a week and wake up with my sleep bank account in credit. I’ve been running an overdraft for 48 years
48 hours after AZ my sore arm is worse than it was in the first 24 hours, but other than that I'm back to normal, all the nasty side effects being over within 24 hours, so I'm going to ignore the arm and vote the 48hrs or less option.

Spoke too soon. Had a purple bruise appear on my chin yesterday evening. Called 111 and they passed me to my GP’s out of hours service who did a video call and said go to A&E now for a blood test.

They did some tests and I got discharged at 4:30am. Apparently my platelets and some other numbers were low but not too low. They weren’t sure what caused the bruise or the low numbers but said it was probably the vaccine, and that they're seeing quite a few people with rashes and bruises (still not sure what the difference is). If I have any more symptoms I'm to go back.
Yep vomiting... I'd happily take any other side effect, I can even handle just the nausea. 7% chance isn't all that comforting haha, still sounds like way too much for me 😬
I can emphasise with you on this, smmudge.

That's one thing that fills me with horror and not being able to eat a lot of things at the best of times, I can handle any other side effect - flu symptoms of shivering and sweating, tiredness, headache, but PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ME CHUCK UP!!! It's almost like a phobia to me and why I don't get pissed now. :eek:
I had AZ and felt a bit ropey next day but was hungover anyway. My husb had AZ and had headache and nausea for few hours on that day.
Daughters partner had AZ yesterday and so far felt fine this last 36 hours.
Most people I speak to have had AZ and they have mostly had no or nothing weird or scary side effects, maybe a day on sofa.
One of my dog walking acquaintances has been feeling like shit shivery, temperature and fluey symptoms for a week.
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I've got my first Covid-19 vaccination on Monday morning.

Will I get a choice of which one I receive? Probably not but as long as I have it done and don't suffer with the side effects too much, I'll be very happy. :)
First AZ jab done and no effects after an hour. However, I am fully prepared for man 'flu, starting tonight probably. I slept well last night so if I feel like death I'll know what's causing it and just have to get through the 24-36 hours (or the amount of time it takes) before getting back on my feet.

I might be as right as rain though. Fingers crossed! :thumbs:
First AZ jab done and no effects after an hour. However, I am fully prepared for man 'flu, starting tonight probably. I slept well last night so if I feel like death I'll know what's causing it and just have to get through the 24-36 hours (or the amount of time it takes) before getting back on my feet.

I might be as right as rain though. Fingers crossed! :thumbs:

Good luck! Get some ginger/ ginger tea in if you get any nausea!
Good luck! Get some ginger/ ginger tea in if you get any nausea!
Might just stick to orange squash. :) But please no nausea or sickness. Four hours on and I feel a little light-headed. I told the nurse I'm regularly anaemic and have to have blood tests very regularly (next one Thursday). My right arm is taking a real pounding this week. :eek:

As long as I can enjoy Corrie, EastEnders Fawlty Towers and a bit of football tonight with mild symptoms I'll settle for that!
Jesus Christ. :facepalm:

It's 6.15am and I managed about half an hour of sleep so decided to get up and watch TV. Paracetamol has helped tremendously but I'm still sweating. How long is this going to last? I can't handle another dreadful night in 17 hours. This has floored me.

Feel wired so can't manage any sleep. AZ is an evil brand. :mad:
Jesus Christ. :facepalm:

It's 6.15am and I managed about half an hour of sleep so decided to get up and watch TV. Paracetamol has helped tremendously but I'm still sweating. How long is this going to last? I can't handle another dreadful night in 17 hours. This has floored me.

Feel wired so can't manage any sleep. AZ is an evil brand. :mad:

It was bad for me and seemed like I would be down for days but it magically vanished in 23 hours :oldthumbsup:

I guess the good thing about this is that it's now clear that we've invented a new generation of vaccines based on mRNA which have higher efficacy and fewer side-effects than traditional viral-vector-based vaccines. Not much comfort if you get the old type but good to know for the future.
Can anyone explain why people seem to be reporting less (fewer?) side effects from 2nd jabs, i mean how does that make sense?

My dad is freaking out over there, he went and had an antibody test which came out with some huge number (which he doesn't of course know how to interpret) and he's saying he's postponing his 2nd jab for that reason cos he thinks it will make him ill. he did have the covid as well as that first shot. I don't understand any of it.
It was bad for me and seemed like I would be down for days but it magically vanished in 23 hours :oldthumbsup:

I guess the good thing about this is that it's now clear that we've invented a new generation of vaccines based on mRNA which have higher efficacy and fewer side-effects than traditional viral-vector-based vaccines. Not much comfort if you get the old type but good to know for the future.
Mate, I really hope that's the case . I actually don't feel too bad energy wise. And want to get everything done this morning so I can chill out for the rest of the day.

Never felt like this ever before. It's hard to describe this feeling. My right arm is killing me but I'll survive. Thankfully my booster is Sunday 25th July - plenty of time to recover! :thumbs:
Can anyone explain why people seem to be reporting less (fewer?) side effects from 2nd jabs, i mean how does that make sense?

My dad is freaking out over there, he went and had an antibody test which came out with some huge number (which he doesn't of course know how to interpret) and he's saying he's postponing his 2nd jab for that reason cos he thinks it will make him ill. he did have the covid as well as that first shot. I don't understand any of it.
If the side effects are the bodies reaction to the vaccine then for the 2nd dose the body is now used to the vaccine so it doesn't react as much.
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