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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I suppose. It perhaps says something that no-one thought to ask for help from the world-class (as in, can get a satellite moved and re-tasked to make a call if need be) White House Communications Agency that lives in the White House basement.
True! It just makes you wonder how many fairly basic things they are cocking up all the time we don't hear about because they've pared staff to the bone, got rid of experienced staff and seem to have the idea they don't need "expertise" anymore.
I think it's more to do about respecting peoples than whether or not it's a suitable holiday destination?

Trump's utterances just reinforce the negativities...
I think the point is Trump seems to know less than the average third grader about geography, politics, history, culture, international relations or diplomacy, as shown in this and many comments he makes. His were throwaway comments of a white supremacist who doesn't know or care whether his assumptions about countries peopled by non-white European peoples are correct or not. He also doesn't know or care about the legacy of centuries of exploitation of many such countries by European and American powers.
Its curious isn't it ...as he's quite well travelled ....

....is it a case of a journey from one gold plated (only on the surface) bubble to another ?
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Hawaii's emergency alert system sent out a shocking tweet to its citizens: "Ballistic Missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek Immediate shelter, This is not a drill."

except ...it was a drill :facepalm:
They broadcast it on telly too - right at half-time in the Tottenham v Everton game in the clip that I've seen, Wayne Rooney, then the fireworks.
Automatic launch systems used to be a major part of Cold War paranoia, didn't they?

I wonder now if things aren't even more automatically controlled whether it's any safer. Some of the more scary stuff I read about a possible US attack on North Korea was all about this sort of hair-trigger escalation if anything does go off. And with so much interconnectedness, would it be possible to hack these systems?

With Trump (and Kim) bloody winding things up so much this must have been terrifying for Hawaiians, I hope we don't hear any stories of heart attacks or the like tomorrow. El Trumpo will no doubt nonsensically use it as a justification for his incendiary rhetoric against North Korea.

What a bloody world we live in! Bah!
thank Christ he didn't have his big red button to hand

CNN is epic at the mo ....people were panicking ...wheres the nearest nuclear shelter .

.there are none

He only hires all the best people
thank Christ he didn't have his big red button to hand

CNN is epic at the mo ....people were panicking ...wheres the nearest nuclear shelter .

.there are none

He only hires all the best people

What does this really have to do with Trump? Is the blame for the madness of the continuing existence of nuclear weapons now something else that can be laundered by critique of Trump?
its the optics of it .....innit

CNN has now gone Hiroshima ...fecking surreal

And all the adverts are medical related ...laser Fat removal in minutes , diabetes , incontinence ...amazing really ... one of the diabetic adverts had a warning , taking this product can make you die or cause cancer ...
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What does this really have to do with Trump? Is the blame for the madness of the continuing existence of nuclear weapons now something else that can be laundered by critique of Trump?

It probably would have been better placed in a separate of different thread, though Trump's boasting about the size and efficiency of his big red button may have contributed to a sense of unease in Hawaii, along with his threat to obliterate North Korea with "fire and fury."
I thought this was interesting. Bit heavy on morals at the start but understandably so:
America is spiritually bankrupt. We must fight back together | Cornel West
It also flows from a Democratic party establishment beholden to big money, big military, and the clever deployment of peoples of color, LGBTQ peoples, immigrants, Muslims and women to hide and conceal the lies and crimes of neoliberal policies here and abroad; and from a corporate media establishment that aided and abetted Trump owing to high profits and revenues.

The painful truth is there is no Donald Trump without Barack Obama, no neofascist stirrings without neoliberal policies – all within the imperial zone. Obama was the brilliant black smiling face of the American empire. Trump is the know-nothing white cruel face of the American empire.
Paying a Pornstar Hush Money Would Have Ended Any Other Presidency

On Friday, Wall Street Journal dropped a report that shortly before the 2016 election, Donald Trump's long-time lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid off an adult film star who was planning to speak to go public with claims that she and Trump had an affair years ago.
Other news organizations have followed up with stories that seem to corroborate the Journal's reporting, but, honestly, Trump could probably skate by this without bothering to deny any of it. There's been no shortage of botched crises or outright scandals already during his short tenure as president. He's said that he doesn't want non-white immigrants coming to the U.S., insulted a major ally over the physical location of an embassy, and decreed that oil companies can drill off the coast of every state—except, of course, swing states.
That's not to claim that he's masterminding an endless stream of scandals to keep himself safe. He's just so well-suited to the modern political environment that he could just stumble through this and be totally fine—because he's been stumbling blindly this whole time and remained totally fine.
The U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service announced on Saturday that it will resume processing DACA recipients’ renewal applications in accordance with last week’s ruling by a federal judge blocking the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Obama-era program. The USCIS will not be accepting new applications for DACA, only renewal applications for those already registered in the program.
DACA Renewal Applications Are Being Processed Again
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