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US election 2020 thread

thanks yes according to this it might well be delayed
also according to that it was declared at 7.30am in the UK. That was a long night. So probably not worth staying up for this time around.

((**The moment it happened! : > Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!
makes quite interesting re-reading.... ))

John Oliver pretty good, if terrifying and depressing on the elections the other day

tbf to the seppoes, dubya was near-universally despised towards the end, and Trump is fast heading that way.
I don't see evidence of this. Trump has always been unpopular but the amazing thing is that the level of his unpopularity has been extremely consistent. There is a core bedrock of support that means that his unpopularity does not go beyond a certain level. Trump probably has the highest average unpopularity of any post ware president but both Bush's, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Truman and even Reagan had periods where their popularity was lower than Trump's has every been.

One of Trump's successes has been his control of the Republican Party, from four years ago when it was talked about him being excluded by the RNC to today where the whole party is effectively in line with him. And because of that control he's got a bedrock of support that will not go below ~40%. One of the things I'm not sure about is where the GOP will go if there is something of a wipeout and Democrat's control Pres, House and Senate.
agreed with a few points of consolation.

First, he and the dems seem to have learnt from 2016 that not being Trump isn't enough by itself to win. They need to inspire people to vote for them, and give them positive reasons to do so. Consequently, he seems to have allowed Sanders a fair degree of input and influence into the platform, and consequently this looks like the most progressive platform any democrat has stood on since Mondale in '84 (OK, the bar's low, but...). It's woolly, but still a street ahead of anything offered since then.

Second, there is currently a progressive surge in American politics - both in legislatures and executives, and at street level. The fastest growing politcal movements of the past couple years have been BLM, the DSA, the Justice Democrats and the Sunrise Movement. They - and other genuinely progressive movements - are attracting unprecedented support from people under 40, and I think biden knows he will need their support, and to repay them for it.
One way and another, there's more leverage to hold a Democrat president's feet to the fire, and more momentum to do so, than for a very long time indeed.

Third, if they win the Presidency and both Houses (a fair chance) they know they will have that very short window of opportunity to fully exploit that. The last time this happened was in 2008, when Biden was the successful VP candidate, They made a huge mistake, as most Democrats now acknowldege, of being too cautious, moderate, piecemeal and conciliatory. Result? their programme got stillborn, Obama's Presidency was badly damaged, and the republicans won back the Senate 2 years later. They have every incentive to go shit or bust, and ram through as much legislation - and exec orders - early doors. Assuming Biden wins, here'll be a 1 term president (no way he'll last the full distance). He, like all politicians, is obsessed with his legacy. He needs to move fast, to have one that won't make him the nation's laughing stock.
This would be great and I hope you turn out to be right but just getting rid of the cunt with the dead raccoon on his head is an objective in itself.
Jesus the disclaimer (I understand that coming to your rally on monday might give me covid) takes on a whole new level of what the fuck now.
I suspect the K-pop fans (the world's least expected champions of social justice) have already booked them all anyways
Don't mail in votes have to be in by polling day? This is how it works everywhere else isn't it?
Have to be postmarked by polling day but can be accepted by states afterwards. Except in those states where they aren’t.
That roll-call sounds like it's made up of the sort of liberal/mainstream Christians you would expect to back Biden.
not really. That includes a large slice of white evangelicals - and, as the artcle I linked to points out, 80% of them voted Trump last time. Also, abortion is a big issue for many of them, and that got them holding their noses and voting for Trump last time. Biden is devout RC but pro-choice, but - again as the article explains - they're letting that one slide, just this time.
plus: umm, Billy Graham's grand-daughter.....?
There are certainly some interesting contests to follow beyond the presidency. Could be an interesting night.
I make it about 8 senates seats that could well flip - 7 republican, 1 Democrat. If it does go that way, and Biden wins, the Dems have a fantastic, albeit short-term, opportunity to ram that whole paltform through, because there is absolutely no way on earth the GOp are going to take back the House
Not as easy. Puerto Rico is poorer than even the poorest State and has a lot of debt. Not to mention the racism angle.
I bet you wouldn't get 100% of democartic senators to go for it.
Sadly true, unless you can swing them on the 'hey! two more likely Democrat Senators!' and more Dems in the House!' angle
Wonder what the general feeling is towards Trump and US politicians over there, am sure they weren't at all impressed by the grinning gibbon chucking bog roll at folks when he visited the island.
It's still a greater than zero chance. The PR governor is pro-statehood. Recent referenda in PR have been pro-statehood but muddy on the topic, with multiple choice questions and vote boycotts. But I didn't know there's goping to be a simple "Statehood or not" referendum on the same day as the US election....
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