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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Start with the headline and keep reading.

If you don't spot them, I doubt me taking the time to point them out will convince you.
Not all of us have a subscription or have registered with the NYT. However for anyone wondering the NYT termed Trumps remarks 'vulgar' whereas someone on Twitter has observed, correctly imo that they are in fact racist.
Not all of us have a subscription or have registered with the NYT. However for anyone wondering the NYT termed Trumps remarks 'vulgar' whereas someone on Twitter has observed, correctly imo that they are in fact racist.
I don't subscribe to NYT and am not registered on their site. The link is to the mobile version which appears to be free to view and there are 5 free articles per month.

But, here goes my coffee break . . .

These are the comments in question from Trump. White House has not denied that he said these things.

"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met yesterday.

Starting with the headline, the NYT uses very soft, minimising terms to describe what he said. Here are more examples of this.

"Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa"

"His (Trump's) penchant for racially tinged remarks,"

"president’s vulgar language on a delicate issue,"

"long-simmering debate over Mr. Trump’s views and talk on race."

"Some people familiar with his comments argued privately on Thursday night that the president had only tried to press that point (immigration based on merit and skills,) using salty language."

"...the vulgar phrase Mr. Trump uttered quickly began trending on Twitter — overshadowing the substance of the DACA talks, and with it, the future of the immigrants at risk of deportation should those discussions fail." (suggesting that the hoo ha folk are making about Trump's comment is what will harm immigrants, not the comments! :mad:)

Also ran the White House deputy Press Secretary's statement deflecting from the comments uncritically and without fact checking.

Talk on race
Racially Charged

But not racist. :confused:
Arizona Senate candidate Joe Arpaio (R) said Thursday that he would support President Trump "regardless of what he says" in response to reports that Trump called Haiti and several African nations "shithole countries" in a meeting with lawmakers earlier in the day.

In an interview on MSNBC's "The Beat" with host Ari Melber, Arpaio suggested that the president may have not made the remark, but said he would support Trump regardless of whether he did.

Arpaio on Trump’s ‘s---hole’ comments: ‘I support him regardless of what he says’

... says the man who's done everything in his power to turn Maricopa County, AZ into the biggest shithole possible. The man should be in prison, not running for office.
View attachment 125130

He sounds delusional, though I guess there's a chance the conversation could have happened.

"Listen, 'Mister Ambassador,' I'm not going to come and cut the ribbon at your lousy two-bit embassy when you sold the most tremendous embassy in London for nothing, you schmuck - you can fuck off. And tell your boss he can fuck off as well."
:confused: They didn't own Grovsner Square, and they moved coz of London helicopter policy
I just don't see the purpose of protests in this respect. This guy literally feeds of attention, what good is impotently screaming at a car as it flies past going to do?

The best thing possible would be if he was just totally ignored. He'd rock up and everywhere around him people just got on with their daily business. The presidential motorcade driving down the mall past a couple of joggers and someone picking up their dog's shit. That would fuck him off more than any protest, it would be a beautiful thing.
I just don't see the purpose of protests in this respect. This guy literally feeds of attention, what good is impotently screaming at a car as it flies past going to do?

The best thing possible would be if he was just totally ignored. He'd rock up and everywhere around him people just got on with their daily business. The presidential motorcade driving down the mall past a couple of joggers and someone picking up their dog's shit. That would fuck him off more than any protest, it would be a beautiful thing.

I suspect if he doesn't get his ration of attention, he'll find a way to demand attention in a way that would be really, really bad. He's like a kid who is happy with negative attention, as long as he's getting attention.
Actually, my ideal protest to such an attention-seeking ******** would be to turn my back and very pointedly ignore that part of the motorcade whilst still displaying a suitable placard. Bit like booing or slow-handclapping.
I am mildly amused that Sky News at 6 started by quoting Trump's 'shithole' remark, whereas over on the BBC the reporter said he 'used a term I am not going to repeat on-air.
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