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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

They have proposed offshore drilling... not allowed it yet.

Amy Goodman said:
Trump Admin Moves to Open Nearly All U.S. Coastal Waters to Offshore Drilling
HeadlineJan 05, 2018
The Trump administration has proposed allowing offshore oil and gas drilling in nearly all of the United States’ coastal waters. The reversal of the Obama-era restrictions would open more than a billion acres of water along the Eastern Seaboard and in the Arctic and allow oil companies to drill off the coast of California for the first time in decades. The proposal faces opposition from environmental groups and the governors of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, California, Oregon, Washington and Florida

Trump Admin Moves to Open Nearly All U.S. Coastal Waters to Offshore Drilling | Democracy Now!
I think they should encourage him to push the nuclear button they've made for his desk then hurry him down to the bunker under the Whitehouse and keep telling him he can't come out yet as it's not safe.
Apparently it only bring Diet Coke....
Not really about Trump, but it does show how nasty the political climate in the US has gotten:

An arson investigation is underway after the Alabama home of one of the women who accused former GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of inappropriate behavior burned down, according to a report in AL.com.

The Etowah County Arson Task Force is investigating after Tina Johnson's Gadsen home burned down Tuesday while Johnson and her husband were at work and her grandson was at school. Johnson and her family lost everything they owned, according to the AL.com report.

"I am devastated, just devastated," Johnson told the news outlet. "We have just the clothes on our backs."

Roy Moore accuser's home burns down: Report

I guess I should feel lucky that I've only lost a couple of tires here and there.
she still got more votes than trump.
so more than Half of Americans aren't wibbling loons.
Unfortunately, the half that has guns are:facepalm:.
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Will they ever stop mocking Hilary?

Hasn't she suffered enough?

This whole shitshow is partly Hillary Clinton's fault - she ran a terrible campaign, she benefited from the DNC hobbling Bernie Sanders, she chose the dullest man in America as her vice-presidential candidate, she was basically a cheerleader for the whole neoliberal status quo that people were finally fed up with, etc, etc., I'm not surprised that she's still being mocked.
Turnout was about 55%.
Not exactly and the figure isn't very relevant anyway. Those who don't bother to vote are political non-persons.
A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016
Black voter turnout fell in 2016, even as a record number of Americans cast ballots
Not exactly and the figure isn't very relevant anyway. Those who don't bother to vote are political non-persons.

Black voter turnout fell in 2016, even as a record number of Americans cast ballots

Non-persons lol. Don't be a prick.

It's very relevant when people say things like 'most white women voted for Trump' or 'almost half of Americans are dumb gun nuts.

It still amazes me that people like you keep insisting that there's no room in your stitched up political system for anyone except the big two parties and act oblivious to the fact that the winner in every election is disenfranchisement and apathy.
thing is if its a choice between the status quo and a fuckwit with terrible ideas.

not voting because your apathetic is a wrong move we saw it with Brexit if you won't get off your arse it doesn't make you. A proud warrior against the system it just makes you a clown whose allowed fuckwits to have their way.
thing is if its a choice between the status quo and a fuckwit with terrible ideas.

not voting because your apathetic is a wrong move we saw it with Brexit if you won't get off your arse it doesn't make you. A proud warrior against the system it just makes you a clown whose allowed fuckwits to have their way.
I'm not even talking about the spunking cock crew and conscientious objectors. I'm talking about the forty percent of the country who just feel it has nothing to do with them and doesn't affect things one way or the other.
With a record turnout of over 61%? The apathetic are not winners. They are the biggest losers and nobody gives a shit what they think.
Says the CIA murderer loving proud Hilary supporter who threw himself behind a campaign so bad that they managed to get an insane reality tv star that didn't even really want to be president elected. If you're writing off forty percent of your countrypeople from the start there's something seriously wrong with your thinking.
Says the CIA murderer loving proud Hilary supporter who threw himself behind a campaign so bad that they managed to get an insane reality tv star that didn't even really want to be president elected. If you're writing off forty percent of your countrypeople from the start there's something seriously wrong with your thinking.
That 40% wrote themselves off.
With a record turnout of over 61%? The apathetic are not winners. They are the biggest losers and nobody gives a shit what they think.

Everyone gives a shit what they think - a big percentage of the electorate and a lot of states are unshakeably Republican, likewise Democratic, the whole election was focused on voters in a handful of swing states and I can remember a lot of talk about how the formidable Democratic get-out-the-vote machine was going to win the election for Clinton in states like Pennsylvania. If they had been a little better at it, maybe they wouldn't have lost.
I may have asked this before, but is there any appetite in America for any sort of electoral reform? It's nuts that such a huge and diverse country ends up with a binary choice between what are essentially two versions of the same party* - there's fuck all diversity in elections, and you if you don't vote for the least worst candidate you potentially end up enabling the election of the really worst one. Oh, and that electoral college thing is a bit crazy.

*with the Republican Party now gone full-on loony Hunger Games, Ayn Rand psycho.
With a record turnout of over 61%? The apathetic are not winners. They are the biggest losers and nobody gives a shit what they think.
How is 61% a record?
And that 61% is not based on the methods that the usual figure given for turnout.

thing is if its a choice between the status quo and a fuckwit with terrible ideas.
Apart from in most of the country it's the winner takes all system means that your choice is pointless. So even on your own terms you're talking bollocks.
How is 61% a record?
And that 61% is not based on the methods that the usual figure given for turnout.

Apart from in most of the country it's the winner takes all system means that your choice is pointless. So even on your own terms you're talking bollocks.
It's 9,000,000 higher than any previous turnout. A record.

However...I don't expect you to engage in a civil manner, so let's not bother.
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