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US election 2020 thread

Explain to me Jeff how you though Biden appealed to the unemployed auto worker in Kenosha, or those trapped in the abandoned districts of Detroit or Gary or the millions without healthcare? etc etc
Uhh, he did actually mention his healthcare plan which would auto enrol those too poor to afford anything private and he talked about how he had planned the recovery of manufacturing under Obama from 2010. He might not have been particularly convincing to us bitter cynics but you must have still been half asleep to have missed it.

the most popular bit seems to have been him telling people to get out and vote, in whatever way suits them. For loads of yanks that is far more important than who actually wins.
There will be violence. I thought him telling the Proud Boys was simply him being an incoherent fool but combined with the question on respecting the vote.... he is planning on violence before during and after the vote. America will burn. More.

His truth seeps out of him. It may have been a Freudian slip, unintentional in the moment. But that matters not a jot. He meant it, he’ll stand by it, defend it, double down on it.

He is raising his Orc army.
Uhh, he did actually mention his healthcare plan which would auto enrol those too poor to afford anything private and he talked about how he had planned the recovery of manufacturing under Obama from 2010. He might not have been particularly convincing to us bitter cynics but you must have still been half asleep to have missed it.

No, I didn’t miss it. The question was did it ‘appeal’ to people. The healthcare policy is half baked and stolen from Sanders and as for his and Obama’s record on jobs the issue is those I’m talking about have lived experience of it
Suppose this is all about how it* plays out in 4 or 5 swing states. Whether it moves some of the questionable leads Biden has in those states. Otherwise, Biden wins.

* It being the rest of the rest of the debates and campaign of course. Sounds like this in itself won't have moved the numbers at all.
Explain to me Jeff how you though Biden appealed to the unemployed auto worker in Kenosha, or those trapped in the abandoned districts of Detroit or Gary or the millions without healthcare? etc etc

He said some shit about expanding Obama care in the short part of the debate I watched but the operative word of mine you left out was ‘trying’.
Different time zones.

Wallace lost control, was embarrassing.

Other than cutting the mike, I'm not sure what he could do with someone who doesn't obey the most basic of society's rules. It would have been funny though if they'd have given him a "timeout" like parents give to their toddlers when they misbehave. Or, maybe a spray bottle full of water like people use on their cats.
Other than cutting the mike, I'm not sure what he could do with someone who doesn't obey the most basic of society's rules. It would have been funny though if they'd have given him a "timeout" like parents give to their toddlers when they misbehave. Or, maybe a spray bottle full of water like people use on their cats.
Now I would watch that. Could you imagine what a super soaker would do to that Orange foundation and the hair?
Other than cutting the mike, I'm not sure what he could do with someone who doesn't obey the most basic of society's rules. It would have been funny though if they'd have given him a "timeout" like parents give to their toddlers when they misbehave. Or, maybe a spray bottle full of water like people use on their cats.

If only Lenny McLean were still with us, he'd make the perfect host for this kind of 'debate'.
Thing is, what the Dems need is a landslide that is evident immediately. Anything else- narrow win either way or inconclusive and Trump is not just telegraphing, but now megaphoning that he is going to mobilise his squadristi and burn the country down, or stage a coup.
Problem is - a/ That was in no shape or form a “landslide” performance from Biden. And b/ Even if it had been, and Dems were streets ahead, the alleged difference in voting mode between Blue and Red camps - more Dems voting by post, more Republicans in person - means on the night Trump will be able to either claim victory or cast doubt in the result whilst mobilising his forces. The reaction of the opposition being likely to take it to the streets (the left) and the courts (the Dems) is already factored into the orange demagogue’s calculations to be presented as his opponents being the ones attempting a coup (as in the Qanonite mythology). Antifascists in the US need to be planning and preparing defence, fight or flight depending on their own local circumstances and relative organisational/community strength and embeddedness.
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I'm watching it

Trump is so bizarre, he is compelling. I just can't believe that he is president, he is literally off his head. I have been trying to ignore him over the past year or so because he is depressing, but it's amazing to watch.
This is the Fox News debate and they are Chris whatsisname is trying to help Trump out, but he is just genuinely stupid and awful, he's bullying him when he's trying to make him look less stupid.
Just that he still has a lot of support is so depressing, it's not a difference of opinions or philosophies, he is just genuinely thick

nice if true, but last sentence also probably true

Top GOP officials have reportedly been sent into a blind panic after seeing numbers showing that Democratic voters in key states are returning mail-in ballots at much, much higher rates than Republican voters. According to The Washington Post, the Democratic lead in mail voting is so extreme that it’s led to urgent discussions among senior GOP officials. “It’s astronomical,” said one unnamed Republican strategist, who added that he was left “horrified” by the numbers. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has reportedly twice met with Trump to urge him to stop bashing mail balloting, and is said to have told others he’s worried that the president’s rhetoric could stop Republican voters—especially elderly ones—from sending in their ballots. Republican National Committee spokesman Mike Reed insisted there was no panic, saying Republicans “will come out in droves to vote in person” on Election Day.
Other than cutting the mike, I'm not sure what he could do with someone who doesn't obey the most basic of society's rules. It would have been funny though if they'd have given him a "timeout" like parents give to their toddlers when they misbehave. Or, maybe a spray bottle full of water like people use on their cats.
I didn't know Mannlicher-Carcano made spray bottles.


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