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US election 2020 thread

But really, I urge you to take stock of the situation. Does it really matter to the rest of the world if Trump destroys America?

there it is.

after all, george floyd, breonna taylor, stephon clark, borham jean, philndo casstile, are just seppos and their slaughter shouldn't matter to "the rest of the world". their taxes paid for US imperialism, which apparently is different from the imperialism of paris or moscow or london or ottawa or whatever.

of course i said this as soon as that fucking asshat arrived. but here he is, hoping for a different audience, still pushing it.
True, but plenty of voters in the swing states beyond that base might, and plenty of longterm, loyal Republicans who are horricfied at Trump's presidency might. And that would be enough - in combination with other 'pull factors' - to swing it. I repeat, Trump just squeaked home last time

No matter how many times you repeat this crazy line, it doesn't get less insane.
1) the biden policy platform is the most progressive the dems have ran on since 1984
2) The huge problem with the country 'being destroyed completely' is that too many innocent people would get hurt, both in America and all around the world
I hear you but:
1. The Dems and their media sold the farm when they destroyed Bernie's chances for Biden's sake. Biden is just the establishment American way that has failed. There will be no appreciable change in the huge income inequality that hs dropped the US down to 17th. in quality of life in the world. Americans don't even express the need with any real heart and sincerity in it yet.

2. Half their people are being hoodwinked into accepting the Trump regime's turn to fascism. I suggest you learn something about the nature of how fascism takes over a democracy and get back to me. So as with Nazi Germany in 1945, it's not up to the rest of the world to sort it out and rescue the good and decent ones from the barrel of apples.

You're going to get there Streath, you just have to drag your feet for a while yet.
But really, I urge you to take stock of the situation. Does it really matter to the rest of the world if Trump destroys America?

there it is.

after all, george floyd, breonna taylor, stephon clark, borham jean, philndo casstile, are just seppos and their slaughter shouldn't matter to "the rest of the world". their taxes paid for US imperialism, which apparently is different from the imperialism of paris or moscow or london or ottawa or whatever.

of course i said this as soon as that fucking asshat arrived. but here he is, hoping for a different audience, still pushing it.
You're listening and paying attention, just as I predicted.
I feel deeply for those you list but I also know that this is a lot bigger than they are/were. And so again, there were lots of good people in Nazi Germany but that didn't pull any weight at all when the decision was made to destroy Dresden.
You're listening and paying attention, just as I predicted.
I feel deeply for those you list but I also know that this is a lot bigger than they are/were. And so again, there were lots of good people in Nazi Germany but that didn't pull any weight at all when the decision was made to destroy Dresden. Do you need a nuclear war started by the US's apartheid regime in the ME, to get you thinking straight?
I suggest you learn something about the nature of how fascism takes over a democracy and get back to me. So as with Nazi Germany in 1945, it's not up to the rest of the world to sort it out and rescue the good and decent ones from the barrel of apples.
Take it from me - and notwithstanding the incredibl;y patronising tone of your posts - as both a European, and antifascist activist of over 3 decades' standing, I have actually zero need of anyone anywhere - least of all you - to lecture me on fascism. Ihave probably forgotten more than you will evr know about the fash.

Ever heard of Cable St? I csan walk there.
e2a: you've probably read up a bit on it. I've done the practical as well, and so have other posters here.
Take it from me - and notwithstanding the incredibl;y patronising tone of your posts - as both a European, and anyifascist activist of over 3 decades' standing, I have actually zero need of anyone anywhere - least of all you - to lecture me on fascism.
Ever heard of Cable St? I csan walk there.
e2a: you've probably rerad up a bit on it. I've done the practical as well, and so have other posters here.
That's good Streath, I won't need to spend time getting you up to speed. Now quit pouting and understand that we're on the same side.
Nope, I know nothing about Cable st.
I'll be learning something from you at the same time you learn from me.
Lol if America is 'destroyed' it will drag the world into a catastrophic depression the likes of which have never been seen.
That's possible but if it's contained to US domestic policy, as I would predict, it's a gamble worth taking. Consider the hate rhetoric being spewed by the Dem party in that country toward Putin and Russia!
That's a big part of the reason why I don't really care if they go with Trump.
That's good Streath, I won't need to spend time getting you up to speed. Now quit pouting and understand that we're on the same side.
Nope, I know nothing about Cable st.
This is why I think you're dodgy (apart from the shit political analysis)>
The battle of cable Street was a now-legendary clash between the main UK fascist organisation of the interwar era, the BUF,and various antifascists who came to stop them marching in London's east End.
the point being: anyone who really knows about faacism, and how to fight it, knows about Cable St
e2a; edited to clean up post. The other thing I should ad dis that the East End, then and now, is a multicultural area, which is why the BUF saw it as enemy terrain and wanted to marh there.
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This is why I think you're dodgy 9apart from the shit political analysis)>
The battle of cable Street was a now-legendary ckash between the main UK fascist organisation of the interwear era, the BUf,and various antifascists who camed to stop them marching in London's east End.
the point being: anyone who really knows about faacism, and how to fight it, knows about Cable St
If you can't type better than that then you need to slow down, for the sake of getting your message across!
And so if I don't know about Cable st. then I must be politically inept and out of touch!
Stop your fu--ing pouting, it's a waste of my time.
If you can't type better than that then you need to slow down, for the sake of getting your message across!
And so if I don't know about Cable st. then I must be politically inept and out of touch!
In my experience - 3 decades of it - anybody who really is a comrade in the fight against Fascism, knows about Cable St. It really is that basic
Stop your fu--ing pouting, it's a waste of my time.
a) you choose to post here, neither I nor anybody else are responsible for your posting experience
B) When someone gives posts such as yours, which are ahistorical, decontextualised and lacking in any sort of ideological rigour, to a ridiculous extent....it's reasonable to ctiticise the fairly infantile level of argument.
And that is precisely what I and others are doing here. If you can't handle that - simple solution, up your game.
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Not a great deal about Trumps economic programme from this group of looney tunes

What's with Donald Trump Jr's beard? It's a style only found in the US: too long to be stubble, too short to really count as a proper beard, too tidy and kempt to accidentally look like that. It's as if he's going for a different look, but his stylist has overdone the grooming.

You know who does have the look he's aiming for and carries it off with dignity rather than appearing like an over-groomed curiosity? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. No styling disasters for him. Now, I know these men have their differences but if only Trump Jr could bring himself to seek some facial-hair styling tips from Ahmadinejad I'm sure that bonding experience would reduce the tensions between their criminal regimes and perhaps make the world a safer place for everyone.

That's my take home message from his speech.
What's with Donald Trump Jr's beard? It's a style only found in the US: too long to be stubble, too short to really count as a proper beard, too tidy and kempt to accidentally look like that. It's as if he's going for a different look, but his stylist has overdone the grooming.

You know who does have the look he's aiming for and carries it off with dignity rather than appearing like an over-groomed curiosity? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. No styling disasters for him. Now, I know these men have their differences but if only Trump Jr could bring himself to seek some facial-hair styling tips from Ahmadinejad I'm sure that bonding experience would reduce the tensions between their criminal regimes and perhaps make the world a safer place for everyone.

That's my take home message from his speech.
I must admit, that's an intriguing proposition. "Hey Mahmoud bro'...those stylings are just so there! How do you keep it in such great condition...?":D
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ssure, but they're hardly high retail price items.
Abd - to repeat - it doesn't go in any way to ensuring that the bluecollar vote in the rustbelt turns out for him a=gain, in the numbers needed
Maybe he sees the coming shitshow and isn't wholehearted in his bid to retain power. Yet he would retain a very loyal and a touch gullible following who will happily chip in for whatever he punts next. He's shoreing that crew up for sure
Maybe he sees the coming shitshow and isn't wholehearted in his bid to retain power. Yet he would retain a very loyal and a touch gullible following who will happily chip in for whatever he punts next. He's shoreing that crew up for sure
That might be the case, although I doubt that anyone with Trumps combination of huge ego, megalomania, narcissism, Messiah complex and utter, total inability to handle any criticism - I doubt, given that psychological makeup, that his mindesxt is anything other than that he w3qants re-election very, very bafly indeed. Just so he can boast about it forever more.
having said that, as neither you and I are privy to his innermost mental processes, all this is simply pure speculation
e2a: speculation as in, we have nothing to go on but guesswork
Sadly, none of that will work on Trump's base. To begin with, they won't even see it or listen to it.
But really, I urge you to take stock of the situation. Does it really matter to the rest of the world if Trump destroys America? Biden is just another establishment jerk who won't change anything that needs changing and so Trump destroying the country completely is what has been needed for a long time.
You're strange.
And very likely end in a World War caused by the huge vacuum in power.
I've long thought it a plausible possibility that the end of world capitalism as we know it will start at the centre of the beast, as it were, in the US. But Trump wouldn't destroy America in that way. Egging on Trump is no better than egging on Le Pen in France. Yes, the establishment is rotten. No, that doesn't mean that replacing it with racist, populist fascism-lite would be an improvement in any way. The poor just get fucked even harder in such a scenario.
I've long thought it a plausible possibility that the end of world capitalism as we know it will start at the centre of the beast, as it were, in the US. But Trump wouldn't destroy America in that way. Egging on Trump is no better than egging on Le Pen in France. Yes, the establishment is rotten. No, that doesn't mean that replacing it with racist, populist fascism-lite would be an improvement in any way. The poor just get fucked even harder in such a scenario.
I've long thought it a plausible possibility that the end of world capitalism as we know it will start at the centre of the beast, as it were, in the US. But Trump wouldn't destroy America in that way. Egging on Trump is no better than egging on Le Pen in France. Yes, the establishment is rotten. No, that doesn't mean that replacing it with racist, populist fascism-lite would be an improvement in any way. The poor just get fucked even harder in such a scenario.

I think the best case scenario is that our current system is slowly replaced over time with whatever follows. Feudalism wasn't replaced all at once, but existed for a while side-by-side with Capitalism.
I think the best case scenario is that our current system is slowly replaced over time with whatever follows. Feudalism wasn't replaced all at once, but existed for a while side-by-side with Capitalism.
I agree. And there are plausible mechanisms by which that could happen as capitalist returns diminish and other mechanisms take the place of capitalist investment just cos capitalist investment isn't happening. We're already seeing signs of that.

It's not very sexy and revolutionary, though. :(
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