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US election 2020 thread

Canada has vast regions - like the States.
UK is all squished together.

By hung, do you mean a minority government?

I like minority governments.

But to have a minority government, you would have to have more than two parties.
Only two parties is a recipe for disaster.
Does the biggest vote winner automatically become a minority government? I assumed there was some discussion to get a government that could pass its legislation.
White supremacists.
Interviewer.. will you say they are bad
Trump.. I'll do anything .
Did I hear that right?
White supremacists.
Interviewer.. will you say they are bad
Trump.. I'll do anything .
Did I hear that right?
You did. Asked specifically about the Proud Boys I think he said ‘stand back, stand by

E2a: yup, he definitely said that. The anti defamation league have picked it up and are demanding ‘clarification’ from Trump.
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Does the biggest vote winner automatically become a minority government? I assumed there was some discussion to get a government that could pass its legislation.

There will always be a dispute about whether popular vote should be taken into account.

Let's just enjoy the debate - a couple of posts already.
I'm in a different time zone, so when I get up, y'all will have stuff for me to read.
CNN has majorly picked up on that and the ‘stand by’. Beeb doesn’t seem to have noticed it as much.
Trump surely came out worse there with his refusal to condemn white supremacy.

Biden struggled to get much of a word in at times but sometimes resembled a human being, unlike his opponent.
People hear what they want to hear. I thought I'd misheard, any arsehole trump supporter heard it and probably agreed. Fucking depressing .
About an equal measure of petulance and tedium there , knew I should have watched the dinosaurs in space film instead :facepalm: I'll wait for the summary of the others.
It feels the same as the first election: everyone was saying “oh it can’t possibly happen for all these logical sensible sane and obvious reasons” but as soon as I sat down with some Trump supporters and actually listended to them, I knew he’d win. It was exactly this time four years ago, the eve of the first debate. I watched that debate with some Dem supporters who were reluctantly supporting Clinton, and the next day I visited some Rep relatives and came away unsettled by what they were saying.
But it really isn't. Clinton's lead over Trump was erratic but on average only a few points and she never reached over 50% support. Biden's lead over Trump has been consistent at about 6-9% since March, with him regularly polling over 50%. The amount of third party party support in 2016 was significant enough to be polled, in 2020 it is pretty much irreverent. In 2018 the turnout was the highest for 100 years, the anti-Trump vote was at least as motivated as the pro-Trump vote.

Trump may still win, the electoral college is biased in his favour, but he is in a worse situation than he was in 2016.
But it really isn't. Clinton's lead over Trump was erratic but on average only a few points and she never reached over 50% support. Biden's lead over Trump has been consistent at about 6-9% since March, with him regularly polling over 50%. The amount of third party party support in 2016 was significant enough to be polled, in 2020 it is pretty much irreverent. In 2018 the turnout was the highest for 100 years, the anti-Trump vote was at least as motivated as the pro-Trump vote.

Trump may still win, the electoral college is biased in his favour, but he is in a worse situation than he was in 2016.
Indeed if Reagan got elected with a sizeable majority of the over 65’s and a majority of 18 to 30 year olds, then Trump is in trouble with a -30 approval rate. However if the Dems hope to win they need to do better to win the 18 to 30 year olds than this...


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It's here:

Having heard/read the coverage...

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I wouldn't advise watching the whole thing if you have more pleasant things to do - like standing under a woodchipper and seeing how many splinters you can get in your eyeballs - but this is probably the most telling couple of minutes, in which Trump is asked to condemn white supremacist groups and instead tells the Proud Boys to "stand by."

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