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US election 2020 thread

So glad I got up early to watch that. Fading populist shtick vs the faux righteous outrage of America’s professional middle class. Both candidates spoke, essentially, to their bases. Neither developed any semblance of a narrative. The constant interruptions and talking over others (mainly by Trump and the piss poor host) made it close to unwatchable for long periods.

It’s impossible for me to know the mood in America but I did get the impression that Trump’s rhetoric felt less impactful as Americans have had 5 years of the noise now. Biden avoided any major blunders, and rumoured ill health related collapses but was really uninspired.

What did the debate achieve or tell us? Nothing. I spent most of the debate thinking that Sanders could have electrified that type of debate - challenged ‘the real’ that both candidates present as inevitable. I wondered how he would have played out in a Covid infested, racially toxic country where 10 million are unemployed.
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Biden avoided any major blunders, and rumoured ill health related collapses but was really uninspired.

He seemed the most animated when he forcefully rejected any connection to Bernie Sanders, the Green New Deal, and universal healthcare and declared: "I am the Democratic Party."

Like Hillary Clinton before him, he seems less interested in getting Sanders supporters to the polls than he is in trying to win over mythical undecided Rust Belt voters who are still swithering between him and Trump.
He seemed the most animated when he forcefully rejected any connection to Bernie Sanders, the Green New Deal, and universal healthcare and declared: "I am the Democratic Party."

Like Hillary Clinton before him, he seems less interested in getting Sanders supporters to the polls than he is in trying to win over mythical undecided Rust Belt voters who are still swithering between him and Trump.

Definitely. He couldn’t wait to condemn any sense that he might be a candidate of transformational change. The concept that the approach adopted by Biden will mobilise ‘the rust belt’ does speak to the reality that the Democrats have learned nothing since 2016.
Having heard/read the coverage...


Yeah, nothing I've read about it makes me want to the watch whole thing. Was it even a debate?
That debate was like two kids and a teacher trying to get to the bottom of an issue. One keeps interrupting and talking over the other one.

Trump came across as a bullish nasty piece of work... a complete nut and Biden is right to call him a clown.

Biden did not come across strongly because he barely got a word in. And Trump deliberately prevented him from talking. The organisers of that debate should have turned off Trumps mic when Biden was talking. The debate organisers fucked up there. There was no way Trump should have been allowed to constantly interrupt.
Trump was bullish and ignorant. And its clear that this is how he deals with everyone.

I hope Biden gets this but the orange asshole's lies keep convincing the bible bashers and those of a similar IQ level to himself. Biden was not strong enough. And Trump kept glaring and acting like a shit when Biden did get a chance to talk.

It was like an episode of the Simpsons only not as funny.

Biden calling Trump a "clown" was a highlight.
So, who won?

(CNN)Six in 10 debate watchers said former Vice President Joe Biden did the best job in Tuesday's debate, and just 28% say President Donald Trump did, according a CNN Poll of debate watchers conducted by SSRS.

In interviews with the same voters conducted before the debate, 56% said they expected Biden to do the better job while 43% expected that Trump would.

However, you can't read too much into that, because...

The post-debate result is about the same as the outcome of a post-debate poll in 2016 after the first debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton. In that poll, 62% thought Clinton won the debate, 27% said Trump did.

The voters who watched the debate were more partisan than Americans as a whole -- 36% identified as independents or non-partisans compared with around 40% in the general public, and the group of debate watchers was more Democratic than a typical survey of all adults, with 39% identifying as Democrats and 25% as Republicans.

Not a soul will have changed their intended vote as a result of that shitshow will they. I can imagine some tuning in to the pointless noise of it and thinking a plague on both of them turning off the tv and deciding not to bother voting after all, which would only help trump.
Not a soul will have changed their intended vote as a result of that shitshow will they. I can imagine some tuning in to the pointless noise of it and thinking a plague on both of them

That’s why I wished it I hadn’t set the alarm to watch the recording of it. There was zero attempt by either to move from outside of their base. For Trump that was always going to be the plan. Biden though, even with the format and blabbering interruptions, didn’t even try to engage or to shift horizons or present new ideas. There was literally nothing to inspire hope or change. He’s fucking useless
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I think Biden ignoring/distancing himself from Sanders base could turn out to be a massive mistake.

His strategy seems to be to offer up cherry picked policy from Sanders campaign while dumping the man, his ideas and the energy and politics that inspire the policy. It’s a spectacularly opportunistic and stupid. It doesn’t resonate or land as a result.
But it really isn't. Clinton's lead over Trump was erratic but on average only a few points and she never reached over 50% support. Biden's lead over Trump has been consistent at about 6-9% since March, with him regularly polling over 50%. The amount of third party party support in 2016 was significant enough to be polled, in 2020 it is pretty much irreverent. In 2018 the turnout was the highest for 100 years, the anti-Trump vote was at least as motivated as the pro-Trump vote.

Trump may still win, the electoral college is biased in his favour, but he is in a worse situation than he was in 2016.

Of course the political situation is different. I understand that.

I’m saying that I feel just as I did, “it feels the same” in the sense that I feel the same way I did when I felt certain that Trump would win despite all arguments to the contrary.

I can’t support this with clever debate. It’s a gut feeling.
Trump appealing to his base of nazis and pedos, Biden trying to appeal to everyone else.

Explain to me Jeff how you though Biden appealed to the unemployed auto worker in Kenosha, or those trapped in the abandoned districts of Detroit or Gary or the millions without healthcare? etc etc
There will be violence. I thought him telling the Proud Boys to ‘stand by’ was simply him being an incoherent fool but combined with the question on respecting the vote.... he is planning on violence before during and after the vote. America will burn. More.
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