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US election 2020 thread

I was informed it makes one feel somewhat euphoric, and lousy when you come off it. Is that wrong?
Yes. I didn't feel any different at all when on it, and didn't have any effects at all after stopping.

I mean all drugs down to paracetamol have a list of contraindications, and it depends on the dose (but we dont know his dose do we?). But it isn't much less common or more psychoactive a drug than paracetamol.
Yes. I didn't feel any different at all when on it, and didn't have any effects at all after stopping.

I mean all drugs down to paracetamol have a list of contraindications, and it depends on the dose (but we dont know his dose do we?). But it isn't much less common or more psychoactive a drug than paracetamol.
ah....ta for that, i stand corrected.
Back to the election. I just had a quick butchers at the state-by-state polls on 538. It's now looking very good for Biden, and quite a lot of dems on the downballot
It would take a truly spectacular fuck-up on a scale beyond anything in the Democrats' long history of fucking up for Joe Biden to fuck this up now.

Did I just hear Biden say "challenge accepted"?

HIllary Clinton was up in the polls by 7 points three weeks from the 2016 election. Her polling dropped when the email investigation was reopened. The Republicans are certain to be planning some sort of surprise soon, even if they have to make it up from whole cloth.
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HIllary Clinton was up in the polls by 7 points three weeks from the 2016 election. Her polling dropped when the email investigation was reopened. The Republicans are certain to be planning some sort of surprise soon, even if they have to make it up from whole cloth.
The good news is, the Durham report into the FBI's Russia investigation now probably won't be ready until after the election, and AG Barr will shortly inform Republicans in congress of that. The GOP were really counting on that report to make a major smear of Obama and Biden.
But I'm sure you're right - they're bound to pull some stunt. The only question is, will the voters buy it again?
Also, the other good news is th\t the dems are ahead where it counts, in the swing states
A couple of possible post-election scenarios explored here by Unity & Struggle.

Fwiw, I think the Dems attempt to go with The 25th Amendment is a gift to Trump. His mixture of narcissism and steroids does seem to have sent him to an even wilder place than usual, but it's a very bad move politically. Allows him to use the line, 'so, they can't beat me at the polls etc'. There were ways to suggest he is no longer fit for office and that his state of mind needed assessing independently without invoking this process. Smacks of being 'Impeachment 2'.
Agreed silly move from Pelosi. Trump is screwing himself, the Democrats just need to play a straight bat and let the situation take its course.
I wonder what a Biden presidency will be like ..

The posts on here seem mainly to be about Trump, with the result that I know quite a lot about Trump but very little about Biden, off to do some reading.
I wonder what a Biden presidency will be like ..

The posts on here seem mainly to be about Trump, with the result that I know quite a lot about Trump but very little about Biden, off to do some reading.

he's your common-or-garden machine politician. a center-rightist in any other country. he had the reputation for shooting off at the mouth, which led to the Onion's parody of him as a wild man. he's had more than his share of grief in his personal life, which sets him apart quite clearly from the scumbag opposite.
There's nowt to look forward to from a Biden presidency in itself. He will be another friend of Wall St and big corporations, he is pushing his green credentials but he is probably riding the wave rather than making it . It remains to be seen how his approach to foreign policy pans out. Trump has done so much fucking damage to the US's world standing, it's hard to imagine that it isn't is going to be a hard slog for anyone.
Anyone looking forward to a more equitable and fairer society is going to be massively disappointed.
His one great selling point is that he isn't Donald J Trump which effectively makes him the Second Coming, so low as the Orange Shitgibbon brought the USA in just 4 short years.

Authorities had asked the man, who works for Commerce Township, to remove the sign because its placement violated a city ordinance, his boss, Township Supervisor David Scott, told CNN.

A Commerce Township ordinance requires signs to be 33 feet from the center of the roadway. The signs were located 24 feet from the center of the road clearly within the right of way, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office said in a news release.

The 52-year-old man, who was not named by authorities, had to receive 13 stitches, the sheriff's office said.

The township routinely removes signs that violate its right-of-way ordinance, when they can impede traffic or the ability to see oncoming cars, Scott said. Any yard signs removed -- whether political or for garage sales -- are typically placed next to a dumpster, where they can be retrieved by their owners.

Two campaign signs on were found with razor blades taped to them, according to the Oakland County Sheriff's Office.
There's nowt to look forward to from a Biden presidency in itself. He will be another friend of Wall St and big corporations, he is pushing his green credentials but he is probably riding the wave rather than making it . It remains to be seen how his approach to foreign policy pans out. Trump has done so much fucking damage to the US's world standing, it's hard to imagine that it isn't is going to be a hard slog for anyone.
Anyone looking forward to a more equitable and fairer society is going to be massively disappointed.
His one great selling point is that he isn't Donald J Trump which effectively makes him the Second Coming, so low as the Orange Shitgibbon brought the USA in just 4 short years.
agreed with a few points of consolation.

First, he and the dems seem to have learnt from 2016 that not being Trump isn't enough by itself to win. They need to inspire people to vote for them, and give them positive reasons to do so. Consequently, he seems to have allowed Sanders a fair degree of input and influence into the platform, and consequently this looks like the most progressive platform any democrat has stood on since Mondale in '84 (OK, the bar's low, but...). It's woolly, but still a street ahead of anything offered since then.

Second, there is currently a progressive surge in American politics - both in legislatures and executives, and at street level. The fastest growing politcal movements of the past couple years have been BLM, the DSA, the Justice Democrats and the Sunrise Movement. They - and other genuinely progressive movements - are attracting unprecedented support from people under 40, and I think biden knows he will need their support, and to repay them for it.
One way and another, there's more leverage to hold a Democrat president's feet to the fire, and more momentum to do so, than for a very long time indeed.

Third, if they win the Presidency and both Houses (a fair chance) they know they will have that very short window of opportunity to fully exploit that. The last time this happened was in 2008, when Biden was the successful VP candidate, They made a huge mistake, as most Democrats now acknowldege, of being too cautious, moderate, piecemeal and conciliatory. Result? their programme got stillborn, Obama's Presidency was badly damaged, and the republicans won back the Senate 2 years later. They have every incentive to go shit or bust, and ram through as much legislation - and exec orders - early doors. Assuming Biden wins, here'll be a 1 term president (no way he'll last the full distance). He, like all politicians, is obsessed with his legacy. He needs to move fast, to have one that won't make him the nation's laughing stock.
He needs to move fast, to have one that won't make him the nation's laughing stock.

the odd thing about America is this is a country that has given bush jr and clinton 2 terms

and voted in trump

what do you have to do to be the laughing stock of the nation
the odd thing about America is this is a country that has given bush jr and clinton 2 terms

and voted in trump

what do you have to do to be the laughing stock of the nation
tbf to the seppoes, dubya was near-universally despised towards the end, and Trump is fast heading that way.
The point, I guess, in a nation this vast and diverse, there is an equally vast diversity of opinion
Another ominous development for Trump... Hallelujah, he's losing the God Squad

More than 1,600 faith leaders in the US have publicly backed Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate in next month’s presidential election, amid signs that some evangelical voters are turning away from Donald Trump.
The Biden endorsements mainly come from Catholics, evangelicals and mainline Protestants. They include Jerushah Duford, the granddaughter of Billy Graham; Susan Johnson Cook, a former US ambassador for religious freedom; Michael Kinnamon, former general secretary of the National Council of Churches; and Gene Robinson, a former bishop in the Episcopal church.
“This record-breaking group of endorsers shows that President Trump’s lack of kindness and decency is energizing faith communities and will cost him this election,” said Doug Pagitt, executive director of the Christian campaign organisation Vote Common Good, which compiled the endorsements.
when can we expect the election result UK day and time?
the election is Tuesday, 3 November
Ive got a memory of Trump being delcared at 2am UK time or so, but 2am in the UK polls are still open in California...?
when can we expect the election result UK day and time?
the election is Tuesday, 3 November
Ive got a memory of Trump being delcared at 2am UK time or so, but 2am in the UK polls are still open in California...?

From memory i think polling hours vary state by state and i think some of them close about 7pm or 8pm local time so not as late as in the uk.

Edit - polling hours by state below. Times are local time zones.

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when can we expect the election result UK day and time?
the election is Tuesday, 3 November
Ive got a memory of Trump being delcared at 2am UK time or so, but 2am in the UK polls are still open in California...?

Trump wants it declared on the day, but with the mail vote coming in, it could take days or weeks before all votes are counted.
Trump wants it declared on the day, but with the mail vote coming in, it could take days or weeks before all votes are counted.
thanks yes according to this it might well be delayed
also according to that it was declared at 7.30am in the UK. That was a long night. So probably not worth staying up for this time around.

((**The moment it happened! : > Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!
makes quite interesting re-reading.... ))
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