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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Interestingly Bannon is retaining the same law firm as Priebus and McGhan (neck deep in the Comey firing / Obstruction of Justice), meaning they are unlikely to testify against each other (massive conflict for the lawyers), but could back each others stories in stitching up bigger fish (Trump, Kushner, Pence, etc).
Bannon now out of grand jury and will talk with Mueller (some ppl I read yesterday said that the subpoena might be a threat to get him to talk). Reportedly his lawyer sent all the questions from his long interview with pols straight to the White House for approval.

Shockingly it seems to be coming out that El Trumpo is overweight, dishonest and shut in bed. Knock me down with a feather.
The Democrats seriously need to ask themselves how could we offer so little to the American people that they elected this clown.

Because they rigged it so the least charming candidate would run against him. Hillary run an awful campaign.
Sanders' popularity sky high with groups who some on this thread claim despise him

QU Poll Release Detail

How were Sanders' favorable/unfavorable ratings back in the Democratic primaries? According to that poll, a lot of voters like him, including majorities of black voters and women, but they like Oprah Winfrey just as much and Joe Biden more.
How were Sanders' favorable/unfavorable ratings back in the Democratic primaries? According to that poll, a lot of voters like him, including black voters and women, but they like Oprah Winfrey just as much and Joe Biden more.

*Once more with feeling*

Opinion polls, especially small sample, online ones (like Harvard Harris, for example) =/= votes cast on polling day.

Ditto for numbers of fans who turn up at rallies, or the number of Twitter profiles with red roses.
*Once more with feeling*

Opinion polls, especially small sample, online ones (like Harvard Harris, for example) =/= votes cast on polling day.

Ditto for numbers of fans who turn up at rallies, or the number of Twitter profiles with red roses.

Sample size of over a thousand, conducted by phone.
Some interesting comments on social media in response to Cory Brooker's "enough of this shit" rant while questioning the blank-faced and seemingly blank-brained appointee as Secretary of Homeland Security. Funny how many white guys suddenly joined the feminist vanguard, slating him for "abusing a woman." Shouty black dudes not respecting white women? Can't be having that.
Why do people keep talking about the payouts he has reached in the past? He has not done anything illegal. The floor for the presidents screwing around while married, and making sure the women couldn't speak about it and/or felt threatened to speak up, has been lowered a long time ago. Bill Clinton has contributed to this floor lowering more than anyone.
Why do people keep talking about the payouts he has reached in the past? He has not done anything illegal. The floor for the presidents screwing around while married, and making sure the women couldn't speak about it and/or felt threatened to speak up, has been lowered a long time ago. Bill Clinton has contributed to this floor lowering more than anyone.
No that would have been Thomas Jefferson.
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Why do people keep talking about the payouts he has reached in the past? He has not done anything illegal. The floor for the presidents screwing around while married, and making sure the women couldn't speak about it and/or felt threatened to speak up, has been lowered a long time ago. Bill Clinton has contributed to this floor lowering more than anyone.
I think they find it easier to hope for some magic bullet than think about the underlying politics.
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