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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Oh course Trump didn't like the movie Parasite, it's sub-titled, and he can't read. Hopefully, next election, he'll be gone with the wind, rotting in jail where he belongs.
Oh course Trump didn't like the movie Parasite, it's sub-titled, and he can't read. Hopefully, next election, he'll be gone with the wind, rotting in jail where he belongs.

Sorry to piss on your chips, so to speak, but Trump will likely win a second term, and he is as likely to go to jail as his skin is likely to assume a human hue. :)
Oh course Trump didn't like the movie Parasite, it's sub-titled, and he can't read. Hopefully, next election, he'll be gone with the wind, rotting in jail where he belongs.

He hasn’t even watched it.

Some of the criticisms I’ve seen of this film winning best picture is that this represents Hollywood reaching ‘peak wokeness’.

I’ll likely watch Parasite at some point to see what all the fuss is about.
not today but .... . . . . . .

DN! said:
Lawyers for Julian Assange told a London court Wednesday that President Trump offered the WikiLeaks founder a presidential pardon if he agreed to publicly state that Russia was not behind the leak of Democratic Party emails ahead of the 2016 election. The explosive allegation came as part of a legal filing by Assange’s lawyers, who are seeking to block Assange’s extradition to the U.S., where he faces up to 175 years in prison. According to the lawyers, then-Congressmember Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2017, claiming he had instructions from the president to make a deal for a pardon. Rohrabacher has since denied the allegation, saying he was on a personal “fact-finding mission.”

Hate to break it to you, but it’s most likely that Trump purposely make obvious spelling mistakes to troll the subject of his tweets and the liberal enclave that is Twitter for retweets.

Well done for playing.


And when he slurs his words, is that baiting the libs as well?

He's not a well man.
More bizarre shit. :D How the fuck did we get to this point?

Shameful, but not all that surprising - he's a bigoted and insecure 73-year-old man on a speaking tour, so he's going to repeat the offensive lines that got a reaction the previous night. By tomorrow's rally, he'll probably be turning his eyes up at the corners and jabbering in pretend Korean.
By tomorrow's rally, he'll probably be turning his eyes up at the corners and jabbering in pretend Korean.

He also had a go at Brad Pitt for attempting to make a political joke.

Not defending Trump but I think you’re totally misunderstanding what Trump’s criticism of Parasite actually is - a criticism of wokeism and the concentration of the most hypocritical detached from reality individuals on the planet - the Hollywood woke culture of massively paid twats.

Is Parasite a film American’s will be rushing out to see in their droves traditionally seen for best picture blockbusters?
He also had a go at Brad Pitt for attempting to make a political joke.

Not defending Trump but I think you’re totally misunderstanding what Trump’s criticism of Parasite actually is - a criticism of wokeism and the concentration of the most hypocritical detached from reality individuals on the planet - the Hollywood woke culture of massively paid twats.

Is Parasite a film American’s will be rushing out to see in their droves traditionally seen for best picture blockbusters?
If Trump's objection to Parasite is what you say, then why doesn't HE say that instead of banging endlessly on about it being South Korean, and making himself look like a racist nutcase?

I don't believe you. I think that, whatever Trump does, you will find a way to dress it up as some kind of cunning masterplan. Trump has all the cunning of a Baldrick, only without the personal charm and with added oafishness.
Not defending Trump but I think you’re totally misunderstanding what Trump’s criticism of Parasite actually is - a criticism of wokeism and the concentration of the most hypocritical detached from reality individuals on the planet - the Hollywood woke culture of massively paid twats.

Is Parasite a film American’s will be rushing out to see in their droves traditionally seen for best picture blockbusters?

How is choosing Parasite as best picture "wokeism"? Maybe it was just the best movie - recent winners like Green Book, Spotlight, Moonlight, Birdman, The Artist etc. haven't been traditional blockbusters either - most of them made less money than Ice Age 5.

In 2008, the winner was another foreign film - Slumdog Millionaire, a British movie filmed in India, and I'm sure there were similar complaints from racist senior citizens at the time. When Trump reached for examples of the kinds of films he wanted to see, the most recent one he named was Sunset Boulevard, which came out 70 years ago and didn't win Best Picture.
If Trump's objection to Parasite is what you say, then why doesn't HE say that instead of banging endlessly on about it being South Korean, and making himself look like a racist nutcase?

I don't believe you. I think that, whatever Trump does, you will find a way to dress it up as some kind of cunning masterplan. Trump has all the cunning of a Baldrick, only without the personal charm and with added oafishness.

I got the impression that Parasite was a relatively obscure film that traditionally fitted into the foreign language category of the awards and was not perhaps a reflection of Hollywood movie goers.

Nonetheless, Trump has probably given Parasite a boost in interest and may have inadvertently opened up this genre to a wider audience now.
I got the impression that Parasite was a relatively obscure film that traditionally fitted into the foreign language category of the awards and was not perhaps a reflection of Hollywood movie goers.

Nonetheless, Trump has probably given Parasite a boost in interest and may have inadvertently opened up this genre to a wider audience now.
Yes, he probably has. Which will, I imagine, be fuel for increasingly incoherent rants about how unpatriotic it is of Americans to watch a South Korean film...
Yes, he probably has. Which will, I imagine, be fuel for increasingly incoherent rants about how unpatriotic it is of Americans to watch a South Korean film...

More like he’ll claim credit for record sales/downloads of Gone with the Wind and Sunset Boulevard since his remarks :D
More like he’ll claim credit for record sales/downloads of Gone with the Wind and Sunset Boulevard since his remarks :D
Well, it doesn't really matter - it has gone well past the point where the effort of wading through several tons of horseshit to find one grain of anything worth listening to was ever worth doing.
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