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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Have to say, as much as I loathe The Donald Dump as much as any other sane, rational human being, he's provided me with more laughs this last year or so than anyone else. He's so obviously bat-shit crazy that he's beyond parody, and that makes all criticism and ridicule of him ultimately redundant and meaningless. The guy literally doesn't give a toss now and seems to revel in the media-storm that he's (deliberately) creating with his perceived enemies. He's a cross between a petulant man-child and a consummate wind-up merchant, and the more his critics attack and ridicule him, the more obnoxious and outrageous he becomes. It's a total looney-tunes type of politics; a monstrous cartoon baddie, frightening, and funny at the same time. And in a creepy kind of way, it's captivating to watch and observe too. Until, of course, it all goes up in flames, as it might well do.

As for Hillary.....well, how humiliating, Fancy losing twice over. First to Barack over the Democratic Presidential Nomination. And then, even worse, losing to someone like Trump. Yes, Trump. That's a tough gig to handle. She has my sympathy....between my howls of laughter.
If you can read 300+ pages, Senator Feinstein has released the testimony of Fusion GPS man.

Fusion GPS testimony | Classified Information | Justice

I'm sure it's been reported everywhere, and I'm not sure it adds much. I have read this has more to do with the dispute on the committee between Dems and Reps and the Republicans threats to this witness.

If you're interested in a play by play analysis of the document from someone who's read the 300 page verbatim account of 10 hours of testimony, and you don't mind Twitter, I recommend this Twitter thread.

Basically, the Democratic and Republican senators took it in turns to question Simpson - an hour of questions from one party then an hour from the other. It's patently obvious the Republicans were trying to discredit Simpson and Steele as political partisans to undermine Simpson's testimony. The Democrats wanted to find out what they'd found out in their investigations.

We know now that it was the GOP that originally commissioned Fusion GPS to "find information on Trump," particularly in relation to his businesses - not to smear him and with no mention of Russia. Maybe they hoped something would be found that would disqualify him from the party's nomination. Conversely, perhaps they just wanted to know if there were skeletons in Trump's closet that needed to be buried before he ran for the party. Also, the FBI were already aware of dodgy dealings long before Fusion GPS were brought in because someone within Trump's business or campaign (it's not clear) had already flagged this to them.

Steele didn't have to dig deep to find evidence of "questionable activities" as much of it wasn't exactly hidden. Interestingly enough, he alerted the FBI that he thought Trump could be at risk of or was being blackmailed - that Trump was the victim in the scenario.

Trump management and business style...I agree with you and I agree with you....and I agree with you, and you..and you...
Some very good points made.
Trump Isn’t Fighting Human Trafficking, He’s Facilitating It

But Trump’s agenda is worse than ineffectual, it is positively harmful. One of the primary ways it promotes human trafficking is through aggressive immigration enforcement, which makes victims even more afraid to report abuse to the authorities. The more credible the threat of deportation, the greater control a trafficker has over his victims.
Watching how CNN is handling Trump's earlier tweeted criticisms of the FISA renewal is certainly interesting - "Yes, we think he doesn't know what he is tweeting about but FISA keeps you safe and only occasionally does it breach your constitutional rights and anyway if you can't trust the US Government who can you trust?".
Good news! The first F-52 fighter aircrafts have made it safely to Norway, President Trump announced today. Bad news! F-52s aren’t... real. They’re advanced fighter aircrafts that exist only in the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

The Washington Post pointed out the blunder following Trump’s puzzling assertion that these fictional planes completed their trip. “In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” Trump said. “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.” Extremely ahead of schedule, apparently, since they’ve yet to make the crossover into the real world.

The Washington Post surmises that Trump likely combined the number of planes, 52, with the name of the F-35 fighter. Boy, his face must be red! Surely he’ll own up to his mistake, just like he did when he praised the fictional African country of “Nambia” or made the infamous “covfefe” typo.

Oh, wait.
Trump announces the sale of F-52 planes, which only exist in Call of Duty
View attachment 125130

He sounds delusional, though I guess there's a chance the conversation could have happened.

"Listen, 'Mister Ambassador,' I'm not going to come and cut the ribbon at your lousy two-bit embassy when you sold the most tremendous embassy in London for nothing, you schmuck - you can fuck off. And tell your boss he can fuck off as well."
"Mr Ambassador, Ivanka is coming in my place get the ball rolling on the conversion of the building into a luxury hotel and casino....it looks like one already......make a few bucks off them English. At least Obama didn't put in a totally shithole part of town."
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