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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Both. And BTW when I said the apathetic who don't vote are the biggest losers, I meant they lose because they don't exercise their right to have some say in political outcomes.
None of you have any say in 'political outcomes'. Policy is decided entirely by corporate lobbyists. The forty percent who don't bother are just saving themselves the stress of believing otherwise.
None of you have any say in 'political outcomes'. Policy is decided entirely by corporate lobbyists. The forty percent who don't bother are just saving themselves the stress of believing otherwise.
Voters have the ultimate say in political outcomes. Politicians do indeed take legal bribes from moneyed interests and make policy accordingly. But there are a lot more of us (average people) than them (moneyed interests). Those who don't vote chose not to hold those politicians accountable for their corrupt behavior. IOW, I think there is hope in at least partially overcoming the power of money in politics.
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Voters have the ultimate say in political outcomes. Politicians do indeed take legal bribes from moneyed interests and make policy accordingly. But there are a lot more of us (average people) than them (moneyed interests). Those who don't vote chose not to hold those politicians accountable for their corrupt behavior.

The influence of elites, interest groups and average voters on American politics - Journalist's Resource

  • Compared to economic elites, average voters have a low to nonexistent influence on public policies. “Not only do ordinary citizens not have uniquely substantial power over policy decisions, they have little or no independent influence on policy at all,” the authors conclude.
  • In cases where citizens obtained their desired policy outcome, it was in fact due to the influence of elites rather than the citizens themselves: “Ordinary citizens might often be observed to ‘win’ (that is, to get their preferred policy outcomes) even if they had no independent effect whatsoever on policy making, if elites (with whom they often agree) actually prevail.”
CIA Tom said:
IOW, I think there is hope in at least partially overcoming the power of money in politics.

And you'll achieve this by putting your energies into campaigning for the election of Wall St funded neoliberal politicians how?
I'm saying voting matters and it matters who wins, even given the immense power of moneyed interests. I'm not willing to surrender to the cynicism of 'don't bother to vote because the fat cats run everything.'

Surely cynicism and surrender is for those who've thrown their energies into supporting a party who are a gnat's hair from their opposition and claim that the only change worth having comes through the ballot box.
Surely cynicism and surrender is for those who've thrown their energies into supporting a party who are a gnat's hair from their opposition and claim that the only change worth having comes through the ballot box.
And the alternative to the ballot box is what?
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I don't think the wolff book tells us much new in and of itself - what it does do is firm up the idea that Trump is a capricious, infantile, bullying dimwit with questionable mental health surrounded by chaos. Indeed Trump's response to the book has only reinforced that perception.

What i am wondering is how long will it be before Trump loses his shit to the extent that he is clearly incapable. I have a lot of issues with the shrink assessment of his fitness for office - but the notion that the stress of the FBI investigation will lead to ever more erratic and destructive behaviour does ring true (the whole "biggest button" thing is gobsmacking really - its like some OTT, dr strangelove-esque satire but for real). The wolff book may become a self fulfilling prophecy - in that it provides the final nudge that pushes Trump over the edge. Or maybe a pummelling in the mid terms will do that.

How much cover could Trumps circle provide if trump does become truly incapable? they are not the most discreet and loyal bunch are they?
All pretty amusing provided he doesn't vitrify large areas of the planet in the process.

I don't think the US military would consider it a valid launch order, and I don't think they would lose much sleep over refusing it.
I don't think the wolff book tells us much new in and of itself - what it does do is firm up the idea that Trump is a capricious, infantile, bullying dimwit with questionable mental health surrounded by chaos. Indeed Trump's response to the book has only reinforced that perception.

What i am wondering is how long will it be before Trump loses his shit to the extent that he is clearly incapable. I have a lot of issues with the shrink assessment of his fitness for office - but the notion that the stress of the FBI investigation will lead to ever more erratic and destructive behaviour does ring true (the whole "biggest button" thing is gobsmacking really - its like some OTT, dr strangelove-esque satire but for real). The wolff book may become a self fulfilling prophecy - in that it provides the final nudge that pushes Trump over the edge. Or maybe a pummelling in the mid terms will do that.

How much cover could Trumps circle provide if trump does become truly incapable? they are not the most discreet and loyal bunch are they?

It struck me the other day that the tale of Trump and prostitutes in Moscow would have been a perfect fit for this book except someone else had invented it already.

So the eagerness to snap up a book written by someone who is little more than a top end gossip columnist to confirm pre-existing prejudices (cheese-burgers in bed, childish, illiterate, early onset dementia and so on) speaks of a political class/movement/strata who 15 months in, are no more capable of coming to terms with happened today as they were on day after the inauguration in 2016.

This eagerness to see Trump removed on some technicality or other suggests many would hope to postpone the necessarily harshly critical post-mortem indefinitely.
If so, far from ending the Trump presidency prematurely, they are beavering away to ensure his shot at a second term.
The cover of that book is really shit, it looks like one of those dodgy ebooks people sell on eBay as part of some home business pyramid selling scam.

I can see how it's being played though, trying to create fractures and division by exposing negative comments of allies and family members, and Trump is clumsily sucking it all up and reacting with predictable bluster. A wiser leader might have tried rising above it all and shrugging it off.
Wolff was one of the few print journalists to be even remotely pro-Trump in my recollection (outside obvious Murdoch shills). I read Sarah Kenzidor today arguing that the crazy/incompetent-not-criminal story he is flogging is a likely Trump defence if Mueller produces substantial bad stuff on him.
Wolff was one of the few print journalists to be even remotely pro-Trump in my recollection (outside obvious Murdoch shills). I read Sarah Kenzidor today arguing that the crazy/incompetent-not-criminal story he is flogging is a likely Trump defence if Mueller produces substantial bad stuff on him.
Some commentator said he pretended to be pro-Trump to gain Trump's trust and then access.
I've also read (from a journalism professor, Jay Rosen, I think he is called) that it sounds like he went in planning to do an "unexpected-genius-of-Donald-Trump" story - as his subjects were expecting/were told? - and then saw how insane it all was and decided to tell the truth...!
Michael Moore has threatened to start fracking off the coast of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort on Twitter.
The outspoken Trump critic and filmmaker made his announcement in response to a new administration proposal to increase offshore drilling for natural gas.
"Our fracking off the coast of Mar-a-Lago begins right after Labor Day," Moore said in a tweet in which he referred to his new documentary series 'Live From the Apocalypse.'
"I've already got the rig — a beautiful Halliburton G-0008 fracking system with a monster Caterpillar engine!" he wrote.


the offshore windfarms in sight of one of his golfcourses in Scotland really vexed him
Some commentator said he pretended to be pro-Trump to gain Trump's trust and then access.

I've also read (from a journalism professor, Jay Rosen, I think he is called) that it sounds like he went in planning to do an "unexpected-genius-of-Donald-Trump" story - as his subjects were expecting/were told? - and then saw how insane it all was and decided to tell the truth...!

Whatever sells the most books! He's pulled off a real coup here. A right wing loon who's selling more books to liberals than any right wing loon has before.
Whatever sells the most books! He's pulled off a real coup here. A right wing loon who's selling more books to liberals than any right wing loon has before.
I hope he rakes in millions. Hopefully his book will weaken Trump and any politician who supports him.
There's interesting stuff in the book, particularly the background on the long fraught relationship between new york media people and Trump & Kushner. Helps explain some of the obsession with fake news etc.
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