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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Other way around, the Serb war crimes in Kosovo that he was prosecuted for happened after NATO bombing began in retaliation for a bombing campaign which as discussed previously targeted civilian Serb infrastructure as well as military targets. The KLA, who NATO suported, were and are also serial human rights violators who targeted and murdered civilians based on their ethnicity and profited from organ and heroin trafficking.

...and yes, I said that I would vote for Clinton in a swing state and I stand by that. I also stand by what I have said previously.... that she is still an absolutely vile neoliberal warmonger, without people like Clinton there could never be a Trump presidency and frankly you are wrong she would absolutely be doing all of the things you mention Trump doing that are so awful only in some cases less so, except perhaps on Syria where she herself has said she would have gone further than Trump. The idea that by recognising all of this I am somehow in favour of 'Trumpski', which is a grossly xenophobic term which externalises blame for what is a very American phenomenon, is indicative of the sort of binary and wilfully ignorant thinking on which the ideology of liberal managerialism is dependent.
Noam Chomsky has a grave message for liberal voters who refused to vote to stop Donald Trump by selecting Hillary Clinton....(he) argued the election was a case of voting for the lesser of two evils and told those who decided not to do so: “I think they’re making a bad mistake.”....“There are two issues,” he said. “One is a kind of moral issue: do you vote against the greater evil if you don’t happen to like the other candidate? The answer to that is yes. If you have any moral understanding, you want to keep the greater evil out....“Second is a factual question: how do Trump and Clinton compare? I think they’re very different. I didn’t like Clinton at all, but her positions are much better than Trump’s on every issue I can think of.” ....Chomsky declared the Republican party “the most dangerous organisation in world history”
Noam Chomsky on the biggest mistake the left made in this election
That's insane. Whatever the outcome it's highly unlikely that without the Korean War any part of Korea would be a belligerent hermit kingdom in the style of today's North Korea.

You're just lies on top of lies on top of lies. What part of 'resisting the North Korean invasion' necessitated the murder of over one and a half million North Korean men, women and children?

Disgusting. Now defend Vietnam please.
It was N. Korea that invaded the South, with Stalin's support. I will not defend the Vietnam war. They were different situations.
I agree with him on this subject.

No you don't, Chomsky called for a pragmatic vote for Clinton while highlighting just how awful she is. You on the other hand consider yourself a proud supporter of Hillary Clinton.
It was N. Korea that invaded the South, with Stalin's support. I will not defend the Vietnam war. They were different situations.

Chinese supported N Korea during the war, not Stalin, Russians gave them moral support, you think China is going.to reign in N Korea, LOL, they're rubbing their hands in glee.
Chinese supported N Korea during the war, not Stalin, Russians gave them moral support, you think China is going.to reign in N Korea, LOL, they're rubbing their hands in glee.
Kim played them off against each other and had support from both. Chinese provided boots on the ground, Russians provided guns, planes and pilots.

ETA: and tanks, and artillery, and 'military advisors'. Saying Stalin only provided moral support is silly and untrue.
I think the real issue here is what side Al Gore would have been on in the Civil War. He's a Tennessean, but a surprising number of them fought for the Union, especially in the east of the state.
On Powerline Chris Christie’s day at the beach
Trump may not be the kind of guy who holds Christie’s beach outing against him, though it would likely be the subject of a nasty tweet if Christie were a political opponent. On the other hand, it’s possible that Trump will shy away from bestowing a major appointment on a man who is the object of so much ridicule.

In any case, Christie can serve as an object lesson for Trump. Just a few years ago, Christie was much more popular in New Jersey than Trump has ever been nationally. Now, in part because of his arrogance, Christie is about as popular as the plague.

Trump may not be sufficiently tone-deaf to pull some of the stunts that helped cause Christie’s popularity to tank. But those who defend, across-the-board, Trump’s defiance of presidential norms, on the theory that it doesn’t seem to have hurt him yet, should entertain the possibility that he is beginning to lose political capital in something like the way Christie did.
Interesting observation coming from the wingnuts on Powerline.
I think the real issue here is what side Al Gore would have been on in the Civil War. He's a Tennessean, but a surprising number of them fought for the Union, especially in the east of the state.
Interesting question, would fat Al go for a smoke belching industrial future or an agrarian wonderland of renewable resources?

In The NYT Gore: A Political Life
Sympathies in central Tennessee ran mainly toward the Confederacy, despite the paucity of slave owners, and the Gores were no exception. A grandfather of Albert, Sr., served in uniform, and Al, Jr., has told at least one friend of a Gore who peacefully worked his farm during the war until he was robbed, shot, and left for dead by two Yankee deserters. According to the tale, for which there is no documentation, a family servant nursed the wounded Gore back to health. He then set out after his attackers, found them both, and killed them.

While distant Mississippi cousins of the Tennessee Gores became part of their state's landed gentry, the fortunes of the Tennessee Gores were never great. Albert, Sr.'s, parents, Allen and Maggie Denny Gore, grew tobacco, feed, and vegetables, and raised cattle, hogs, and chickens on modest acreage near the town of Possum Hollow. One of Allen's boyhood chums, Cordell Hull, would later serve in Congress and, at the time Albert, Sr., was elected, had become Franklin Delano Roosevelt's secretary of state. The two young men would sometimes "run the river" together, rafting down the Cumberland as far as Nashville, returning via steamboat.
So I reckon he'd have done it for Dixie but probably bought a deferment and made a packet during the reconstruction.
In war, I think infrastructure and industry are legitimate targets (eg: WW2) but the point is irrelevant as the US war against Serbia was illegitimate in and of itself. It was nothing more than an act of aggression by US imperialism to redraw the map of Europe in favour of US and EU interests. Does anyone actually believe the crocodile tears of Clinton and Blair over their supposed concern for the situation in Kosovo and its people?

The USAF had no more significant town/city targets to hit in northern Korea after a while, so they went after dams and reservoirs, flooding huge areas of agricultural land which helped to create the conditions for famine.

In the 1960s you've got Curtis LeMay's frank words about sending the DRV back to the stone age.

Chinese supported N Korea during the war, not Stalin, Russians gave them moral support, you think China is going.to reign in N Korea, LOL, they're rubbing their hands in glee.

The USSR provided material support but Stalin said to Kim's face in Moscow that the Soviet Union wouldn't intervene militarily if the Americans kicked him in the teeth. Or was it his face? Can't remember the exact words.
Daily Stormer Troll Army Threatens CNN Staffers Over Reddit User Behind Trump/CNN GIF

How A Random GIF From Reddit Probably Ended Up On President Trump's Phone

The 2nd one is very interesting


1. The video Trump posted is a completely different video than the one posted on reddit (in that the aspect ratio, burn in, format, and sound are different) someone remade the Reddit video.

2. The video was on trump's iphone, and sent from his iphone.

So who sent Trump and the video, and why.

This is getting weird.
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Chinese supported N Korea during the war, not Stalin, Russians gave them moral support, you think China is going.to reign in N Korea, LOL, they're rubbing their hands in glee.

Parrently Trump has been making many calls to the Chinese leader, increasingsly shrill by all accounts, on NK. China is playing him like a Bass or a crappie or whatever American fish metaphor is best
Lots of things have been done, but I would say handshaking to others...you should watch him handshake with other presidents. It's ridiculous and embarrassing..
Also, no I don't care that he is a subject of ridicule except insofar that I think his being a subject of ridicule and condescending snark has been a real help for Trump electorally. It allows him to say to the white working class, 'they look at me like they look at you'.
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That's actually a fair point domestically. Internationally, though, his behaviour and outright childishness at times marks him out as somebody who cannot be trusted or even worked with to any sensible degree. Globally, he is seen as an absolute jooke. Sadly, global issues don't appear to have any impact whatsoever on those "white working class" you refer to in your post
Sadly, global issues don't appear to have any impact whatsoever on those "white working class" you refer to in your post

That isn't true at all, a main plank of Trump's electoral offer to his domestic audience was re-negotiation or withdrawal from trade agreements and an isolationist foreign policy.
Also, no I don't care that he is a subject of ridicule except to insofar that I think his being a subject of ridicule and condescending snark has been a real help for Trump electorally. It allows him to say to the white working class, 'they look at me like they look at you'.
Remember Bush and his "misunderestimated", what an idiot! How could anybody but an idiot vote for him.
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