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European parliament elections

They won a Mayoral competition beating the AfD with 56.6% of the votes in Thuringia the other month. I wouldn't put them in the same boat as Galloway. Well just yet anyway, prob need to wait and see.
It leans into a fear I've had for a while - the coalition of social progressivism which enabled the forwarding of equalities is fractured, with elements of the left which were always quietly reluctant abandoning ship on the grounds it's acting as a block on recruitment. Left-economic with anti-migrant, anti-queer aspects (which is what I mean by referencing Galloway).
It leans into a fear I've had for a while - the coalition of social progressivism which enabled the forwarding of equalities is fractured, with elements of the left which were always quietly reluctant abandoning ship on the grounds it's acting as a block on recruitment. Left-economic with anti-migrant, anti-queer aspects (which is what I mean by referencing Galloway).
I've read some of their Twitter stuff in which they mainly concentrated on the economic failures of the coalition plus some don't send arms /negotiate stuff re Ukraine. However, I probably need to translate their manifesto to get any real understanding . Hard enough translating the Portuguese stuff.
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From what I can tell there's a strong anti-Islam bent linked to opposition to immigration, opposition to supporting Ukraine against Russia, heavy criticism of lockdowns during covid, and a self-consciously "anti-woke" aspect. Spiked seems to like it which is always (the wrong sort of) red flag.
The very people whose policies lead to a surge in votes for the far-right delude themselves into thinking that they're a 'stabilising force.'

Manfred Weber, the German MEP and leader of the centre-right European People’s party, said his group is now the “stabilising” force in Europe, following the rise of the far right in Germany, France and Austria.

The EPP counts 13 prime ministers in its group including the Polish, Greek and Irish leaders, and is currently projected to get 181 seats in the European parliament.

Weber said “voters are not opting for this extreme right positioning. In France and Germany that is a domestic situation, but we are increasing our seats and that is helping us stabilise the centre.”

“The left has no legitimacy any more, people voted for the centre right and that is good news for Europe,” he said.

He was speaking at celebrations for the EPP at the Stanhope hotel in Brussels.
On the one hand “The left has no legitimacy any more, people voted for the centre right and that is good news for Europe...''

On the other, they want the 'non-legitimate' left to join them in some grand anti-fascist coalition.

'Dara Murphy, former vice president of the centre-right European People’s party, and former Irish European affairs minister described the exit polls in Germany, France and Austria were “dark results for Europe particularly in the second largest member state”.

But he said it now behoved the EPP, the liberals, socialists, Greens and others to stop “playing games” and properly pull together against the far right.

“I think any of us who are pro-European and pro-democracy have to be saddened by it to be honest,” he said.

“On the other hand, you still see a significant bloc in the centre. If you include the Greens, we have well over 450 MEPs who will be returned,” he added.

“There is now a huge responsibility in a way to reduce the games, because we now face a proper opposition in the far right. We have been voted to do a job and we have to do that. And I have been heartened at how clear the EPP has been to say they would not in any shape or form work with the far right.”

He was speaking at the EPP celebrations at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels.'
On the one hand “The left has no legitimacy any more, people voted for the centre right and that is good news for Europe...''

On the other, they want the 'non-legitimate' left to join them in some grand anti-fascist coalition.

'Dara Murphy, former vice president of the centre-right European People’s party, and former Irish European affairs minister described the exit polls in Germany, France and Austria were “dark results for Europe particularly in the second largest member state”.

But he said it now behoved the EPP, the liberals, socialists, Greens and others to stop “playing games” and properly pull together against the far right.

“I think any of us who are pro-European and pro-democracy have to be saddened by it to be honest,” he said.

“On the other hand, you still see a significant bloc in the centre. If you include the Greens, we have well over 450 MEPs who will be returned,” he added.

“There is now a huge responsibility in a way to reduce the games, because we now face a proper opposition in the far right. We have been voted to do a job and we have to do that. And I have been heartened at how clear the EPP has been to say they would not in any shape or form work with the far right.”

He was speaking at the EPP celebrations at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels.'
It's only an anti-fascist coalition against the AfD, Hungary and the Identity and Democracy group which includes National Rally. The ECR which includes Meloni's Brothers of Italy , Vox and Zammour's Reconquest are 'our' fascists
40 years of centre right-driven decimation of stable working class communities, so much so that large elements of their inhabitants turn to the far-right, and they think they stand against extremism. They are the extremists.

'A big night for EPP, a big victory for the people of Europe. We proved once again we are Europe's strongest political force by winning more seats & standing against extremism. This is a huge success for our lead candidate @vonderleyen_epp & our President @ManfredWeber.'
It's only an anti-fascist coalition against the AfD, Hungary and the Identity and Democracy group which includes National Rally. The ECR which includes Meloni's Brothers of Italy , Vox and Zammour's Reconquest are 'our' fascists
Much of it resting on which fascists back the continuing throwing of Ukrainian bodies into the meat grinder, in an unwinnable war to further nebulous western goals.
It's only an anti-fascist coalition against the AfD, Hungary and the Identity and Democracy group which includes National Rally. The ECR which includes Meloni's Brothers of Italy , Vox and Zammour's Reconquest are 'our' fascists
Tisdall is a tosser, but even he realises what's going on.

Portugal summary , still 4 parishes to count

Socialists narrowly ahead of AD, Chega third but % share nearly halved from the general election at 9.5 % , the low tax free market Liberal Initiative with 8.5%. Left Bloc and PCP ( they campaign under the CDU-DEV title) I seat each , Livre ( sort of Urban green socialists) still waiting to see if they get a seat.
Portugal summary , still 4 parishes to count

Socialists narrowly ahead of AD, Chega third but % share nearly halved from the general election at 9.5 % , the low tax free market Liberal Initiative with 8.5%. Left Bloc and PCP ( they campaign under the CDU-DEV title) I seat each , Livre ( sort of Urban green socialists) still waiting to see if they get a seat.
Portugal still just about clinging on to its position as the least politically insane country in Europe.
Portugal confirmed now :

Socialist Party 8 seats
AD 7 seats
Chega 2 seats
IL 2 seats
BE 1 seat
CDU/DEV 1 seat

BE ( left Bloc) target was to retain their 2 seats but managed to keep 1 , the CDU/DEV which is the PCP and Ecologists were forecast to get no seats but got one. Obviously best news was the relative collapse of the far right populist vote but its a difficult climate for the left.
At the moment the unaligned are on 95 seats. If they were a political party they would be the 3rd largest group in the European Parliament. This group contains parties like the AfD and Hungary's fidez party, who have both been kicked out of there relative groupings. I wonder what's next? A 4th right-wing grouping?

The three established right-wing groupings have all increased their number of seats.
The 'Right' came first in 21 out of the 27 EU member countries.
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Walter Baier, lead candidate for the European Left has said the rise of Sahra Wagenknecht’s support in Germany was a protest against social deprivation and the weakening public service in eastern parts of the country.

“I feel the rise of ... Sahra Wagenknecht is one of the symptoms of the disillusionment of broad layers of society, with the current politics, with the politics of social degradation with the politics of new liberal downsizing of public services particularly in the eastern parts of Germany,” he said.

I was just reading this bit before I go out. Who the hell is Alvise Perez?

"...With 99.7% of the vote counted, far-right Vox finished third with six lawmakers, up from the four it had in the previous legislature.
Still, in terms of vote share, support for Vox dipped to 9.6% from 12.4% in the July 2023 general election. The far-right party is struggling to break a vote ceiling of 14%, making it an outlier compared to its peers in other EU countries.
Alvise Perez, a far-right social media influencer running against what he describes as universal corruption, managed to obtain three seats with a campaign mostly conducted through the messaging app Telegram."
I was just reading this bit before I go out. Who the hell is Alvise Perez?

"With 99.7% of the vote counted, far-right Vox finished third with six lawmakers, up from the four it had in the previous legislature.
Still, in terms of vote share, support for Vox dipped to 9.6% from 12.4% in the July 2023 general election. The far-right party is struggling to break a vote ceiling of 14%, making it an outlier compared to its peers in other EU countries.
Alvise Perez, a far-right social media influencer running against what he describes as universal corruption, managed to obtain three seats with a campaign mostly conducted through the messaging app Telegram.
for 24 years you've been living next door to alvise
I was just reading this bit before I go out. Who the hell is Alvise Perez?

"...With 99.7% of the vote counted, far-right Vox finished third with six lawmakers, up from the four it had in the previous legislature.
Still, in terms of vote share, support for Vox dipped to 9.6% from 12.4% in the July 2023 general election. The far-right party is struggling to break a vote ceiling of 14%, making it an outlier compared to its peers in other EU countries.
Alvise Perez, a far-right social media influencer running against what he describes as universal corruption, managed to obtain three seats with a campaign mostly conducted through the messaging app Telegram."
You've uncovered a gem here. This is his 'party'.

Se Acabó la Fiesta ( SALF ) is a Spanish voters' group founded by social media personality Alvise Pérez , a former Ciudadanos and UPyD activist , as well as an international delegate of the youth wing of the Liberal Democrats in the United Kingdom.

Politically, SALF has described itself as an anti-corruption , anti-establishment and liberal political force . Several political analysts and media consider it a far-right populist group that competes with Vox . The group of voters participated in the 2024 European Parliament elections in Spain , obtaining just over 800,000 votes and three MEPs

Interview with him in El Indepedendiente ( needs google translate)

It's been an interesting day for seeing what various European friends and acquaintances have been saying on social media. This week, I've learned that apparently "mangiatevi il cazzo" is Italian for "eat your dick", "minden politikus haljon meg" is Hungarian for "all politicians must die", and "pferdtisch" appears to be German for horse-table?
And afammocc or afamok is an Italian expression of schadenfreude, that's a useful one to learn.
Depressing that the Neo-Hiterites are doing so well
I don't think there's anything Neo about the National Front's fascism. They have changed the name and put the daughter at the head because she was more presentable than her dad but you don't have to crape to hard to remove the varnish.

If you look at other founding members of the FN you get people like:
Victor Barthélémy - he was high ranking in the PPF (number 2 by the occupation era) and was involved in the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup.
André Dufraisse - he was a member of the LVF Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism - Wikipedia
Paul Malaguti - member of the gestapo From the NS archive: On the front line

So no, nothing neo, they were always dyed in the wool.

And while people seem to happily buy the "not her father" line - nice white washing piece and sympathetic portrait from the beeb there Marine Le Pen - it really doesn't take much looking aat who is standing behind her to see that if most of the old guards are no longer there it's because time took its toll rather than because she had any issues with their credo.

These bits in the beeb piece did my head in:

"The FN's opponents point out that Marine still has on her staff former members of a far-right militant group called GUD."

Gee, why would people think that's a problem BBC come on dig a bit. what is their role in the party? Do they just stuff envelopes or are they in important communications and financial roles? And that GUD group, how do they do their militating beeb, tell us more, any beating people up by any chance?

As for this, I have not words. Can the BBC really not comprehend that someone might be clever enough to understand that sometimes you have to keep the quiet part quiet and that some people are good at respectability polictics but that it doesn't make them any lest dangerous.

Many in the Muslim community do not trust her. Iman Mestaoui, a 25-year-old clothes designer of Moroccan parents, sees Marine Le Pen as merely a more presentable version of her father.
“She's definitely a racist, but she hides it better. She hides the Islamophobia. She is totally scary,” she says.
But this “just-scratch-beneath-the-surface” argument has its limits.
If people insist over and again that they do not have a particular opinion, is it fair to judge them by saying that you think they do? In France they call that a procès d'intention - putting people on trial for views you tell them that they have.
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