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What you gonna do when the all clear comes ?

Pubs with friends -- we've both said that'll be our first and most immediate priority :cool: :thumbs: :beer:
Any good gigs possible! :cool:
And as soon as allowed, drive The Van to some (very? :( ) late-summer/early-Autumn festivals :) :)
Our plan to tour Sheffield pubs in late October still looks good to remain possible anyway, and about that plan at least, I remain optimistic :)
I've asked Nick Cave to reorganise the Cardiff leg of his tour (originally Sunday May 3rd, now postponed :( ) for an otherwise quiet Friday or Saturday in November. He said he'd think about it :D
Also roughly in Autumn, and on a more sombre/serious note : Get together with my London friends to commemorate/celebrate our good mate Andy's recent (January) death :( :( -- we all went to India together in 2018. His funeral was a small/very private one in Kenya, which none of us could go to, not even his cousin who's my best mate from London days. So we all feel the need to do his memory justice when we can ..... :oldthumbsup:

In relation to all the above --- use up a lot of surplus holiday that I'm currently not using except by other means .... ;) :thumbs:
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I want to see and hug people. I miss my friends so badly, even the ones I don’t see often.
One had a very early baby late last year who came home just before Christmas. I haven’t met him yet because they were waiting for him to get bigger then he was poorly and so was I. I’ve seen him on FaceTime and he’s so yummy.

This weekend I just want to dance and party with my friends, I don’t care where. I guess it being Easter, the traditional weekend for day drinking and big nights out it’s on my mind.

I’d love a whole day on the beach with Mr Looby. Reading, swimming, sunbathing.

A camping trip in the purbecks. We’ll go to Lulworth, Swanage, the square and compass. Long lazy days.

I want to go to my favourite tapas restaurant with my friends for a long drunken meal and their lethal shots.

Nothing extraordinary just back to the best bits of life.
Probably stay in. That or head to the most crowded tourist spot I can find to try and see if I can catch it on a late tip and kick start the second wave.
Continue staying in and definitely not hugging other people.

I suppose I've had a lifetime of training for this - always been happy staying in by myself, so this isn't any hardship from my point of view. I appreciate I'm luckier than poeple who like to socialise and who understandably miss it.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the lack of people shouting and carrying on over football though - that's a lovely side-effect of this. And not being in the office for the foreseeable future. :)
I will....be very leery and untrusting.
So much info out there and trusting anything anyone has to say about something no one knows anything about is bad enough.
Swimming in the Wye at Builth Wells or Hay.

Sit on a hilltop all day.

Drive from Worcestershire to Berwick-upon-Tweed, walk the town walls, pop up to Coldingham Bay to sit on the beach and read, then drive home - and mouth fuck off at every copper I pass.

I'm incredibly privileged to live where I live, to be able to walk in the countryside everyday (so far) without grief from the filth, but I'm not someone who sits easily under the instruction of others regarding what I can and can't do.... (Bit of a first world problem, but I'm a first world person....).
There's loads of aspects of the lock-down that we're actually liking a lot :cool: (albeit selfishly :oops: ) ,
But we're really missing hanging out with friends in pubs :(

Bottled beer from shops just isn't the same** as a well-kept, well-poured pint of quality ale in or outside a lovely pub..... :hmm:

**So little so that we're back onto our Dry April again from tomorrow ..... ;).
Saves cash :oldthumbsup:
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Things that I didn't think I'd miss but do:

My yoga class
The gym
A chinwag with my colleagues in the office
The pub
A good live football match
Looking forward to a holiday
Petting random dogs when they say hello
The kids and the other half being out of my hair
Clothes shopping with my daughter
Marathon training with a mate
Visiting Ma and Pa
Walking without leaping out of my skin every time I encounter another human being
Eating out
Planning stuff
Picnics in the park with ball games
And being able to chat to people in the street.

I am not unhappy. But I miss those things.
Can’t wait to see my folks, fam and friends and hug them and enjoy a meal/drinks/dancing.

Y/day my wife and I were recalling some of the random Friday evening/night meet ups in all parts of London we enjoy doing.
Swimming in the Wye at Builth Wells or Hay.

Sit on a hilltop all day.

Drive from Worcestershire to Berwick-upon-Tweed, walk the town walls, pop up to Coldingham Bay to sit on the beach and read, then drive home - and mouth fuck off at every copper I pass.

I'm incredibly privileged to live where I live, to be able to walk in the countryside everyday (so far) without grief from the filth, but I'm not someone who sits easily under the instruction of others regarding what I can and can't do.... (Bit of a first world problem, but I'm a first world person....).

Get the swimming. I don't go very often, but when it was hot the other day I was really missing a trip out to one of the swimming spots on the Wharfe, ideally followed by a pub dinner afterwards on the way home.

So that'll be added to my list of post-lockdown things to do. Maybe even a trip to Slippery Stones in the Peak, and then a browse of the gear in Outside and then the Scotsman's Pack for dinner.
I am hoping that, by some miracle, I will have managed to get two SSL-enabled websites running on this here hosted server without constantly redirecting to each other and throwing certificate errors. I could probably do with at least another 12 weeks...
I'll tell you what, though, how many people are going to be poisoned by an elderly barrel of beer in the first pub they go to?
In addition to all the nice stuff above, I can’t wait to get someone to come and clear all the crap out of my garden/outhouse. Broken fence panel, 2 old garden tables, tins of paint, a bike that hasn’t been ridden for 16 fucking years, etc etc

I also really want to get my brows done. As I said on another thread, I really miss my brow woman. 😄
I miss my mum.

my sister had a massive party for her 50th on what we kind of realised would be The Last Weekend (20th March) and my whole family was there, so I’ve actually seen her much more recently than is usual. But... she usually has quite a hectic social life and now she’s all on her own. One of my nephews dropped off some shopping for her and she took a photo of him in her garden. I cried a bit.
I miss my grand-daughter. I just want to feel her hot little hand in mine, or see her skipping ahead with the sheepdog. I have never missed an Easter Egg hunt since she was tiny but this year, the wood was left to the birds, deer and squirrels. while my darling girl searched in the washing machine, under the bed and in various cupboards for clues. I will never again moan about having my hair and make-up done by an enthusiastic 8 year old. I don't think I could bear to miss out on her birthday (May) as well.

The whole family are making lockdown banners. Health Before Wealth, Worker's Rights, Solidarity. They are a tiny gesture but feel like little beacons of hope.
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