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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Direct link to Trump, and it backs up the allegations about the phone call

Yahoo is now part of Verizon Media

Sondland said vital U.S. military assistance to Ukraine might be freed up if the country’s top prosecutor “would go to the mike and announce that he was opening the Burisma investigation," a U.S. official told lawmakers. Burisma is the gas company in Ukraine where Democrat Joe Biden’s son Hunter served on the board.

Sondland relayed the exchange moments later to Tim Morrison, then a National Security Council aide. In his private testimony to impeachment investigators made public Saturday, Morrison recounted that Sondland also told him he was discussing the Ukraine matters directly with Trump.
Trump says he can't get his point of view over as he can't speak at the hearing.
I wonder what he'll use as an excuse not to testify.

Trump gets his bluff called

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Donald Trump to testify in front of investigators in the House impeachment inquiry ahead of a week that will see several key witnesses appear publicly.

Pushing back against accusations from the president that the process has been stacked against him, Pelosi said Trump is welcome to appear or answer questions in writing, if he chooses.

“If he has information that is exculpatory, that means ex, taking away, culpable, blame, then we look forward to seeing it,” she said in an interview that aired Sunday on CBS’s "Face the Nation.” Trump “could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants,” she said.
The other day when a Republican said, meaning the whistleblower, "we haven't been given the opportunity to question the man who started all this" and was responded to by a Democrat congressman, "We would love to hear from the man who started all this and Donald Trump is welcome to come and take a seat right here any time"

I liked that.
The supreme court have put a temp block on Trump's tax returns.

Every legal arguement I've seen puts the law and precedent to releasing them as nobody, even a president, can be allowed to be above the law, but the now right wing SCOTUS may change that.
Possible, ner, probable lies to Mueller may come back to bite Trump.

Impeachment Investigators Exploring Whether Trump Lied to Mueller

He said in written answers he had no knowledge of the wikileaks affair, but that looks like a lie in the light of recent news.
Thing is Mueller was asked (when he was called back to comment after he’d submitted the report) about charging a sitting president and he said, no not possible. But when asked if it was possible after they’d left office he pointedly said YES! I guess Trump’s pretty desperate to win in 2020 to run the clock down on the statute of limitations.
Trump's behaviour is getting even madder

As always, the comments are a joy to read.

Edited to add: here's a *much* better (i.e. more unhinged) version

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