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US election 2020 thread

I saw an ABC news clip on my evening news. It was a compliation of officiers speaking about their experiences.
I was trying to find the clip, but best I got was an article.

I do remember this from the news clip.

Officer Michael Fanone, 40, who is part of the crime suppression team in the 1st District, said he and his partner joined the front lines after relieving some of the fatigued and injured officers, even though he said none of them volunteered to leave. He recalled being tased "half a dozen times" and rioters grabbing gear off his vest, ripping away his badge, taking his ammunition magazines and trying to get a hold of his gun.

"I remember guys chanting, like, 'Kill him with his own gun,'" Fanone, who previously served for the U.S. Capitol Police, told WJLA. "I remember trying to retain it, and the thought did cross my mind like: OK, people are trying to kill you and I think this has crossed the threshold of you, you know, defending yourself. I thought about killing people."

(featured clip at the beginning is not what was on the telly.)

American Thinker editor and publisher Thomas Lifson also backed down.

Lifson said that, “Having considered the full import of the letter,” he admitted that several pieces on the website “falsely accuse” Dominion “of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump.”

Lifson added that the pieces “rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.”

The opinion website head confirmed, “These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact,” and that “Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.”

ets: can't seem to find anything about Powell retracting her accusations.
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American Thinker editor and publisher Thomas Lifson also backed down.

ets: can't seem to find anything about Powell retracting her accusations.

Powell is up to her tits in legal shit regarding Dominion. I am suspecting they are not going to let her of with the public humiliation of a grovelling apology like they did with American Thinker. Really bad dark shit is heading her way. RIP the Kracken.
Another good :)

After four years in the White House, Donald Trump is leaving the United States presidency with low job approval ratings following the January 6 attack by his supporters on the US Capitol, according to three new public opinion surveys.

One poll showed an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed the mob violence at the Capitol and two suggest most people think Trump should be prevented from running for office again.

At the same time, however, a sharp partisan divide remains over the outgoing president’s conduct and whether he shares blame for inciting the riot at the Capitol. And Trump’s base of supporters believe Republicans politicians should still follow his lead.
Interesting piece of footage of Lt. Johnson of the Capitol Police who has been suspended for wearing a MAGA cap during the riot. Lt. Johnson says he did it as part of a negotiation to get fellow officers out of harms way and the video confirms that such a negotiation took place and led to the crowd clearing the way for the officers. The video has been annotated with subtitles by the Wall Street Journal and amongst other things these say that the people he can be seen negotiating with are members of the Oath Keepers, a militia who claim to include large numbers of serving police and military.

Here's a very interesting article in this week's New Yorker about another Oath Keeper, former Marine Donovan Crowl. who was photographed at the Capitol in combat gear.
A Former Marine Stormed the Capitol as Part of a Far-Right Militia - The New Yorker
He said that his intentions had been peaceful and that he had never been violent, claiming “we protected the fucking Capitol Hill police.”

The article paints a rather more credible picture of someone who is potentially dangerous than some of the cosplayers and magaphones who were also present at the Capitol. Worth reading IMO.

He acknowledged his criminal charges, and said that he struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder. He said that, at the Capitol, “I expelled three fucking people,” whom he refused to identify but said had been injured. He acknowledged that there had been violence, saying “patriots dragged this fucking maggot off the wall and started beating his ass.” Crowl made vague threats during the interview, telling me, “I already know where you live.” He repeatedly denied that he harbored racist views or had made racist comments, but he said that he believed in phrenology, the discredited pseudoscience that infers intellectual ability from skull shape, and told me that he had responded to The New Yorker’s request for comment after examining pictures of my head.
Couple of other arrests yesterday. First, in the comedy rioter corner, everyone's favourite jet-setting Texan, Jenna Ryan.

Jenna Ryan, Frisco real estate broker who was part of Capitol mob, arrested on criminal charges - Dallas Morning News
Ryan, who also runs a business as a life coach, said a publisher canceled her self-help book that was scheduled to be released in February.

New York Times hack Alan Feuer has been running a thread about the people arrested, and in a tweet about her he quoted from an FBI avidavit (PDF of it here). Someone else responded by posting a copy of her now deleted riot selfie video.

Perhaps in future she'll be able to set up a new business producing online tutorials in advanced brand building.

The arrest of another North Texan, Troy Anthony Smocks, was also announced yesterday. Interestingly although he travelled to the Capitol he has not been charged in respect of activity at the riot but in relation to threats of violence made on Parler.

Dallas man urged armed return to Capitol to ‘hunt these cowards down,’ authorities say - Dallas Morning News

The following day, police said, he posted on Parler — a Twitter-like social-media site popular with conservatives and others who believe Twitter censors their speech — about the insurrection, writing that Trump’s supporters would return to Washington on Jan. 19, and that they’d be armed. “We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” he wrote, according to a criminal complaint.

Smocks traveled back to Texas the next day, authorities said, and continued posting about a return to the capital.
“Prepare our weapons, and then go get ’em,” he wrote, according to the complaint. “Lets hunt these cowards down like the Traitors that each of them are. This includes RINOS, Dems, and Tech Execs.”

Hadn't noticed anyone else arrested for online threats regarding the riot or the inauguration (have there been any others?). Given the volume of similar posts online this would suggest there might potentially be a great many collars felt.
Why do they keep giving announcing their full fucking name and occupation as they film themselves committing a crime, for fuck's sake?! :facepalm:

Sense of entitlement plus the rampant narcissism of these fuckwits. In their reality they are heroic patriotic freedom fighters doing the presidents bidding. But they really don't understand that their reality is not shared by the likes of the FBI. The shock many many people experience as they shipped off to prison is going to be profound. How many months in the pen before the penny drops that Trump is not going to pardon them? Or they realise that actually he's more likely to sharing the exercise yard with them?
Sense of entitlement plus the rampant narcissism of these fuckwits. In their reality they are heroic patriotic freedom fighters doing the presidents bidding. But they really don't understand that their reality is not shared by the likes of the FBI. The shock many many people experience as they shipped off to prison is going to be profound. How many months in the pen before the penny drops that Trump is not going to pardon them? Or they realise that actually he's more likely to sharing the exercise yard with them?
Yeah, feels like that's definitely one of the things going on. Simply not used to consequences or having to worry that maybe the authorities won't see things the way they do...
Intersting. No idea if this trump advisor/funder was revealing his meeting notes to the media on purpose. Sounds like they’re still planning something to challenge the election result.

maybe its just the radio that is on in our office, but MyPillow ads have started playing a lot more over here lately
Sense of entitlement plus the rampant narcissism of these fuckwits. In their reality they are heroic patriotic freedom fighters doing the presidents bidding. But they really don't understand that their reality is not shared by the likes of the FBI. The shock many many people experience as they shipped off to prison is going to be profound. How many months in the pen before the penny drops that Trump is not going to pardon them? Or they realise that actually he's more likely to sharing the exercise yard with them?

He's got 4 days to pardon Jacob Chainsley else the Q narrative falls apart....
maybe its just the radio that is on in our office, but MyPillow ads have started playing a lot more over here lately

Probably because airtime is cheap at the moment, bonus airtime being offered at big discounts, because so many of the normal advertisers are simply not advertising ATM.
How many months in the pen before the penny drops that Trump is not going to pardon them?

Months 1 to 3 - The Trump pardon is coming. The Biden inauguration is actually a sting operation and Trump will reveal himself as the true president any day now.

Months 3 to 41 - Trump is going to be president again, he'll take down the Deep State child-trafficking network and pardon everybody who fought for him.

Months 42 to 53 - Trump's not really dead, he's faked his own death as part of a sting operation to take down that network of Satanic pedophiles. Trust the plan.

Month 54 - Have I made a terrible mistake and thrown away my life because of stupid shit I read on the Internet?

Month 55 onward - Donald Trump Jr. is going to pardon me and all the other believers as soon as he becomes president.
He's got 4 days to pardon Jacob Chainsley else the Q narrative falls apart....
No way, that never happens, it just all gets folded in to an ever more complex web, 73 D chess. ETa sorry just realised you were being sarcastic, am a bit ill and sludgy in the brain.
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