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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Whatever you do don't read the breitbart comments under their joyous announcement that he's pulling out of Paris. It's kind of heartbreaking , the triumph of stupidity. MAGA.
Whatever you do don't read the breitbart comments under their joyous announcement that he's pulling out of Paris. It's kind of heartbreaking , the triumph of stupidity. MAGA.
tried the comments sections on Briefart and Faux news once over, you don't need to shower after reading them, you need to shower while reading them, but it does wake you out of the complacent attitude that the vast majority of US citizens are 'sound'
To be fair, as despicable as Trump pulling out of Paris is we could well be on the brink of nuclear war by now and the prospect of a little extra carbon in the air would be less worrying.
Trump pulls out of Paris!
Paris, he did? Hadn't noticed.
I wonder what he thinks of the US' most populous states and cities now vowing to work together outside of his admin's control and, by inference, with China and the EU? (California has already explicitly stated they will and they seem to be in the leadership position in this ad-hoc grouping)...

Well done Donald you massive twat.

I don't suppose he really cares as California didn't vote Trump. Anyway, O doubt that any of the major signatories take this agreement that seriously. Trump is using this in an attempt to portray himself as a chap of principles who keeps to his word. The others as a way to jump on the antiTrump bandwagon. What amuses me most is the way that China and the EU are seen as the good guys.

Where have all the anarchists gone?
It's a victory for the Koch brothers and their fossil fuel interests, and proof that billionaires can skew public opinion and have politicians dancing on strings in reaction to this counterfactual bullshit. As ever.
Many commentators have suggested that the U.S., in withdrawing from Paris, is ceding its leadership role in the world. But the sad fact is that the U.S. has never been a leader in addressing climate change; this is one of the main reasons that the Paris accord is so weak. The U.S. has only been a leader in producing climate change. (On an annual basis, America is now the world’s second-greatest carbon emitter, behind China, but on an aggregate basis it’s responsible for more of the excess CO2 in the atmosphere than any other country.) When Barack Obama helped forge the Paris accord, he was trying to make up for decades of American inaction. Trump has now nullified that effort. The just result would be that it is the U.S. economy that ends up suffering.
Points out Paris was a really weak agreement crafted to avoid the Senate. Trump's election and his carbon loving energy agenda really meant US contributions were dead in the water anyway.

The sad thing is looking at the polling withdrawing is a decision based on partisan bullshit that really only very conservatives voters believe.

You could sum Trump's policies up as reversing what little that nasty man Obama did.

Obama was a President a lot of Americans did think far too liberal. He often acted by executive fiat avoiding the difficult business of persuading the other arms of government. A donnish man who didn't think it was necessary to make a great drama to sell his policies. Which makes it much easier for that slim legacy to be shredded theatrically by his obnoxiously conservative replacement. That gleeful demolition may be all Trump gets done.
"clean coal" I think is the technology used to "scrub" CO2, sulphates and dust out from the flue gases from the combustion plant.

You are going to need a lot of building projects to use the PFA (in bricks) and gypsum (plasterboard) produced as "by-products" ... and you don't get all of the CO / CO2 ... for that you need tree planting
On Politico Why Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris
What Trump can do is remind his supporters—and everyone else on the planet—which side he’s on, and, more to the point, which side he’s fighting. He’s taking a shirts-and-skins stand against liberals, against goo-goos, against condescending scolds in Birkenstocks who don’t like Styrofoam or hulking SUVs or real Americans, against naïve globalists who want the U.S. to suck up to the French and the Chinese and the United Nations. Climate change will affect the entire earth, from drought-ravaged farm villages in Africa to floodprone condo towers in Miami, but for Trump it’s just a symbol of the stuff that people who don’t like Trump care about. Paris is just an Obama legacy that he can kill, when he doesn’t have the votes to kill Obama’s health reforms or Wall Street regulations or tax hikes on the wealthy. Whatever damage Trump’s climate policies cause to the planet will be collateral damage, shrapnel from his political war on elites and the left and Obama.

But that won’t make the damage any less real. The United States happens to be located on that planet, and it’s the only known planet with pizza, whether the president wants to protect it or not. The United States is also part of the community of nations, and it’s a community with many common interests, whether the president wants to lead it or not.
Also notable for the phrase "tree-hugging squishes".
He actually brought up the paper industry in his speech!

He's such a fucking tonka it's unbelievable.

And yet I watched it live on YouTube with a chat room by the screen and... Jesus... what a bunch of lunatics. The problem is Trump's speech shows that he thinks this way too - basically, everything's part of a plot to stop America succeeding! He's always thought this, it's his one stable political idea. If you listen to him speak everything's a fucking whine, listen to the number of times he says "unfair" - unfair press, unfair Democrats, unfair Paris agreement, unfair UN, unfair trade deals... whining little shit monkey!

And the other day, two of his generals (McMaster I'm sure, and maybe Kelly) wrote an op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal on his foreign policy. The basics are - fuck cooperation, it's all about competition (I think this might be fairly used as a shorthand for the conservative mindset), there is no "community of nations", we must grab what we can and if you get in our way we're going to fuck you up. (They put it a little more gently than that - you can find it reprinted or discussed elsewhere. God, even David Frum, a neocon Iraq War architect was disgusted by it!)

And with perfect timing President Xi was in Germany the other day and saying nice things about climate change...EDIT: Not Xi apparently: "Meanwhile Merkel met Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and they got along great."

Going back a bit, Trumpo used to claim to have read All Quiet On The Western Front - if I remember right he mentioned it in two interviews about a year apart as the book he was currently reading. Like everything else he says that was obviously a lie, but there you go.
It is being reported that one of the reasons El Trumpo pulled out of the Paris agreement is because he believes it's French and Macron was rude to him!

EDIT: Not really "reported" that was Twitter stuff! Some of it is true - and properly reported below.
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reported where? I'd like to link to it

Sorry, I should change that - reported as in "put about on Twitter". I'm FAKE NEWS! I apologise. The not liking Macron bit seems legit, as is the reporting that pissing off the EU is a good thing in Trumpland, but the "thinking it was French" thing is not being reported! (I'll correct that post!)

It's now being reported (Twitter again, sorry! But from a proper journalist) that the UK refused to sign the joint declaration by Italy, France and Germany expressing disappointment at the Paris decision. May spoke to Trumpo on the phone (as did the leaders of France, Italy and Germany) instead.

We're leaving the EU and May seems to be betting everything on America, a country currently being run by a psychopath. Great!
We're leaving the EU and May seems to be betting everything on America, a country currently being run by a psychopath. Great!

The bible mentions a whore riding a beast -

'and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls'

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